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Global Negotiation

The world economy has greatly evolved. The significant evolution has been primarily

precipitated by globalization and technological advancement. Nations are moving from the world

in which domestic economies were confiscated from each other by economic barriers such

national government differences, cultures and business systems (Crane, Kawashima &

Kawasaki, 2016). We are living in a world were nations economics are free to merge into

interdependent global economic systems, which has made it possible to export and import goods

and services, participate in offshore operations, engage in strategic alliances and distribution

agreements among nations. Thus, the article analyses the US- china deal alongside the

implications of globalization and technology on the agreement.  

Article Analysis- U.S., China Agree to Limited Deal to Halt Trade by Mauldin. W., Wei.

L. and Leary. A.

United stated, and the republic of china, has, in the past, been in a trade war that has

dramatically affected their economic. The two nations imposed high tariffs on their fight for

global technology superiority. According to Mauldin, Wei and Leary (2019) the two countries

are monsters in technological advancement and globalization, their trade war did not only affect

them alone, but consequences have been passed globally. The great deal was to cut off the heavy

levies that gave china a relief to purchase American farm products and other exports while

America holds on the new tariffs intended to implement on annual china imports. U.S and China

have been locked in a race for economic and technological dominance for a long time. The

United States, under the leadership of Donald Trump, raised concerns in the trade war with

China, where some were legitimate and others less valid (Mauldin, Wei and Leary, 2019).

Among the issues addressed by the United States was US trade difficult with china, currency

manipulation, marker distorting forces, and overcapacity in the steel sector by china and china’s

practices and policies in trade (Mauldin, Wei and Leary, 2019). The United States was

devastated by the rise of China to become a global leader in a wide range of technologies. In

2005 china made a significant move aimed at expanding the high tech sector in aerospace,

robotics, and information and communication technologies, which threated the US technological


The US-China trade war created tension in the global market and weakened international

trading systems making a no-win game for the two countries. The two reached an agreement to

settle their disputes and foster a favorable business environment to save their declining

economics (Mauldin, Wei and Leary, 2019). However, more needs to be done by the two nations

to sustain n the deal and reinforce international relationships and trade systems.  

Implications of Globalization

The core feature of globalization is to ensure that nations engage in trade agreements in their

international business affairs. Trade agreements and liberalization boost protectionist measures

and policies, allowing for trade glow to increase. To overcome the different cultures and business

systems in each country, it is essential to embrace negotiations among the warring nation. For the

case of the United States and China, the trade war has profoundly affected the economic

progression of the two countries. It has, in the past, been a tit for tat game, where the two

countries are imposing heavy levies against each other imports and exports, threatening the

global economy.

Although trade is a core feature in globalization that fosters nations’ economies, it increases

competition that mat eventually leads to trade wars. Every government wants to dominate in the

global market, thus will try to outdo their competitors. Therefore raises a need for global allies

and business policies that govern trades and fair trade completion. U.S and china deal opens a

forum to the two nations and the entire globe to strategies on business systems that will regulate

global markets. That will ensure that business operations are conducted legitimately and that the

economy is affected by individual nation cultural differences and policies.

 However, to receive globalization benefits, developing nations such as china need to

effectively time and plan in consideration to economic state, unlike the United States, which

dominates in global markets. It is essential to be aware of polices implements and the governing

system before subjecting nations economic to global forums.

Implications of Technology

Negotiation is all about communicating and having a common conclusion to the issue at hand,

thus highly depends on the internet. The benefits of using the internet outweigh the consequences

of misusing it. A lot of information alterations and errors may rise that will passing messages

over the internet, such as unclear messages that bring misunderstanding and communication

mixed errors. In addition, someone may also generate improper or false alerts over the internet.

In the case of the US and china deal to end the trade war, the situation has received different

interpretations from internet users. Where something that is a short-run game that will eventually

lead to the old economic state in the two nations. Although from the article, it is not clear on the

long term agenda of the deal, China and united markers have opened to trade together (Mauldin,

Wei and Leary, 2019). The two states' negotiators can use the internet to verify to the globe the

coverage of the deal and forum for future discussion. The internet is easy to use, less cost and

can collect information globally. Negotiators can collect information if interest from both parties

through the internet and seek public opinion in making a valid deal that will last in the long run.

According to Crane, Kawashima & Kawasaki (2016) the internet offers the most effective

platform to address issues of cultural differences and gender biasness in business negotiations

and deal-making.

 Technological advancement has highly facilitated economic development and growth in most

of the developing and developed countries. Every business wants to embrace effective

communication with its clients and people quicker and respond to demands too in an effective

way. Nations cannot trade effectively unless they have an effective means of communication and

getting information. In addition, nations are bound together by sharing new technologies and

helping one another in research and development to enhance innovation and overcome barriers to

economic development (Crane, Kawashima & Kawasaki, 2016). In the case of the United States

and China, their deal was signed up by the mutual benefit they were to share in their

technological practices and tools. China is well now for its high tech technologies in

smartphones and aerospace that the United stated needs to improve its communication sectors.

China agreed to share intellectual property, emerging technologies like 5G, AI, and quantum to

the United States to help boosts its economy in return for agricultural goods and cut off of levies

by 50% (Mauldin, Wei and Leary, 2019).


In solving trade wars among nations, it is essential to understand multicultural differences,

nation governing systems, and business practices and policies among nations. The global

economy has changed, and nations do differ alit when it comes to conducting business

operations. Each nation has embraced different changes that need to be analyzed to prevent

conflicts and supremacy war. United stated, and the China trade war was accelerated by the

difference in their business operation and cultural backgrounds, which through globalization and

technological advancements, have been brought to the same page. The two nations deal was

contributed by their agreement in business practices and safe interest in technology.



Crane, D., Kawashima, N., & Kawasaki, K. I. (2016). Culture and globalization theoretical

models and emerging trends. In Global culture (pp. 11-36). Routledge.

Mauldin.W., Wei. L. and Leary.A. (2019).U.S., China Agree to Limited Deal to Halt Trade War. Retrieved from:


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