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Chapter 5: The Passive


Choose the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. In most major cities of the United States, the mayor __________ by a simple majority.
a. is being elected c. had been elected
b. is elected d. were being elected

2. The traditions in our family __________ from generation to generation, and I expect this will continue
in the future.
a. are going to be passed down c. may have been passed down
b. were being passed down d. have been passed down

3. My passport __________ last year while I was on vacation.

a. is stolen c. will be stolen
b. was stolen d. was being stolen

4. Most of the e-mail accounts at our company __________ by a virus last week.
a. affected c. were affected
b. was affected d. have been affected

5. Over 400 babies __________ in our community last year.

a. born c. are born
b. be born d. were born

6. It __________ that supplies of oil and natural gas may be exhausted in under 100 years.
a. believes c. is believing
b. is believed d. be believed

7. Where __________ that only men can become president of this club?
a. it is written c. is it being written
b. is it written d. it is being written

8. I think students __________ to major in the sciences at this university for the past several years.
a. was being encouraged c. should be encouraged
b. are being encouraged d. have been encouraged

9. __________ a tour of the facilities? It is important for you to see everything.

a. Were you given c. You had been given
b. You could be given d. Are you given

10. Many issues __________ at the meeting by the time you arrived.
a. are raised c. had been raised
b. raised d. have been raised

1 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

11. Many important but rare species of plants __________ in the Amazon.
a. finds c. are found
b. are finding d. is found

12. The people in the last row were __________ first.

a. seating c. seated
b. seat d. been seated

13. Where __________?

a. those photos were taken c. have been taking those photos
b. those photos taken d. those photos have been taken

14. Details of the accident will __________ some time tomorrow.

a. release c. are released
b. be released d. being released

15. It the past, it was __________ that the sun revolved around the Earth.
a. thinking c. has thought
b. think d. thought

16. Congratulations to Dr. Casey. She has __________ a "first-class surgeon" by a national journal.
a. be named c. been naming
b. being named d. been named

17. Mike __________ to the program because he didn't have an undergraduate degree in a relevant field.
a. should not admit c. was not admitting
b. should not have been admitted d. was being admitted

18. The results of Claire's study __________ by her advisor right now.
a. are being reviewed c. was reviewed
b. is reviewed d. had been reviewed

Choose the correct response to complete each conversation.

19. A: It's been snowing all day.

B: ___________________________________
a. It'll probably continue for another hour.
b. It won't be continued for long.
c. It is going to be continued for a while longer.

20. A: Have you been interviewed by the company directors yet?

B: ___________________________________
a. Yes, I interviewed them yesterday.
b. Yes, they have been interviewed.
c. No, I'm going tomorrow.

2 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

21. A: Has Kevin been given a warning about his job performance?
B: ___________________________________
a. Yes, his manager gave it to him yesterday.
b. No, Kevin hasn't given him anything.
c. Not yet. Kevin is giving the warning today.
22. A: Should the late applications have been accepted in this year's review?
B: ___________________________________
a. Why didn't we accept them?
b. No, but it wasn't my decision.
c. When do we stop accepting applications?

23. A: The new cars are being delivered tomorrow.

B: ___________________________________
a. I'll come back then. c. Let's go look at them.
b. What do the cars deliver?

24. A: I came downstairs and then I saw all the cookies had been eaten!
B: ___________________________________
a. Why did you eat all the cookies?
b. Who do you think ate them?
c. Do you think we can eat them now?

25. A: We have been told to leave the building.

B: ___________________________________
a. Who did you tell? c. When will they tell us?
b. Who told you?

The agent is omitted in the sentence. Choose the reason the agent was omitted.

26. Sugar has been used to sweeten tea and coffee for over a thousand years.
a. The agent is unknown.
b. The agent is obvious.
c. The author is avoiding a general subject.
d. The author is avoiding blame.

27. The lock on our front door was broken while we were sleeping.
a. The agent is unknown.
b. The agent is obvious.
c. The author is avoiding a general subject.
d. The author is avoiding blame.

28. A lot of rice is eaten in Asia.

a. The agent is unknown.
b. The agent is obvious.
c. The author is avoiding a general subject.
d. The author is avoiding blame.

3 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

29. A few of this newspaper's recent articles have been poorly researched.
a. The agent is unknown.
b. The agent is obvious.
c. The author is avoiding a general subject.
d. The author is avoiding blame.

30. All of the birthday presents were opened in front of the guests.
a. The agent is unknown.
b. The agent is obvious.
c. The author is avoiding a general subject.
d. The author is avoiding blame.


Complete each sentence with the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses. Use
contractions when possible.

1. Jake ____________________ (hit) hard in the game yesterday, but he is fine.

2. Lisa raised many interesting questions, but few of these _________________________ (answer) at the
meeting yesterday.

3. Contrary to what many people think, the Great Pyramids _________________________ (not / locate)
in Cairo, Egypt. They are in Giza.

4. This money must arrive right away, or my account ______________________________ (will /


5. Our plane ____________________ (strike) by lightning last night, but we landed safely.


Change the active sentence to a passive sentence where possible. If the sentence cannot be
changed, write Can't be changed.

1. Police caught the escaped prisoners late last night.

2. The examination consists of ten different question types.

3. By the time we arrived, doctors had reviewed the results of her blood test.

4 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

4. Beginning next semester, the security guards will allow only registered students to enter the building at

5. The managing director is going to reassign the offices on the third floor.

6. Victor and I stayed at a beautiful lodge overlooking Lake Michigan.

7. The baggage handlers have lost Martin's luggage.

Correct the errors in the sentences. Each sentence contains one error. Use contractions when

8. One of my sister's friends have been awarded a full scholarship for college.

9. The exam scores will no be released until they are certified.

10. Were permitted you to use a dictionary during your final exam?

11. A new student handbook has being drafted, but work on it has stopped for now.

12. Your records may have been being lost, but we aren't completely sure yet.

Use the verb in parentheses to complete the sentences in the active or passive voice.

13. (will build)

A new library __________________________________________________ on this site next year.

14. (must steal)

My coat __________________________________________________. It's no longer here!

5 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

15. (be giving away)

Pizza and soft drinks __________________________________________________ in the student

center right now.

16. (must resemble)

Liz __________________________________________________ her father because she doesn't look

like her mother.

17. (must fix)

Someone __________________________________________________ the printer because it's

working fine now.


Write an essay using one of these topics.

1. Write two paragraphs about a famous politician, author, athlete, religious leader, inventor, explorer or
entertainer. In the first paragraph, give factual information about the person, including where he or she
was born, raised and educated. In the second paragraph, describe what the person is known for and
how he or she is regarded by others in that field and by the general public.

2. Write two paragraphs explaining a sport to someone who knows nothing about it. In the first
paragraph, explain where the sport is played and what equipment is used. Give general information
about the rules. In the second paragraph describe how the sport is played and how a match or game is

3. Write two paragraphs about an unsolved mystery or strange phenomenon you know about. In the first
paragraph, describe the mystery or phenomenon. Include details about how it might have been caused.
In the second paragraph, describe possible solutions or explanations for the situation.

6 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

Chapter 5: The Passive


1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. A
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. B


1. was hit
2. were answered
3. aren't located
4. will be overdrawn
5. was struck

1. The escaped prisoners were caught late last night.

7 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

2. Can't be changed.
3. By the time we arrived, the results of her blood test had been reviewed.
4. Beginning next semester, only registered students will be allowed to enter the building at night.
5. The offices on the third floor are going to be reassigned.
6. Can't be changed.
7. Martin's luggage has been lost.
8. One of my sister's friends has been awarded a full scholarship for college.
9. The exam scores won't be released until they are certified.
10. Were you permitted to use a dictionary during your final exam?
11. A new student handbook is being drafted, but work on it has stopped for now.
12. Your records may have been lost, but we aren't completely sure yet.
13. A new library will be built on this site next year.
14. My coat must have been stolen.
15. Pizza and soft drinks are being given away in the student center right now.
16. Liz must resemble her father because she doesn't look like her mother.
17. Someone must have fixed the printer because it's working fine now.


1. Answers will vary.

2. Answers will vary.
3. Answers will vary.

8 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

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