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How to simulate 2D air flow over an airfoil

1. Open ANSYS Workbench

2. Select Fluent Flow from the list of systems on the left

3. Select the co-ordinates for your desired airfoil from this link:
4. Launch design modeler. You need to right click on ‘Geometry’
and choose ‘2D’ from properties.
5. You need to create the airfoil now. Go to menu and choose ‘Concept’ and from that
choose ‘3D Curve’. Then you should browse the file of coordinates that you just

6. Go to ‘Concepts’ and select surfaces from edges. Click anywhere on the curve and select
‘Edges’ and then apply.

7. Create the C Mesh Domain.

8. Now that the airfoil has been generated, we need to create the meshable surface we will
use once we begin to specify boundary conditions. We will begin by creating a
coordinate system at the tail of the airfoil - this will help us create the geometry for the C-
mesh domain. Click to create a new coordinate system. In the Details View window,
select Type > From Coordinates . For FD11, Point X , enter 1.
9. Click to generate the new coordinate system. In the Tree Outline Window,
select the new coordinate system you created (defaulted to Plane 4 ), then click to
create a new sketch. This will create a sketching plane on the XY plane with the tail of
the airfoil as the origin. At the bottom of the Tree Outline Window, click the Sketching
tab to bring up the sketching window.
10. The first action we will take is create the arc of the C-Mesh domain. Click
. The first click selects the center of the arc, and the next two clicks
determine the end points of the arc. We want the center of the arc to be at the tail of the
airfoil. Click on the origin of the sketch, making sure the P symbol is showing
11. For the end points of the arc, first select a point on the vertical axis above the origin (a C
symbol will show), then select a point on the vertical axis below the origin. You should
end up with the following:

12. Click to generate the new coordinate system. In the Tree Outline Window,
select the new coordinate system you created (defaulted to Plane 4 ), then click to
create a new sketch. This will create a sketching plane on the XY plane with the tail of
the airfoil as the origin. At the bottom of the Tree Outline Window, click the Sketching
tab to bring up the sketching window.
13. The first action we will take is create the arc of the C-Mesh domain. Click
. The first click selects the center of the arc, and the next two clicks
determine the end points of the arc. We want the center of the arc to be at the tail of the
airfoil. Click on the origin of the sketch, making sure the P symbol is showing
14. For the end points of the arc, first select a point on the vertical axis above the origin (a C
symbol will show), then select a point on the vertical axis below the origin. You should
end up with the following:

15. Next, we need to create a surface from this sketch. To accomplish this, go to Concept >
Surface From Sketches. Click anywehere on the sketch, and select Base Objects >
Apply in the Details View Window. Also, select Operation > Add Frozen . Once you
have the correct settings, click . The final step of creating the C-Mesh is
creating a surface between the boundary and the airfoil. To do this, go to Create >
Boolean. In the Details View window, select Operation > Subtract . Next, select Target
Bodies > Not selected , select the large C-Mesh domain surface, then click Apply . Repeat
the same process to select the airfoil as the Tool Body
16. Draw a line on the vertical axis that intersects the entire C mesh. Trim away the lines
that are beyond the C-Mesh, and you should be left with this:

17. Now that you have created a vertical line, create a new sketch and repeat the process for a
horizontal line that is collinear to horizontal axis and bisects the geometry.

18. Once you click , you'll notice that the geometry is now composed of two
surfaces split by the line we selected. Repeat this process to create 2 more projections:
one projection the line left of the origin onto the left surface, and one projecting the right
line on the right surface. When you're finished, the geometry should be split into 4 parts
19. First, we will apply a mapped face meshing control to the geometry. In the Outline
window, click on Mesh to bring up the Meshing Toolbar. In the Meshing Toolbar, select
Mesh Control > Mapped Face Meshing
20. Next, we will apply edge sizing controls to all of the edges of the mesh. To begin, go to
Mesh Control > Sizing. Next, click the edge selection filter

21. Once the edges are selected, in the Details View Window select Geometry > Apply. Next,
select Type > Number of Divisions. Change the Number of Divisions to 50. Select
Behavior > Hard. We also want the mesh to have a bias, so select the first bias type:
Bais > ----- — - -, and give the edge sizing a Bias Factor of 150
22. Finally, create a third edge sizing, and select the rounded edges as the geometry. Again,
select Type > Number of Divisions, and change Number of Divisions to 100. Select
Behavior > Hard

23. Now will assign names to some of the edges to make creating boundary conditions for
the mesh easier
24. In this step, we will open fluent and define the boundary conditions of the problem. If
you haven't already, close the meshing window to return to the Project Outline window.

Now, click . This will load the mesh into FLUENT. Now, double click
Setup. The Fluent Launcher Window should open. Check the box marked Double
Precision. To make the solver run a little quicker, under Processing Options we will
select Parallel and change the Number of Processes to 2.

25. Next, we will define the model we are going to use. We do this by going Problem Setup
> Models > Viscous-Laminar. Then press Edit... This will open the Viscous Model Menu
Window. Select Inviscid and press OK. Now, we will specify characteristics of the fluid.
Because we specified the fluid as inviscid, we will only have to define the density of the

26. Now that the fluid has been described, we are ready to set the boundary conditions of the
simulation. Bring up the boundary conditions menu by selecting Problem Setup >
Boundary Conditions. In the Boundary Conditions window, look under Zones. First, let's
set the boundary conditions for the inlet. Select Inlet to see the details of the boundary
condition. The boundary condition type should have defaulted to velocity-inlet: If it
didn't, select it. Now, click Edit to bring up the Velocity-Inlet Window. We need to
specify the magnitude and direction of the velocity.

27. The final thing to do before we move on to solution is to acknowledge the reference
values. Go to Problem Setup > Reference Values. In the Reference Values Window,
select Compute From > Inlet
28. First, go to Solution > Solution Methods. Everything in this section should have
defaulted to what we want, but let's make sure that under Flow the selection is Second
Order Upwind. If this is the selection, we may move on.
29. Once the solution has been initialized, we are ready to solve the simulation. Go to
Solution > Run Calculation. Change Number of Iterations to 3000, then double click
30. First, we will look at the velocity vectors of the solution to see if they make intuitive
sense. To plot the velocity vectors, go to Results > Graphics and Animations. In the
Graphics and Animations Window, select Vectors and click Set Up.... This will bring up
the Vectors Menu.
31. To view the pressure contours over the entire mesh, go to Results > Graphics and
Animations again, and in the Graphics and Animations Window, select Contours.
Click Set Up... to bring up the Contours Menu. Check the box next to Filled. Under
Contours Of, ensure that the two boxes that are selected are Pressure... and Static

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