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Sociology Matters- Social Institutions

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Sociology matters! It brings understanding and awareness of different cultures, perspectives,

and patterns of social institutions that make us understand who we are and where we belong.
Different cultures have different descriptions of family and region with a lot of questions than in
one way influence our beliefs and how we interact with each other. The article will focus on the
four sociological perspectives on family and prove with evidence among the four the most useful
in understanding religion.

Sociological Perspectives on Family

Different meaning surrounds the term family ranging from members related through marriage

to those sharing the same ancestors. Basically, one can term family as members bond with love

and care for one another. Regardless of what meaning family nay arise, each society values it as

a critical aspect of society. There are four major perspectives on family; conflict, interactionist,

functionalist and feminist perspectives.

Conflict Perspective

In the conflict perspective, the family is the view as a male’s territory. It is argued that family

deprives societal equality in power and property. Conflict theorists suggest that husbands are

entitled to excess authority and power over the other members of the family, making them

superiors and decision-makers in the family. In many cases, husbands exercise their superiority

by taking full control of the family and acts of domestic violence in case they are opposed. In

addition, studies show that the majority of women are left to stay at home to take care of the

children as daily responsibility while the husbands stay away, which needs to be a collective

effort to nurture children and share the responsibly of caring and looking after them. In addition,

conflict theorists argue that the economic and social status of the families has a direct impact on

societal justice and fairness. They suggest that families ate the basic units of power, privilege,

and wealth transfer from one generation to another, which implies that children and generations

from well up families, will dominate the society while the les privileges will continue to be


Interactionist Perspective

The key focus in the interactionist perspective is on how the family relates to one another and

the relationships they share. Theorist suggests that the relationship builds among family

members determines how the conduct work at home and influence care and love they hold for

one another. In addition, it is argued that in families with stepfathers and mothers, the

relationship can be challenging in terms of adapting and acceptance of one another. Studies

suggest that stepparents may have a distant relationship with their stepchildren.

Functionalist Perspective

The functionalist perspective emphases on the various ways in which a family take

responsibility and offer care of one another. Under this perspective, families are held accountable

for six significant functions; protection, socialization, companionship, reproduction, moral

nurturing, and set of social status. All members of the family are obligated to the unit as one and

support each other in family growth and continuity. Besides, the family sets moral standards that

need to be observed to maintain respect and moral ethics that regulate human behavior and

activities. Boundaries are established on members of the family relate and interact with each

other. The children are assured of protection, love, and care from parents, who nurture them to

morally upright adults.

Feminist Perspective

Feminist theorist focuses on women roles in families. They argue that women are the core

players in nurturing children and running household chores. Studies suggest that singles mothers’

homes ate more stable despite economic and societal stress. Women tend to take full

responsibility and fully involve themselves in their children’s lives by protecting, caring, loving

and providing for the children.

Appropriate Perspective in Studying Religion

Among the four perspectives, the functionalist perspective resonates to be proper to lay basis

in studying religion. Unlike animal specials, humans need companions for all days of their lives.

All religion comprehends human companion and reproduction for the continuity of humankind

and fulfillment of religious goals to fill the earth. No man was created to stay alone, but all were

created to have a partner to support them spiritually, morally, and physically. The functionalist

perspective recognizes the importance of a family as a fundamental unity for companionship,

protection, and moral nurturing. Parents are held responsible for nurturing their children in the

ways of the society by ensuring that the following ethical, morals, and religious ways and

standards. Like in the traditional forums, families’ heads were expected to offer religious tanning

to children.


As much as social institutions are changing, especially in family settings, it is vital to hold

family roles. Families are the basic societal unit that society relies on setting morals and ethical

standards that govern the entire society. We cannot have a peaceful coexistence if we cannot

have stable families that recognize social justice and equality. Families need to offer protection,

companionship, social status, moral standards, and a forum for socialization.



Chapter 8; Social Institutions: Family and Religion

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