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G. Farkas
STUBA INPE Bratislava

Date and place Title 1


 To perform CSA of the Wet Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility at

very conservative conditions.

 The following scenarios were investigated:

 Interim storage pool fully filled with non-compact T-12 casks
 Interim storage pool fully filled with compact KZ-48

 FA type – II. Gen. 4,87 % at different burnup level

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Code & Validation
 MCNP5 1.40 was used - run on HP cluster

 Code validation ⇒ was conducted analyzing the BaW XI (2) case of the
Criticality Safety Validation Suite [1] for different XS libraries.

 Based on this validation ⇒ XS lib. was chosen & bias and its uncertainty
were calculated.

bench calcul
∆ bias = k eff − k eff

2 2
σ bias = σ bench + σ calcul

[1] International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments, NEA/NSC/DOC(95)3, OECD
Nuclear Energy Agency, ISBN 978-92-64-99140-8 (2006)

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Evaluation Method

 Conservative approach was applied and calculation of keff was performed for
normal and postulated abnormal conditions in order to evaluate the final maximal
keff values.

 All conditions improving neutron multiplication were taken into account.

 The maximal keff ⇒ evaluated as a sum of the calculated conservative keff, the systematic error,
and the combined uncertainty multiplied by 1.645

k effmax = k effconser + ∆ bias + 1.645 σ bench

2 2
+ σ calcul 2
+ σ conser

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The Wet Interim Storage Facility

Pool with Pool with

compact KZ-48 non-compact

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Interim Storage Model with T-12 & KZ-48

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Storage Casks Models

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Working Fuel Assembly Model (2nd gen. type, 4.87 %)

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 SubCriticality issues associated with the Interim Spent Fuel

Storage Facility were investigated using MCNP5 and ENDF/B-VII.0
 Strong conservative approach was applied to calculate maximal
multiplication factor values for postulated conditions.
 Analyses confirmed that criticality safety criteria are satisfied even
at very conservative conditions.

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Thank you for your attention!

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