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Choose the one correct answer a, b,

c or d.
Coming back from a meeting, I had
just started to cross the street when
sound of a coin dro~ping. Everybod I heard the
y pays attention when they hear tha
sound made by a com when droppe t spe cial tinkling
d on pavement. No matter the kind
ignores its sound. of coin, no one
New Yorkers rarely turn their head to
look when a fire engine, a police car or
is heard blaring along the street. I dont an ambulance
do the same thing myself when I'm in New
But things are different when I'm at York.
home in my little town in Texas. Every
the remote wail of a police car, an em time I hear
ergency vehicle or a fire engine I am bro
if I am sitting down. ugh t to my feet
Quiet sounds have more effect on us
than the loud ones. Has it ever happen
to hear little creaking noises and sounds ed to you
which your imagination turns into foo
middle of the night? It has been happen tsteps in the
ing to me for twenty-five years.
I can very well tell good sounds apa
rt from bad sounds. I don't like the sou
anymore because I've been associating nd of whistling
it with a nervous person making compul
The sound which seems lovely to me is sive noises lately.
the tapping of my typewriter as the keys
hit the paper.
1. When they hear the sound of a
coin dropping, people ... .
a. look for it
b. think of money
c. pay attention to it
d. stop crossing the street
2. New Yorkers ....
a. are used to sirens b. don't care about emergencies
c. are attracted by sounds d. don't hear loud noises
3. The author of the text ....
a. is always attentive to quiet sounds
b. has lived in Texas for a long time
c. is interested in cars
d. is fascinated by ghosts
4. According to the text, how do peo
ple ge~erally relate to sounds at night?
a. They imagine sounds that do not exi
b. They exaggerate quiet sounds.
c. They think taps should be turne~ off.
d. They believe it's rather quiet at mght.
5. The writer dislikes the sound of wh s
i t1ing because ... ·
a. he has become tired of it
b. he used to be much happier
c. he doesn't like workers
d. it reminds him of nervous people
6· Wh
at kind of sound does the writer fi nd
. . pleahsant_t?kli'ng sound of a coin dropping
a. the clin king sound ofkeys b. t e m
c. the tapping of his typewnte.
r dt ec
· re aking sounds
7. How does the writer feel about sounds in general?
a. They remind him of home.
b. He thinks we should ignore them.
c. He believes they are part of our lives.
d. He prefers silence to loud noises.

Smoking in Public Places

Our world is quite big, complex and full of many diverse people. There will always be
people with varying viewpoints constantly running up against others who have different
opinions. Smokers are just one of the many groups. Non-smokers have recently become very
active, which has reminded us of the necessity to be considerate of others when we smoke
in public places.
Many people have been smoking for such a long time that we may forget that the others
are not used to the flavour of burning tobacco. We're human, and, just like everyone else, we
occasionally may be offensive without even realizing it. But most of us are receptive to friendly
suggestions and comments. We are also quite willing to change our behaviour to please others.
Smokers are people, too. We have dreams, hopes and aspirations. We laugh and cry. We
have children, wives and pets. We eat hamburgers with everything on them and salute the
flag at Fourth of July picnics. We simply hope you won't forget that when a smoker lights up
in public the next time.
8. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ... .
a. our world is big, complex and full of diverse people
b. our world consists of people having different opinions
c. smokers are asked respect non-smokers in public places
d. smokers are simply another group in the world
9. In the third paragraph, the author considers that ....
a. smokers have dreams, hopes and aspirations
b. smokers have children, wives and pets
c. smokers eat hamburgers and salute the flag at picnics on the 4th of July
d. smokers have the same interests and lifestyle as non-smokers

Saving Private Ryan

I remember that, when I was a child, there seemed to be only two kinds of films on
TV: westerns and war movies. I hated both kinds, because the good guys were too brave
and virile, and because the bullets never killed them. Westerns were the worst - courageous
cowboys killed bad Indians - and that was the end of the story. As for war movies, the story
just seemed to be the same over and over again.
However, Steven Spielberg has now made "Saving Private Ryan': a three-hour long film
about World War II. It is completely different from what was shown on TV when I was a kid.
_It is about a s~all gro~p of men sent on an absurd, dangerous mission to find one soldier
- Pnv~te Ryan - m the middle of the chaos brought about by the Normandy invasion. Not
for a smgle moment can one sense any cheap feeling, superficiality or unjustified optimisI11,
But it is a film that makes you feel that humans are generally good.
I 0. What type of text is this?
a. a movie review b. an advertisement for a movie
c. an advertisement for the Army d. a book review
'!he main idea of the first paragraph is:
• ~111""'e author likes westerns and war movies •
b. 1be author likes old westerns, but he absolutely hates war movies.
,. 1he author hates old westerns, but he likes war movies.
d. 1he author hates both old westerns and war movies.
12. What does the writer think about Saving Private Ryan?
a. He likes old westerns and war movies.
b. He thinks that this movie is better than all the others.
c. He hates Saving Private Ryan.
d. He likes old westerns, but he absolutely hates war movies.
l3. What is the story of this movie, broadly speaking?
a. Indians fight against cowboys.
b. Soldiers are sent to rescue another soldier.
c. A mother tries to protect her kid.
d. A policeman tries to find a thief.

If you follow the instructions for planting a tree, you can transplant it successfully, at
any time. Although this process may be difficult with a large tree, the most important thing
is to dig out enough roots. When digging out the tree, you should leave a ball of earth around
its roots. It should be about a foot wide for every inch of the tree trunk's diameter. Don't
forget to dig deep enough to avoid cutting off too many taproots. If the tree is more than a
few inches in trunk diameter, the best thing to do is to call in a professional tree expert to
transplant it.
14. Transplanting a tree is ....
a. different from planting a tree
b. so difficult that a specialist should always be callea m
c. successful in the right seasons
d. somehow similar to planting a tree
15. The bigger the trunk of the tree is, ....
a. the less it matters whether you call in a tree expert
b. the more you should avoid cutting off the taproots
c. the larger the ball of earth you should leave around the roots
d. the easier it is to dig out its roots

Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d.

16· I Will always come to you for advice
whenever I feel in need of ... .
a. them b. some
c. their d. none
• lfhe ... the essay on time, he wouldn't have to stay at the library in the afternoon.
a. finished b. had finished
c. had been finished d. would have finished

18. His letter said, "I ... on the 7th:'
a. will be arrive b. would arrive
c. arrive d. am arriving
19. An airplane is ... a car.
a. the fastest b. much faster than
c. as faster than d. more fast than
l0. Pamela ... be in London, I saw her at the English class this morning.
a. might b. can't
c. shouldn't d. ought to
2 I. I knew that Jason ... Barcelona before, so I asked him to recommend a good hotel.
a. had visited b. has been visiting
c. visited d. has visited
22. Jane will call her parents as soon as she ... home.
a. will arrive b. arrive
c. arrives d. arrived
23. We ... him since he went to London.
a. haven't seen b. weren't seeing
c. didn't see d. haven't saw
24. They ... the project by 5 o'clock.
a. will have finished b. will have finishing
c. will finish d. will had finished
25. Mark didn't go to the movies, and George didn't ....
a. also b. neither
c. either d. too
26. On our holiday we usually take ... to the seaside.
a. outings b. trips
c. excursions d. flights
27. Don't take what your boss said so seriously and personally. He was only....
a. boring b. exciting
c. joking d. amusing
28. His college grades are ... average.
a. above b. over
c. on top of d. atop
29. We must finish mowing the lawn quickly because a terrifying storm is ....
a. immense b. immediate
c. imminent d. immune
30. They suffered heavy ... in the last battle.
a. victory b. losses
c. defeat d. surrender
31. We have .._. for a new manager assistant but we haven't had any replies yet.
a. advertised b. announced
c. advised d noticed

32 _1have always wanted to ... in speed car racing.
a. involve b. associate
c. concern d. participate
33· You shoul
d see this movie; it's been ... recommend d b II h fil ..
a. tru Y e Ya t e m cntlcs .
b. fully
c. deeply d. highly
34, I can't find my passport. I think I have ... it.
a. wasted b. saved
c. lost d. missed
35, When a safety problem in a consumer product is identified
suppliers or manufacturers
may determine that the product needs to be ... . '
a. recalled b. rehired
c. released d. resent

Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d.

36. Which is the correct order?
a. The sun is go swimming and therefore we want to shining.
b. Toe sun is shining therefore we and want to go swimming.
c. Toe sun is shining therefore we go swimming and want to.
d. Toe sun is shining and therefore we want to go swimming.
37. Choose the best way to end an informal letter:
a. Yours sincerely, b. Yours faithfully,
c. Sincerely yours, d. Best regards,
38. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. "I believe Mary said;' we've passed the English exam.
b. "I believe;' Mary, said, "we've passed the English exam:'
c. "I believe;' Mary said, "we've passed the English exam:'
d. "I believe;' Mary said "we've passed the English exam:'
39. Which sentence can you find in a formal letter?
a. I can't come to the interview before the 21st of the month.
b. I cannot attend the interview sooner than July 21st.
c. I won't make it for the interview.
d. Don't count on me on the 21.
40. Which is the corre
ct address?
a. 333, Brentwood California, American Av.
b. 333, Brentwood: American Av., California
c. Brentwood, California, 333, American A:·
d. 333, American Av., Brentwood, Califorma
1. Which sentence is correct? ..
a. The car, which she is driving, runs on electr_ic_ity.
b. The car which she is driving, runs on electr~c~ty.
c. The car, whom she is driving runs on elec_U:1' 1ty.
d. The car who she is driving runs on electricity.
42. Select the correct question:
a. When the last time was you went shopping?
b. When was you went shopping the last t~e?
c. When you went shopping was the last time
d. When was the last time you went sh oppmg . ?
43. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence:
The stranger asked me where ....
a. is the railway station
b. the railway station would be
c. was the railway station
d. the railway station was
44. What is the BEST way to combine the following sentences?
The teacher will tell the students what to do. He will tell the student s when to deliver their
a. The teacher will tell the students what to do and when to deliver their speeches.
b. The teacher will tell the students what and when to do and deliver their speeches .
c. The teacher will tell the students what to do because he will tell them when to deliver
their speeches.
d. The teacher will tell the students what to do he will tell the student s when to deliver
their speeches.
45. Which is the correct description?
a. When I was a child I used to visit my grandp arents once a month.
b. In addition to improving your vocabulary, you must make sure your grammar is correct
c. Bran Castle is one of the most legendary medieval castles in Europe.
d. There are many basic kinds of books which can be found in a library.


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