Thakur International School PHYSICS 2020

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Paper : Physics

Grade: 10 Marks - 80
Date : 08/0 I /2020 Time - 2 hrs
Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
Th is time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed fo r writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from section A and any four questions from section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of a question are given in the brackets []

SECTION - A ( 40 Marks)
(A ll the questions from this Section are compulsory)

Question 1

V Explain the blue color of the sky on the basis of scattering of light. [2]
VHow do the following affect the angle of deviation in a prism? [2]
{Yangle of prism efcolour of light
~ What is a pure spectrum? [2]
\ifExplain why a and f3 particle emissions are offen accompanied by yrays. [2]
e) Complete the diagram by completing the path of the rays incident normally on the faces of the
right angled prism . Assume ic=42° for the material of the prism. [2]

Question 2

a) A resistor of resistance R is connected in turn across two batteries of voltages V and 2 Y

respectively . What is the ratio of the rate of heat produced in the two cases? [2]

This paper consists of 4 pri nted pages.

'b,fDefine emf (E) of a cell. Write its unit. .
~:y'Calculate the resistance between th e pomt X&Y . 'I
2,J )_,


f. ~ .
!dY\Vhat changes, if any do we expect in a musical sound when we change its
Lirfrequency Lii;it's amplitude [2]
leY'In the figure shown, trace the magnetic field lines around the conductors.

Question 3
La('~What is meant by refraction of light?
ii{What is the cause of refraction of light? [2]
~ Which molecules, ice at 0°C or water at 0°C have greater potential energy? [2]
«state energy changes taking place in [2]
✓ Microphone
~ Electric bulb
M.Y"Derive relationship between SI and CGS unit of}:Vark. [2]
~ Why do string instruments have a hollow sound box? (2]

Question 4
✓Explain: Why is violet light scatterd more than red light? [2]
b) Refractive index of water w.r.t. air is 4/3 while that of glass is 3/2. Find refractive index of
glass w.r.t. water. [2]
\9(' Why should the internal resistance of a cell be low? (2]
~What two characteristics of the primary coil make it different from the secondary coil for a
step-up transformer? [2]
eY Define resistance and state the changes taking place in a resistance if the length of conductor
is doubled. ' [2]
SECTION II (40 Marks)
(Attempt any four questions from this Section.)
~stion 5

✓~uniform seesaw is Sm long. A boy weighing 50 kgf sits 2m from the centre. Where
. ;mould another boy of 40kgf mass sit to balance it?
li?5 Another boy of 20 kgf weight joins the boy of 40 kgf weight and sits at 1m from the centre.
Where should the boy of 40 kgf sit to balance the seesaw? (3]

r',w("i kg of ice at O~C is ~eing continuously heated electric heater l kW, assuming that
all the heat lS \Jansm,tted to the tee. Calculate the tnne rntcrval tn seconds for
ef ice to completely melt into water,
~ water to get heated to 100°C, and
W water at 100°C to convert to steam .
Given, specific latent heat of ice = 336000.J/kg
specific heat of water = 4200J/kg°C
specific latent heat of steam= 22600001/kg f 31

Vi{ Drav,, and label a diagram of a step-down transformer. (41

Question 6 X
a) i) Define power of a lens. . .
ii) A child is using a spectacle with power of -2 .5 D. What is meant by the negative sign?
iii) Find the focal length of the lens used. [31
b) i) What is radioactivity?
ii) Radioactive substance is oxidized. What change would you expect to take place in the
nature of radioactivity? Give reason for your answer. [3]
c) i) Why should the core of a transformer be laminated?
ii) State the condition for the first and second focal length of a lens to be equal. [4]

Question 7

\a{' Compare the properties of alpha. beta and

gamma rays. [3]
~ What is understood by lateral displacement? State two factors on which it depends. [31
c) The circuit diagram shows three resistors 20, 40 and RO connected to a battery of emf 2V
and internal resistance of 30. A main current of 0.25 ampere flows through the circuit.


o,25A j~
, 2.V
I t 3Jl-
i) What is the pd across the 411 resistor?
ii) Calculate the pd across the internal resistance of the cell.
iii) What is the pd across the RO or the 20 resistors?
iv) Calculator value of R. [4]

Question 8

V 0::w a ne_at diagram of a pulley system having a velocity ratio 5. Jf the above pu Bey system is
7) 1/o efficient and lifts a load of 2000 N, find the effor1 required . [3]

~Derive the expression for th e ki netic en ergy of a body. . ~)
~ \,(I--lov,, is it poss ibl e for a rad ioacti ve element to decay into another e lem ent of higher atorruc
number? Give nn example.
\>(ca n a hydrogen atom crn il a- p<1 rticlcs? Ex pl ain by givin g reason. [4]

~ ion9

~ AjJ electric heater is rated 220V, 550W.

¼j What does this statement mean?
\jjf,. .Calculate the electrical energy consumed in 3 hours.
~Electric energy is also measured in kWh. What do yo u understand by a kilowatt - hour? [3 ]

't5}\i-YHow does a nuclear change different from a chemical change?

lif'Can it be concluded from ~ decay that electrons exist inside the nucleus? [3]
~ Show how the energy of a freely falling object remains conserved. [4]

~ion 10

< A pair of scissors and a pair of pliers are known to belong to the same class of lever.
ef Name the class
~ Which of the two has MA less than one?
~ What is the utility of a machine whose MA is less than one? [3]
ll1( force of 100 N acts on an object of mass 10 kg for 9 sec. If the object was initially moving
with the speed of 10 m/s, calculate the initial, final kinetic energy of the object. By what factor
does the kinetic energv increase? (3 j

\if Copy the diagram and show ;he path of rays A, 8 , C after they meet water-air surface.
\ef Name the phenomenon exhibited by the ray C. State condition necessary for the
phenomenon. [4]

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