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Name: Erin Goodell Date Week of 4/13

Area: PSTS
Job: Introduction to plumbing
Class: AG II
Situation (Context for the Lesson):
It is time to start a new unit on plumbing! With distance learning, they are going to work with ICEV and Kahoot!

PST.04.03.01.c. Select materials for a project-based upon an analysis of the project and the quality of the materials.
PST.04.03.04.a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of materials used in plumbing and water systems (e.g.,
copper, PVC, PEX, etc.).

I can identify the tools needed for plumbing

References and Resources for Lesson:

ICEV and Kahoot
Materials Needed:
Method/Activity Plan of Action for Lesson (what is happening?) Notes to Teacher/Questions to Ask
and Time Planned

Monday Send out an email explaining the work for the week:
 Watch the first 2 videos in the Installation:
Plumbing & Fixtures unit.
 Once you have watched those fill out the
Name that Tool in the interactive section of
the unit.
 Then be ready to play a Kahoot when we
meet over Zoom on Thursday.
Check-in with everyone to see how they are doing. See
if they have any questions about the work that they
should have complete. Then once you have answered
all of their questions, launch the Kahoot for them to
play and see what they learned from the video. Wrap
up let them know that we are going to be working with
plumbing for a little while.
Assessment Plan – What did students learn? How do you know?

Assessment Questions (if appropriate):

List Attachments:

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