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Solved MCQs

Everyday Science Paper


1. The slope low lying area of ocean near highland :

Costal Plane

2. Galileo discovered that falling bodies have same:


3. The relative motion between observer and frequency is called: Doppler’s effect

4. The source of energy for brain is :


5. The ready source of energy for athletes is: 


6. Arthritis is:
Inflammation of joints

7. Dengue is caused by: 

Aedes (Female Mosquito)

8. The solid and liquid can be separated by the process of: 


9. The composition of sun is 90 % Hydrogen and Helium and Heavy metals ratio is:
7.8 %

10. Accessory gland close of digestive system close to duodenum is: Pancreas

11. Fat soluble vitamins are: 


12. Protein content of edible part of egg:


13. What is disease:

A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function,
that affects part or all of an organism.

14. How Asthma is provoked:

15. Which material conduct heat and electricity:

16. The fuel used in rockets is:

Liquid oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, and hydrogen peroxide

17. Chemical name of Table salt is: 

Sodium Chloride

18. Milk is pasteurized because :

To kill bacteria

19. Gall bladder is part of which system: 

Digestive System

20. Genes in higher organism are located in: 

Genome (DNA)

21. Which finest filament grow from skin: 


22. The thinking part of brain is: 


23. The Shape of the Earth is: 


24. Horticulture is the study of:

Producing, improving, marketing, and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and
ornamental plants

25. Entomology is the study of:

Study of insects

26. Vitamin C prevent which disease: 


27. Substance use for coloring dye:

Pigment (Not Sure)

28. Soft drink contains which gas? 


29. Serial pin has how many minimum ports: 

9 (Not Sure)
30. Cyclone is? 
Circular moving tornado

31. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by :

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

32. Jelly fish looks like: 


33. In how much time Earth rotates around its axis:

A Day

34. In how much time Earth complete its round to sun: 

A year

35. Which colored eye doesn't have pigment? 


47. The loudness of sound depends on its

a) wavelength
b) frequency
c) amplitude[/B][/COLOR]
d) all of these

Spheroidal Earth
Horticulture: the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
Entomology study of insects
gall bladder is part of digestive system
hair is grow from skin
Fat contain A,D,E,K (all) vitamins
Vitamin C causes scurvy
Ready source for athlete is Carbohydrates
Protein contain of egg is something like this
Asthma by allergy
Substance use for coloring dye
Doppler effect for moving object
soft drink contain CO2
Fuel of rocket contain both ( Liquid methane USSR used, Liquid hydrogen USA)
Serial pin minimum 3
Cyclone is circular moving tornado
ball of sun contain 92.1 percent hydrogen (H2) and 7.8 percent helium (He)
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Green House gases called green gases
Stream is contain water from mountain
jelly fish looks like Umbrella.

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