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Concrete carbonation in Ibero-American Countries DURACON Project: Six-

year Evaluation

Article  in  Corrosion -Houston Tx- · September 2014

DOI: 10.5006/1385


3 217

15 authors, including:

C. Gaona-Tiburcio Oladis De Rincon

Autonomous University of Nuevo León University of Zulia


J.C. Juan Carlos Montenegro A.M. Carvajal

Universidad Mayor de San Andres Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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Concrete Carbonation in Ibero-American Countries

DURACON Project: Six-Year Evaluation

O. Troconis de Rincón,‡ ,*,V J.C. Montenegro,B R. Vera,CH A.M. Carvajal,CH R. Mejía de Gutierrez,CO S. Del Vasto,CO E.
Saborio,CR A. Torres-Acosta,M J. Pérez-Quiroz,M M. Martínez-Madrid,M W. Martinez-Molina,M E. Alonso-Guzmán,M P. Castro-
Borges,M E.I. Moreno,M F. Almeraya-Calderón,M C. Gaona-Tiburcio,M T. Pérez-López,M M. Salta,P A.P. de Melo,P I. Martínez,S
N. Rebolledo,S G. Rodríguez,U M. Pedrón,U V. Millano,V M. Sánchez,V E. de PartidasV

ABSTRACT size). After six years of exposure, corrosion potentiality and

probability analysis of the reinforcement at the different sites
Concrete carbonation data from 16 test sites in 9 countries indicated the concrete prepared in Venezuela to have the high-
(Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, est probability of experiencing carbonation-induced reinforce-
Portugal, and Venezuela) were compared to identify concrete ment corrosion. The concrete prepared at the Cali, Colombia,
performance due to carbonation at natural exposure condi- site had the lowest probability. Carbonation aggressiveness
tions after almost six years of exposure. This research is was found to be highest at tropical sites, with the Venezuela
part of the DURACON project (“Effect of the environment on sites exhibiting the most aggressive conditions among the par-
reinforcement durability”), a long-term Ibero-American project ticipating countries.
intended to correlate the influence of urban and marine mete-
KEY WORDS: carbonation, corrosion, reinforced concrete,
orochemical parameters on the performance of reinforced con-
tropical environment
crete structures. Environmental parameters were measured
following the ISO 9223 standard. Concrete was physically
characterized by the results of compressive strength, elastic INTRODUCTION
modulus, total and effective porosity, and water absorption
resistance (Fagerlund method) laboratory tests. Concrete Several cases of carbonation-induced corrosion in re-
specimens (with and without steel reinforcement bars—rebars) inforced concrete structures have been reported1-4 for
were prepared for electrochemical and physical/mechani- rural and urban environments. Carbonation is a pro-
cal/chemical tests using materials available in each country. cess, in which atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) re-
Concrete composition was kept similar between specimens by acts with alkaline substances present in concrete pore
following strict preparation protocols. Two water/cement (w/c)
solution, and with different hydrated cement paste
ratios were used: 0.45 w/c ratio concrete had a minimum
phases (silicates, aluminates, and ferroaluminates);
cement content of 400 kg/m3; and 0.65 w/c ratio concrete
had a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 210 kg/cm2.
it results in material neutralization reactions.5 Car-
Materials were type I Portland cement, siliceous sand, and bonation in the concrete surrounding rebar, causes a
crushed rock as coarse aggregates (13-mm maximum nominal drop in aqueous solution pH, leading to uniform rebar
corrosion and production of corrosion products at the
rebar surface. These can crack and spall the concrete
Submitted for publication: June 17, 2014. Revised and accepted:
August 11, 2014. Preprint available online: September 3, 2014, cover because of expansive actions of such corrosion products. A sudden drop in pH inside concrete con-

Corresponding author. E-mail:
* Centro de Estudios de Corrosión, Universidad del Zulia, Mara-
stitutes what is called a carbonation front. Phenol-
caibo, Venezuela. phthalein, a pH-indicator, effectively identifies a front
Bolivia; CH Chile; CO Colombia; CR Costa Rica; M Mexico; P Portugal; by reacting with concrete pore water to cause color

Spain; U Uruguay; V Venezuela.
NOTE: Complete names, e-mail contact information, and affilia- changes: from colorless (pH ≈ 9 or less) to purple
tions for all authors are provided in Appendix A. (pH > 9).
ISSN 0010-9312 (print), 1938-159X (online)
546 15/000089/$5.00+$0.50/0  © 2015, NACE International CORROSION—APRIL 2015

How carbonation fronts advance is vitally impor- ation.22 Combined with reduced pH, this effect may
tant for forecasting reinforced concrete service life. cause more severe corrosion problems than each
Based on Tuutti’s diagram, in structures unaffected effect separately.
by the presence of chloride ions, the time required Extreme cases of carbonation causing concrete
for the carbonation front to reach the rebar surface structure failure have been reported in the Ibero-
is considered to be equivalent to the initiation period. American region, some involving loss of human life
This rate is primarily a function of: a) concrete mois- due to structural collapse, corroborating that this
ture content; b) concrete porosity (water/cement ra- problem is particularly severe in tropical areas.3
tio); and c) amount of carbonatable material.5 Broader study of this phenomenon in Ibero-America
Concrete carbonation mechanism follows a dif- has been promoted by CYTED (translated as the Sci-
fusional phenomenon (e.g., chloride penetration), and ence and Technology Development Program) through
therefore, can be modeled using the square root of the the DURACON project (“Influence of the environment
time expression:5-6 in the durability of reinforced concrete structures”).
CYTED, one of the most successful programs of sci-
 XCO2 = KCO2 t1/2 (1) entific and technological cooperation in the world,
was founded in 1984 through an interagency frame-
where XCO2 = carbonation depth (in millimeters, mm) work agreement between 21 countries of Spanish
reached at time t = exposure time (years), and KCO2 = and Portuguese speaking languages on either side
carbonation coefficient (mm/years1/2). of the Atlantic. This was created in order to com-
Actual carbonation behavior does not always memorate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of
fit this general trend because it is not a purely dif- America by Christopher Columbus. CYTED has been
fusional process (as it is with chloride penetration in a tool that has facilitated technological development
concrete).7 Diffusion through cement paste is prob- and innovation by coordinating existing resources
ably better understood using a Knudsen diffusional and cooperation between universities, research cen-
model,8 implying the introduction of at least two con- ters, and innovative business Development from the
crete porosity levels. Ibero-American region. It has been a means to pro-
In the literature, there are many models (Tuutti,9 mote the production modernization and improving
Ho and Lewis,10 Parrot,11 Comite Euro-International the quality of life of this region. It also acts as a co-
Du Beton (CEB),12 DURACRETE,13 Jiang,14 Papada- operation bridge between Latin America and Europe.
kis,15 Shiessl,16 Instrucción Española del Hormigón The objectives of this program include promoting
(EHE),17 among others), to predict concrete carbon- cooperation in the field of applied research and tech-
ation depth; some are more straightforward than nological development, for producing scientific and
others, but most are based on the dependence of technological results, which are transferable to pro-
Equation (1). ductive systems and social policies in Latin American
Concrete carbonation by itself, without the si- countries. Approved in 2000, the DURACON project
multaneous presence of water, cannot promote active itself involves 10 countries: Argentina (not included
corrosion of reinforcing steel.18 If the external relative in this work), Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica,
humidity (RH) is ≤50%, steel corrosion rates in car- Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
bonated concrete, in the absence of internal water, Data were collected from a total of 46 natural ex-
are minimal (on the order of 0.02 µA/cm2). High cor- posure sites, 21 of which are located in urban and
rosion rates in carbonated concrete (e.g., 0.5 µA/cm2) rural environments, and the others in marine envi-
require relative humidity >50%.19 Concrete ohmic ronments. The present study objective was to analyze
resistance (i.e., sensitivity to RH) is independent of data collected during almost six years of natural
mortar type and additive content and is reported to be exposure of concrete specimens at urban sites in the
a controlling factor for corrosion rate in the presence 9 of the 10 participating countries and compare car-
of concrete carbonation.20 This is further supported by bonation front behavior at the different natural expo-
a previous study in which low corrosion rates (icorr ≈ sure sites evaluated.
0.03 µA/cm2) were found in concrete kept at 55% RH,
severe rates (icorr ≈ 1 µA/cm2) at 75% RH, and very EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
severe rates at 95% RH (icorr ≈ 3 µA/cm2).21
The earliest research performed with partially Concrete Mix Preparation and Characterization
carbonated concrete, which was also chloride-con- Concrete mixes with 0.45 and 0.65 w/c ratios
taminated, revealed that chloride ion concentration is were prepared for each testing site, and the mixes
not homogeneous in the cement paste, and it depends were characterized physically and mechanically:
on the carbonation front progress. This probably oc- Compressive Strength (where compressive strength is
curs because of the reactions of free bound chlorides.9 denoted as fck, ASTM Standard C 39);23 Indirect Ten-
Later studies found that chloride concentration in the sile Strength (ASTM Standard C 496);24 Elastic Mod-
pore solution of the concrete increased after carbon- ulus (ASTM Standard C 469);25 Electrical Resistivity;5

CORROSION—Vol. 71, No. 4 547


Total Absorption and Porosity (ASTM Standard C previously.31-32 The freshly cut face of each prism was
642);26 Water Capillary Absorption (Fagerlund Tech- then protected with epoxy paint. The carbonation
nique: m/resistance to water penetration, k/capil- front was measured on the surface of the fresh sec-
lary absorption coefficient, ε/effective porosity);27 tion (15 by 15 cm) using a wet pH indicator (phenol-
and Rapid Chloride Permeability (ASTM Standard C phthalein).5
1202).28 All tests were performed after 28 days cur-
ing. Compressive strength was also evaluated after RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
90 days curing, using 15 by 30 cm cylinders cast at
the same time the prisms were fabricated. Concrete’s Physical-Mechanical
Six prisms (15 by 15 by 30 cm) of each concrete Characterization in Each Country
mixture were placed at each exposure site (i.e., 12 An effort was made to use the same Portland
prisms per site). Of each six-prism set, three were cement and aggregate type in each country. None-
plain (nonreinforced) concrete and three were rein- theless, final concrete properties varied between
forced with six steel rebars (9.5 mm diameter) each. countries (see Tables 1 and 2). This may have af-
Six steel rebars were cast in each prism and placed fected concrete quality from both the mechanical and
to produce three concrete cover depths: 15, 20, and durability standpoints.33
30 mm (two rebar per cover depth). Prisms were ori- Concrete mixtures from Venezuela (Table 2),
ented with one 15 by 30 cm surface facing the pre- are among those showing the highest risk of rebar
vailing winds at each site (windward), and the other corrosion, because of their low quality (capillary ab-
facing in the opposite direction (leeward). Nonrein- sorption of 0.025 kg/m2 s1/2 and effective porosity
forced prisms were used for physicochemical tests, 15.4%), as well as those from Uruguay, Costa Rica,
such as carbonation front and electrical resistivity and Chile. On the contrary, concrete mixtures from
underwater-saturated conditions. Reinforced prisms Portugal show the best quality, and even though
were used for electrochemical tests such as half-cell they do not have the highest compression strength,
potentials, corrosion rate, and concrete electrical re- they do show the lowest capillary absorption. The
sistivity. data demonstrates that the quality of concrete for a
specific environment should not be assessed only on
Environmental Parameter Tests the basis of its compressive strength, but also other
Climate and environmental parameters were variables that should be considered such as capil-
recorded at each exposure site during the experi- lary absorption and effective porosity, which were the
mental period based on the ISO 9223 Standard29 for more important ones, based on the present results.
classifying atmospheric aggressiveness. The primary
parameters used to classify the environment at the Environmental Exposure
exposure sites were RH, time of wetness (TOW or t), Meteorochemical data from the first year of ex-
carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, wind speed and posure (longer in some cases) at the 16 tested sites
direction, rainfall, and temperature variations. was averaged (Table 3). A preliminary estimation of
reinforcement corrosion potentiality and probability
Corrosion Parameter Tests was done based on concrete properties and environ-
Corrosion potentials (Ecorr), icorr, and concrete ment aggressiveness data (Tables 1 through 3). The
electrical resistivity (ρ) were measured monthly, us- results were presented elsewhere.33 The data shown
ing the rebar in the reinforced prisms. Corrosion rate here are the most relevant for the present discussion
was measured by the linear polarization resistance and indicate the analysis was adequate for the study
technique.30 Electrochemical measurements were aims. The probability of corrosion by carbonation
taken on top of both prism faces (windward and lee- was analyzed using only the data for 0.65 w/c ratio
ward). The prism cast face, which has higher pore concrete (Table 2) because the lower w/c ratio (w/c =
content, was placed downwards to prevent prefer- 0.45), with lower porosity (Table 1) has a much lower
ential ingress of aggressive agents from the environ- potentiality and probability of carbonation.
ment. Based on atmospheric CO2 content (determined
at 11 sites, Table 3), the most aggressive environ-
Chemical Tests on Non-Reinforced Prisms ment would be that of Chihuahua, Mexico, followed
Chemical alteration of the concrete due to en- closely by those of Santiago, Chile, and La Paz, Bo-
vironmental exposure was measured from the non- livia. It should also be considered, however, that CO2
reinforced prisms on a yearly basis. Measurements ingress into concrete requires a RH < 80%. All the
were taken earlier if rebar activation was detected sites had an average RH < 80%, the lowest, and most
on at least two of the reinforced prisms in the same propitious for carbonation, being that at Santiago
group. A 5-cm thick section was cut from each non- (RH ≈ 60%). When concrete cement content and ef-
reinforced prism with a specially designed and built fective porosity (Table 2) were evaluated together
device (known as a guillotine) at the times stated with CO2 content and RH (Table 3), Santiago again



Concrete Properties for w/c = 0.45 Mixtures
fck (MPa)/ Cement Content
Country 28 days m (s/m2) k (kg/m2 s½) ε (%) (kg/m3)
Bolivia 26.63 3.21×107 0.0054 3.05 400
Chile 43.6 2.50×107 0.0027 1.4 387
Colombia 52.3/62.0 15.26/10.70×107 0.0060/0.0066 7.4/6.8 400
Costa Rica 39.1 3.25×107 0.021 11.97 400
Mexico 51.5 3.48×107 0.0147 8.7 411
Portugal 63.9 — 0.0020 — 400
Spain 43.2 10.5×107 0.0054 5.5 400
Uruguay 44.3 3.3×107 0.0196 11.2 400
Venezuela 33.8 8.68×107 0.0082 7.6 414

Concrete Properties for w/c = 0.65 Mixtures
fck (MPa)/ Cement Content
Country 28 days m (s/m2) k (kg/m2 s½) ε (%) (kg/m3)
Bolivia 16.81 2.12×107 0.0202 9.3 320
Chile 19.8 2.25× 07 0.0341 16.1 323
Colombia 28.0/36.1 7.28/4.50×107 0.0122/0.0085 10.4/5.7 306/335
Costa Rica 20.1 3.73×107 0.026 15.88 350
Mexico 40.0 3.60×107 0.0199 11.9 285
Portugal 35.4 — 0.0069 — 260
Spain 27.0 6.1×107 0.0091 7.1 300
Uruguay 28.4 3.2×107 0.0267 15.0 323
Venezuela 26.8 3.71×107 0.0250 15.2 355

Meteorochemical Parameters and Carbonation Depth at One Year Exposure
Environment (Yearly Average) Depth
Country RH TOW Temp CO2 Rain WF LF
(Site) (%) (f(T)) (°C) (mg/L) (mm/year) (mm) (mm)
Bolivia–La Paz(A) 49.46 0.20 12.08 1.09 505.30 12.49 11.39
Chile–Santiago 61.20 0.11 16.80 1.40 992.00 11.5 10.5
Colombia–Cali 69.30 0.10 25.20 0.60 1,222.00 2.50 0.70
Costa Rica–San José 74.50 0.66 21.40 0.71 1,796.00 4.00 4.00
  Merida 72.80 0.44 25.10 0.90 896.00 4.60 3.40
  Chihuahua 32.90 0.05 19.90 1.48 272.00 3.86 1.53
  Oaxaca 66.20 ND 21.75 ND 2.02 1.80 2.17
  Morelia 71.47 0.43 17.87 ND 1,203.81 5.33 5.33
  Mexico City(B) 56.31 0.21 16.80 ND 1,107.22 5.44 4.96
  Queretaro 63.81 0.34 15.27 ND 836.79 6.88 6.11
  Toluca(B) 76.87 0.56 6.43 ND 1,605.84 5.80 5.47
  Mexicali(B) 39.07 0.08 24.12 ND 49.18 9.74 9.99
Portugal–Lisbon 74.50 0.43 16.10 0.71 936.00 3.32 3.53
Spain–Madrid 62.80 0.20 14.60 0.91 362.00 1.17 1.17
Uruguay–Prado 72.70 ND 16.30 0.80 1,771.70 2.67 1.67
  Maracaibo 72.50 0.28 28.60 0.78 347.00 6.43 6.23
  Tarabana(C) 81.40 0.59 24.10 0.91 796.00 6.78 7.44
After 21 months exposure
After 20 months exposure
After 18 months exposure
ND: Not determined
WF: Windward face (face toward the prevailing winds)
LF: Leeward face (opposite face to WF)

CORROSION—Vol. 71, No. 4 549


appears to have the most potentially aggressive com- temperature is highlighted by the lower carbonation
bination of environmental factors (1.4 mg/L CO2; depth at the Tarabana, Venezuela, exposure site. RH
61.2% RH), and concrete properties (16.1% effective at this exposure site is higher than at Maracaibo,
porosity; 0.0341 kg/ m2s½ water absorption). How- Venezuela, but temperatures are lower, which is
ever, once concrete is carbonated, RH must be >80% probably why carbonation depth is also less. Aver-
to promote active rebar corrosion. age annual rainfall is higher at Tarabana than at
Given these requirements, the TOW fraction f(τ) Maracaibo, and further analyses are needed to de-
(i.e., the percentage of time which an exposed plate termine if this parameter has a substantial effect on
would remain wet during one year at >0ºC and >80% carbonation depth. At exposure sites with an aver-
RH) may be a more adequate measure of carbon- age temperature below 25°C, RH had a greater effect
ation-induced corrosion. This parameter is very low on concrete carbonation (Figure 3), a trend reported
(11%) in Santiago, Chile, indicating that even though for exposure sites in Mexico (12 sites) and Spain;37
concrete is most easily carbonated in this environ- where it is observed that there is a decrease in car-
ment, it does not have a high enough moisture con- bonation depth with the increase in relative humid-
tent to induce initial rebar corrosion. In contrast, ity. This figure also shows the effect of a very good
Tarabana, Venezuela, had one of the highest TOW quality concrete (w/c = 0.45), which produced a 2.5
fractions, followed by Merida, Mexico, and Lisbon, times decrease in carbonation depth compared to the
Portugal. If concrete is too wet, it becomes difficult concrete with w/c = 0,65. Another interesting trend
for CO2 to further diffuse into its pore network. In a is observed from Figure 3 data, and it is related to
more integrated analysis including concrete proper- the fact that the correlation slopes between both w/c
ties (effective porosity; Table 2) as well as environ- ratios are parallel.
mental parameters (T, rain, RH and TOW, Table 3), Three unexpected exceptions to the above trends
the most potentially aggressive combination of con- were observed:
crete properties and environmental parameters for ——At the Mexicali, Mexico, exposure site (semi-
higher corrosion rates on carbonated concrete would arid environment; 49 mm/year rainfall) car-
be that at Maracaibo, Venezuela. bonation depth was very high during the first
year of exposure, but decreased notably there-
Carbonation Depth after. This exposure site is located near the
Carbonation depth varied between the exposure largest thermal power plant in the city, which
sites in tropical and nontropical countries (Figures uses fossil fuels to produce electricity for the
1 and 2). Ten of the exposure sites are in the trop- city of Mexicali, and even reaches the city of
ics (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, southeast Mexico, Tijuana and the famous port of Rosarito. The
and Venezuela) and the remaining six are nontropi- contamination produced at this power plant
cal (Chile, northern Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and increased CO2 and sulfur dioxide (SO2) con-
Uruguay). Carbonation depth was generally greater centrations at Mexicali station, and thus, the
at the tropical exposure sites, especially during the carbonation depths measured increased dur-
first year of exposure. This was probably because ing this six-year period of exposure.
temperatures were higher overall at these sites than ——Cali, Colombia, exposure site has a tropi-
at the nontropical sites. Maracaibo, Venezuela, had cal atmosphere, but a very low carbonation
the highest average temperature and the greatest depth, probably because it has high rainfall
carbonation depth (Table 3). precipitations during the entire year.
High temperatures may reduce the moisture in- ——Mexico City was expected to have the high-
side concrete and favor CO2 ingress. If this were the est carbonation depth of the exposure sites
only phenomenon to affect carbonation, the Merida, in Mexico, because it has the world’s third
Mexico, exposure site would have shown the high- largest population and commensurately high
est carbonation depth values from all the sites in levels of industrialization and pollution. How-
Mexico, but it did not present the highest carbon- ever, carbonation depth at this exposure site
ation depth (Figure 1). Apparently, average annual was less than those recorded in other cities
temperature needs to be higher than 25°C to attain with similar environments. One possible ex-
carbonation depths comparable to those observed at planation is that the exposure site is located
the Maracaibo site. This is supported by a reported at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
decrease in the electrolyte layer on a metallic surface Mexico (UNAM), in a very humid area within a
at RH >80% when temperatures exceed 25°C.34-36 Un- forest near some mountains, isolating the site
der these conditions, TOW is lower than that estab- from the metropolitan area, which also pre-
lished in the ISO 9223 standard. vents dispersion of aerial pollution.
This means that even at high RH values, if tem- It is important to indicate that these experimen-
peratures are higher than 25°C, concrete may remain tal results, from natural exposure, showed that the
dry enough to allow easy CO2 ingress. The effect of environmental conditions in a specific microclimate,





Carbonation Depth (mm)


0 1 2 3
Square Root of Time (year 0.5)

Costa Rica-San José MX-Mérida MX-Oaxaca MX-Morelia

MX-Cdad Mexico MX-Queretaro MX-Toluca VZLA-Mcbo
VZLA-Tarabana BV-La Paz

FIGURE 1. Tropical exposure sites, carbonation depth at different exposure times, w/c = 0.65, windward face.


Carbonation Depth (mm)



0 1 2 3
Square Root of Time (year ) 0.5

España MX-Chihuahua MX-Mexicali Portugal-LM1

Portugal-LM2 Uruguay Chile

FIGURE 2. Nontropical exposure sites, carbonation depth at different exposure times, w/c = 0.65, windward face.

are more important than the concrete quality, and tributed to the similarity in carbonation rate trends
not just in urban environment,s but also in marine in the tropical exposure sites. For instance, the Ma-
environments.38 As an example, note that in Table racaibo, Venezuela, exposure site generally experi-
2, Uruguay and Chile (nontropical countries) have ences only two distinguishable seasons: rainy and
similar concrete quality as Venezuela and Costa Rica dry. The carbonation rate slope for this exposure site
(tropical countries). But in Costa Rica, the carbon- had the highest values and a quite interesting trend
ation depth is very low compared with the concrete (Figure 1): a steady increase over two years followed
exposed to Venezuela, Uruguay, and Chile, but it is by a gradual leveling out. After analyzing several
similar to the values obtained from Spain where the models,9-16 it was found39 that the Maracaibo slope
concrete has a much better quality. follows a model (Equation [6]) similar to the one de-
Carbonation rates (curve slopes from Figures 1 scribed by the CEB (Equation [7]):12
and 2) followed the same general trend among the
tropical exposure sites during the first two years of   log e = 0.842 log t + log 8.7526 (R2= 0,972)  (6)
the project (Figure 1), but differed notably among the
nontropical exposure sites (Figure 2). Prevailing en-
vironmental conditions in the tropics may have con-  
e = K CO2 ⋅ ( tt ) ⋅


CORROSION—Vol. 71, No. 4 551


concrete carbonation analysis. Complete agreement

was not expected because the prediction was based
on environmental aggressiveness data from only one
year, and this data tends to vary from year to year.
After six years of exposure in this project, however,
the trends maintained unchanged.

v  The present results cannot be extrapolated to
other sites because no model has yet been generated
to do this. They are representative of different cli-
mates, but generalizations on carbonation behavior
will have to wait until more data is available for lon-
ger exposure periods.
v  After six years of exposure, clear performance dif-
ferences of concrete mixtures were apparent between
the 16 tested urban exposure sites, and their specific
microclimates. This was the case even though nomi-
FIGURE 3. Relationship between average carbonation depth and nal concrete formulation was supposedly the same at
average relative humidity (%) for the two types of concretes (w/c all sites.
ratios of 0.45 and 0.65) at Mexico’s and Madrid’s exposure sites v  Overall, rebar corrosion aggressiveness was high-
after six years of testing. est in the tested tropical environments, with Venezu-
ela having one of the most aggressive environments
Or log e = (log KCO2 + n log to) + (0.5 – n) log t, where for steel reinforcement bar corrosion by carbonation.
e = carbonation depth and to = cure time.
With n (age factor) different than 0.4 (exposure ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
type: exterior nonprotected). In this particular case,
n = –0.35 for the windward face and –0.23 for the The data reported here are part of a project partially
leeward face. financed by the authors’ respective National Councils
Not all of the tropical exposure sites closely fol- for Science and Technology. The CYTED Program pro-
lowed the Maracaibo slope trend (Figure 1). Mexico’s moted and financed idea and knowledge exchange. The
exposure sites of Morelia, Querétaro, and Oaxaca are authors’ institutions partially supported the research
located in high altitude, semi-arid mountain zones, and provided facilities for analysis: Argentina (UN-
with greater exposure to solar radiation. Thus, these CPBA); Bolivia (IIMETMAT-UMSA); Chile (PUCV, PUC);
exposure sites must be treated with important ad- Colombia (Univalle); Costa Rica (ICE); México (IMT,
ditional environmental factors affecting carbonation UADY, UANL, UMSNH, CINVESTAV-Mérida, UACam,
rate. In summary, no models have been developed to ITO); Spain (IETCC); Uruguay (Univ. de la Rep.); Portu-
predict carbonation under vastly different exposure gal (LNEC); and Venezuela (CEC-LUZ, UCLA).
environments, because there are far too many envi- REFERENCES
ronmental factors and combinations of these factors
to consider at this moment. 1. S.K. Roy, P. Kong Beng, D.O. Northwood, Mag. Concr. Res. 48,
177 (1996): p. 293-300.
2. E.I. Moreno, R.G. Solis, E. Cob, “Reinforcing Steel Corrosion in
Electrochemical Evaluation Houses Due to Concrete Carbonation in Urban Tropical Environ-
Electrochemical evaluation after six years of ments,” CORROSION/2003, paper no. 03280 (Houston, TX:
exposure showed that rebars with 15 mm of con- NACE International, 2003).
3. O. Trocónis de Rincón, et al., “La Carbonatación en el Trópico
crete cover have active corrosion at the Maracaibo Caso Típico: Estadio Pachencho Romero,” Memorias Simposio
exposure site (Figure 4), but are still passive at the Fib “El Hormigón Estructural y el Transcurso del Tiempo” held
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——Facundo Almeraya-Calderon (facundo.almer- Uruguay, Universidad Autónoma de ——Gerardo Rodriguez (, In-
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——Citlalli Gaona-Tiburcio (citlalli.gaonat@uanl. Julio Ricaldoni Facultad de Ingeniería, Univer-, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo sidad de la República (UdelaR).
León (UANL). ——Miguel Pedrón ( Instituto
——Tezozomoc Perez-Lopez (, de Estructuras y Transporte, Profesor Julio
Centro de Investigación en Corrosión, Universi- Ricaldoni, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad
dad Autónoma de Campeche (UAC). de la República (UdelaR).
Portugal Venezuela
——Manuela Salta (, Grupo de ——Valentina Millano (, Cen-
Durabilidade de Materiais Inorgânicos, Depar- tro de Estudios de Corrosión, Universidaddel
tamento de Materiais, Laboratorio Nacional de Zulia (LUZ).
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——Ana Paula de Melo (, Grupo de de Estudios de Corrosión, Universidaddel Zulia
Durabilidade de Materiais Inorgânicos, Depar- (LUZ).
tamento de Materiais, Laboratorio Nacional de ——Emilia Anzola de Partidas (emilianzola@yahoo.
Engenharia Civil (LNEC). com). Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro
Spain Alvarado (UCLA).
——Isabel Martínez (, N. ——Oladis Troconis de Rincón (oladis1@yahoo.
Rebolledo: NuriaRebolledo (nuriare@ietcc.csic. com), International Coordinator DURACON,
es), Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Centro de Estudios de Corrosión, Universidad
Eduardo Torroja (IETCC). del Zulia.

CORROSION—Vol. 71, No. 4 555

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