Basic Plan: Name: Karen Lorena Galindo Gasca ID: 1039465455 Group:15

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Basic Plan

Name: Karen Lorena Galindo Gasca

ID: 1039465455 Group:15

1. Hook:

2. Context (Write some background information):

3. Thesis statement: The academic university life can cause depression, stress,
health disease and bad academic performance

1st body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence: The stress can cause depression

2. Supporting details:

a. Students don’t feel confidence about their knowledge

b. Bad study habits

c. There is a fear about graduate life.

3. Concluding sentence: There are many fears that can affect a university life
student, if there is not family, teacher of friends help, there is a big possibility of
enter in an academic depression.

2nd body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence: The stress and pression can cause health disease

2. Supporting details:

a. Mental disease like anxiety are related with a lot of stress

b. Heating disorders can be related to the academic stress

c. High study hours and late nights can cause insomnia and eating disorders

3. Concluding sentence: Is important to do different activities apart from studies,

this can help to have a better academic life and less stress. Also, good heating
and sleeping habits.

3rd body paragraph:

1. Topic sentence: The stress, anxiety and demotivation can cause bad academic

2. Supporting details:

a. Stress and anxiety can cause low concetration

b. The anxiety and low concetration at the same time can cause bad studies

c. Low motivation and the uncertain cause by not being confident about
finding a job can cause academic demotivation

3. Concluding sentence: Its necessary to be motivated and find a career that we

like, since it depends on how good and happy we are with our future work.

1. Restated Thesis Statement: Most of the problems faced during the university are
related to stress, low motivation and depression, this can cause many issues
during the university life, for this is necessary to talk and express this kind of
problems with the closes.

2. Summary of main ideas (Restate topic sentences):

a. The stress of not knowing about your future and professional success
can make you feel not motivated and sad.

b. Demand, extreme and hard hours of study and pression over getting goof
notes can cause healthy problems.

c. The bad academic performance might be cause due low motivation, low
concentration and anxiety
3. Final thought: An academic life is difficult, there are many concerns and
difficulties that the student must face, its good to have family ,teachers and
friends that can help during this process.

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