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Lección 1.

20 Comidas que me Gustan


• Ejercicio Nº 1
Relaciona cada pregunta con su respuesta.

a. What do you want to eat? I don´t know, let´s go to a restaurant.

b. What kind of food do you like? I like sea food and Chinese food.
c. Do you want sea food or typical food? I prefer sea food because fish is easy to chew and swallow.
d. What do you prefer, vegetables or meat? I don´t like vegetables, but I really love meat.


a. I prefer sea food because fish is easy to chew and swallow.

b. I don´t like vegetables, but I really love meat.

c. I don´t know, let´s go to a restaurant.

d. I like sea food and Chinese food.

Ejercicio Nº 2
Responde las preguntas anteriores con información personal.

a. I want to eat chicken and rice.

b. I like pasta with cheese.
c. I prefer typical food, because is delicious
d. I like vegetables, but I really love meat

Ejercicio Nº 3
Escribe oraciones con like / prefer / what kind /

a. (Vegetables) I like vegetables a lot.

b. (French fries) I prefer french fries with roast meat.

c. (Soup) I don´t like soup that much,

d. (Chicken) I like chicken a lot.

e. (Salad) What kind of salad do you like?

f. (Meat or fish) What do you prefer meat of fish?.

g. (Pop corn, hamburger or hot dog) What do you prefer pop corn, hamburger or hot dog?.
h. (Italian food) What kind of italian food do you like?.
i. (Beef) I really like beef.

Ejercicio Nº 4
Realizar una entrevista en la cual practiques la lección realizada (tipos de comida que le gustan,
las que no le gustan, ¿por qué?

Brando: Hello Angélica.

Yo: Hello Brando.
Brando: What is yor favorite food and why?
Angélica: My favorite food pastas with chicken, because It delicious.
Brando: Very good. Just like me. What kind of food do you don´t like?
Angélica: I don´t like soup, I preferí pastas.

Angélica Hernández Acosta

Trabajo Social VII Semestre
Inglés nivel VI
Jueves 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

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