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Moses-JaMonte Mabry

February 7, 2019

Moderate Faction

I was assigned to represent the moderate faction, we were tasked with keeping both the other
factions in check. We were supposed to make sure the faction that protected the church did not
totally suppress the expansion of knowledge and wisdom. We were also supposed to make sure
the faction that backed Galileo checked him and did not let his discovery of new ideas, theories
and principles to disrupt the church and cause uproar. Being from the moderate faction I
represented the idea that knowledge should not be suppressed but it should be moderated and
censored so the common people have a chance to process what they believe as the truth. I,
personally am all for the spread of knowledge but letting the common people decide what they
want to believe is also important. If Galileo were to come out and just state his findings to the
uneducated then there would be wide spread panic, chaos, and exodus from the church. From the
readings given Galileo was guilty of heresy but not because of his discoveries, but more so for
how he chose to present them. Even though it was not his intention, he cause doubt within the
catholic church. Commoners who trusted the church to deliver them information and knowledge
begin to doubt what they were being told by the church. This is the reason Galileo was seen in a
negative light even though his discoveries were proven true and are still used today. Galileo also
disputed too many scientists tied in with the church and the teachings that were being spread at
the time. Not only did he tarnish those scientists name but the church as well which is why he
was convicted. If he were to approach the church and discuss ways to accomplish his goals then
he would not have been received so critically.

1. I argued for a conviction of Galileo in the lowest degree, the argument I made I felt was
pretty strong. I took the stance of a moderate release of the information Galileo found, as
to not cause panic and exodus within the church. The argument my faction made was to
censor Galileo and preserve the church.
2. I definitely fully participated in the note taking, argument creation and presentation of our
argument. The notes page we all shared will be shared.
3. I think the moderate faction would be the right faction, not because I was a part of it but
because wide spread panic and chaos is not good, but on the other hand the suppression
of knowledge is no better. Galileo was guilty of the lowest degree of heresy against the
church but he should have been allowed to continue his practice.
4. The only problem my group faced was which side to take. We could either believe
Galileo was fully guilty or not at all guilty. To be more effective I feel the other factions
should have shared the information they received with us so as to accurately see the
problem and formulated a solution because we only heard interpreted versions of the

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