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Jacob Tomaka

Eng 101


Final Essay

Coming into english 101 for college wasn’t too far off from any other course I had been in. It was

a classroom that could fit around 30 students and had a teacher with a white board and

projector at the front. Since math was my main focus as that was what most applied to my major

I wasn’t too overwhelmed by anything with english. Some habits of mind that I originally wanted

to work on coming into this class were developing a routine that gives attention to all subjects of

my life along with getting a balance of sleep, work, and social time in the process. Spoiler alert

none of that ended up happening. With our intro paper being our first assignment I didn’t expect

to really gain much from the paper itself besides maybe a standing of where my writing was at

the time and how I can move forward through that, but it was to my surprise that I was in a much

better spot with my writing then I thought. Moving forward through the Memoir paper and the

profile paper I learned more to lean on what I enjoy in writing or what I’m better at. For me that

was writing in descriptive details. Throughout my writing I did my best to take the basic

moments in the writing and expand them to the reader so while they were reading my writing it

wasn’t just words on a paper, but also images in their head. As my writing progressed

throughout the semester I could see myself getting better at when to go into detail and when to

leave a moment as it is in hopes to not overwhelm the readers imagination so that they get lost

trying to find the point of the paper. The main changes that were made to take a paper from the

rough draft phase to the final draft was correcting basic punctuation and grammar errors.
Besides making the basic checks on my writing there wasn’t much else that went into the editing

phase of rough draft to final draft as I did my best to edit the rough draft to make sense as I was

writing it. I believe this can be best seen in my memoir paper as when writing the story I flowed

the descriptive details together as best as I could throughout the paper so that the reader is

living the moment with me. In most of my writing I found I took a more natural and calming tone

and because of this I chose to make the main colors for my website different shades of brown

with a white finish in the back. As for the layout of the website it’s a very basic setup with some

pictures of me to make the paper more custom to be about me as it is my website. If I were to

look at my writing as a whole and how it has changed throughout the course of my second

semester in college I would say it is a lot more accustomed to my voice so that when someone

is reading my papers it would be similar to me having a conversation with them. I’ve never been

a very good “serious” writer and I’ve learned that your writing doesn’t have to be super formal to

be good. While my writing hasn’t evolved drastically one thing that has changed is my

confidence in my writing. I’m now not focusing so close to the small details of my writing, but

rather looking at the bigger picture of what I’m trying to say about myself through my writing. I

like my writing to be transparent so that the reader can get an idea of who I am just by reading

my writing. Looking ahead to my future writing I would have to say that I would like to develop a

more organized form of writing. Being happy with my style of writing now I would like to make it

so people reading my writing not only see the pictures im trying to project, but also so that they

can form their own images based off of my depictions of something. From here on out I plan to

make a template of what I want my papers to accomplish before I write them so that I can still

use my writing in my own style, but my writing will follow a form to make it easier to follow.

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