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Definiciones de tensión y tensión superficial en internet

(versión agosto 2019)


A) Tensión (mecánica). En el ámbito de la física, se denomina tensión a la fuerza que es ejercida

mediante la acción de un cable, cuerda, cadena u otro objeto sólido similar. Es el resultado de la
atracción electrostática entre las partículas de un sólido cuando es deformado de manera que las
partículas se separan unas de otras apartándose de su posición de equilibrio, en la cual esta fuerza
se encuentra balanceada por la repulsión a causa de las capas de electrones;
13/8/2019 como
Types tal,- Weight,
of Forces es laNormal,
Tension, Friction, and
que ejerce un sólido al intentar recuperar su forma original más comprimida. La tensión es lo opuesto
de la compresión (
B) Estado de un cuerpo sometido a la acción de fuerzas opuestas que lo atraen


I) 1530s, "a stretched condition," from Middle French tension (16c.) or directly from Latin tensionem
(nominative tensio) "a stretching" (in Medieval Latin "a struggle, contest"), noun of state from tensus,
past participle of tendere "to stretch," from PIE root *ten- "to stretch."
II) (i) Condition of being held in a state between two or more forces, which are acting in opposition to
each other. (ii) (physics, engineering) State of an elastic object which is stretched in a way which
increases its length (
III) (i) Tension (T) can be a "support" that acts in opposition to weight (w). (ii) Tension can also exist in
opposition to an applied force. This can be visualized in a tug of war battle. However, it is not the
Tension can also exist in opposition to an applied force. This can be visualized
opposing team that supplies the force of tension. There is a tension in the rope in opposition to each
However, it is not the opposing team that supplies the force of tension. There
team's pull (P) (
13/8/2019 Types of Forces - Weight, Normal, Tension, Friction, and Applied Forces
opposition to each team's pull. In the diagram below, the two applied forces, o
with a P. The corresponding tension in the rope from each pull is represented
each pair, the magnitude of P and T are equal and opposite. If this is not true,
reason why the rope may slide through one team's hands, or the team will be
to the two di erent pulls not being equal (they are however still opposite). Thu
by supplying a large pull (P) than the other team, not because of the tension in

(i) (ii)
Tension can also exist in opposition to an applied force. This can be visualized in a tug of war battle.
Tensión superficial FRICTION
However, it is not the opposing team that supplies the force of tension. There is a tension in the rope in
Friction exists when one surface is moving across the surface of another objec
opposition to each team's pull. In the diagram below, the two applied forces, or "pulls" are represented
a) la cantidad de energía necesaria para aumentarforce is opposite the direction of motion of the object. While sometimes the m
la superficie de un líquido por unidad de área
with a P. The corresponding tension in the rope from each pull is represented with a T. Note that for
determined from the other forces acting on an object, it can also be determin
b) la fuerza que se requiere (en dinas) para romper una película de 1 cm. de longitud
each pair, the magnitude of P and T are equal and opposite. If this is not true, the rope will break. The
( formula Ffriction = μ×Fnormal where μ represents a constant called the coe cie
reason why the rope may slide through one team's hands, or the team will be pulled in some way is due
c) la fuerza to the two di
que hace laerent pulls not being equal (they are however still opposite). Thus a team wins tug of war
superficie (la "goma de un globo " o membrana elástica
coe cient of friction value is di tirante) dividida por
erent for surfaces of di la
erent materials. Surf
longitud del borde de esa superficie (OJO: no es more likely to induce friction have larger values for μ.
fuerza dividida por el área de la superficie, sino
by supplying a large pull (P) than the other team, not because of the tension in the rope.
dividida por la longitud del perímetro de esa superficie).
An applied force is generally considered to be any push or pull that a person a
order to change its motion. The pull of a sled or push of a box across a oor a
d) al fenómeno por el cual la superficie de un líquido tiende a comportarse como si fuera una delgada
película elástica
e) propiedad de un líquido que hace que se comporte como si su superficie estuviera encerrada en
una lámina elástica (
f) Acción de las fuerzas moleculares en virtud de la cual la capa exterior de los líquidos tiende a
contener el volumen de estos dentro de la mínima superficie
g) la fuerza elástica transversal por unidad de longitud de la capa superficial del líquido
h) el trabajo que se debe realizar para traer suficientes moléculas desde el interior del fluido hacia la
superficie, para formar una nueva unidad de área en dicha superficie
i) la fuerza que actúa tangencialmente por unidad de longitud en el borde de una superficie libre de un
líquido en equilibrio y que tiende a contraer dicha superficie
j) la fuerza neta en la superficie hacia el interior del líquido

Surface tension

1) is a contractive tendency of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force
2) is measured as the energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a unit of area
3) is the energy, or work, required to increase the surface area of a liquid due to intermolecular forces
4) the natural force existing in a liquid that holds its surface together
5) the force that causes the molecules on the surface of a liquid to be pushed together and form a
layer. the attractive force exerted upon the surface molecules of a liquid by the molecules beneath that
tends to draw the surface molecules into the bulk of the liquid and makes the liquid assume the shape
having the least surface area (

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