Group Work Elad 1.ipinteractive Story Map: Read-Aloud

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Group Work ELAD

1.IPInteractive Story Map: Read-Aloud

Individual and Teamwork Time Sheet
1-Organize work. Schedule’s Activities. Daily work activities.

Individual Reading Time

Teamwork Time #1

Teamwork Time # 2
Teamwork Time #3

Presentation to the teacher through SKYPE

Dialogue and Evaluation Time about the individual and


Extra work time the teacher works with the students with
grades under 70 points.

Extra work time the teacher works with the students with
grades under 70 points.
2-Distribute responsibilities to each member of the team
Name Responsibility Did it Did

a) BookTalk

b) Story Map Chart Evidence’s Video (1 minute) of your daily work.

c) Ten Facts: create a "Ten Facts About [book title]" sheet that lists ten
facts he or she learned from reading the book. The facts, written in
complete sentences, must include details the student didn't know before
reading the book
d) Glossary and Word Search. Each student creates a glossary of
ten or more words that are specific to a book's tone, setting, or
characters. The student defines each word and writes a sentence from
the book that includes that word. Then the student creates a word search
puzzle that includes the glossary words.

What is IPInteractive Story Map? A story map is a strategy that uses a

graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or story.
By identifying story characters, plot, setting, problem and solution,
students read carefully to learn the details, but in this moment, you have
to use your computer to create an interactive story map.

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