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Device; Analysis; Cohesion

Argument: Definition

• When we give opinions, or make predictions,

we back them up with evidences. This is called

• Argument is a method of logical thinking.

Argument Devices
• The 5 parts of argument are called Devices.


Evidence Rebuttal


• A claim is a statement that gives an opinion.

Eg.: We should stop celebrating Diwali with fire

• When we give facts to support our claim, they
are known as ‘evidence.’
• They form the ‘because’ part of the claim.

Eg.: In Diwali, we burst crackers, that lead to air

pollution. Also, the noise-pollution caused by it
affects animals.
• Counter-claim is a statement that contests the

Eg.: Some people might say that celebration-

time means a noise and laughter.
Without the noise of the crackers, we won’t
feel like we are celebrating.
• It is a statement that attacks and destroys the
counter-claim on its very key-word.

Eg.: But in my opinion, celebration never means

having enjoyment when others suffer.
If our crackers cause breathing-troubles for
others, and disturb the animals, then we are
selfish people to continue with our fun.
• It is a re-statement of the claim, in a powerful

• Eg.: Thus, we should stop using fire-crackers to

have an eco-friendly Diwali.
Argument Analysis
• Often we become influenced by emotion,
prejudice, or hastiness.
• Then we give / accept invalid reasons for a
• Such error is called logical fallacy.
• Argument analysis means checking for logical
fallacies in an argument.
Eg. We should buy Pepsodent because Shahrukh
Khan says so. Fallacy: Wrong authority.
Shahrukh Khan is not a dentist
Argument Cohesion
• Cohesion happens, when one paragraph deals
with one claim only.
Eg.: Horlicks makes you taller, stronger sharper.
This is because it has DHA.
It comes in 5 exciting flavors. Non-Cohesion line
DHA is necessary for brain and muscle
So, for best growth of child, choose Horlicks.
Argument Emphasis
• Writing a strong conclusion increases
emphasis in an argument.

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