Common Lesson Plan 3 - Kelly Sibrian

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Teacher Candidate: Kelly Sibrian

Grade Level and or Subject: Fifth Grade/Language Arts
Date: 3/08/2020
Unit Topic (if applicable): Vocabulary Strategies
Part I. Define the goals/s for the lesson

What is the The focus of this lesson is for the students to be able to derive meaning from
focus of this words using their vocabulary strategies.
National / State TEKS:
Standard/s: (3) Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking,
. reading, writing, and thinking --vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired
vocabulary expressively. The student is expected to: (B) use context within and
beyond a sentence to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or
multiple-meaning words;


II. (B) Understand new vocabulary and concepts and use them accurately in
reading, speaking, and writing. 1. Identify new words and concepts acquired
through study of their relationships to other words and concepts.


● (C)(2)(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance

and confirm understanding of increasingly complex and elaborated
spoken language;
● (C)(3)(E) Share information in cooperative learning interactions;
● (C)(4)(D) Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers,
illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related vocabulary and other
pre-reading activities to enhance comprehension of written text;
● (C)(5)(B) Write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and
content-based grade-level vocabulary;

Goal/s of the The goal of the lesson to understand the meaning of a specific word using
lesson their context clues and vocabulary strategies
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: ● The student will be able to
*** Objectives have a formal structure and differ in that determine meaning from a
way from the Goals you stated above. variety of vocabulary


This is the body of the lesson plan. Here you explain the instructional and learning
activities/actions that will best ensure all learners will successfully achieve the objective/s?
****For this section only, you may use the format prescribed by your course instructor,
cooperating teacher, or what is required in your field placement. (e.g.: 5E, Madeline Hunter,
Inquiry Cycle, etc.)
Regardless of format selected, you MUST address components A-F:
A. Opening/ 1. To begin the lesson I will say, “Today’s focus is on vocabulary
Introduct strategies and how we can derive meaning from words we know
ion nothing about. Just from what I said, what do we think the word
“derive” means and how did you figure out the meaning?”
(also referred to 2. Students will be given a chance to raise their hand and share.
as a “motivator” 3. Then I will say, “Today you are going to draw a word from this cup
or “hook”) and I want you to tell me what the meaning of this word is.”
4. Students will draw very difficult words that they most likely have not
heard of such as compensate, obsolete, petrify and excavate.
5. Then after about 2 minutes of them looking at the word, I will go
down the line and each one will tell me what they think the meaning
of the word is.
6. In this case, if the student does not know the meaning, then I will say,
“Think about some strategies that could possibly help you understand
a word better and then we will share.”
7. The students are given about 3 minutes to discuss their ideas.
B. Procedur 1. First, the students will do the activity listed above in the introduction
es section.
2. Then I will have them open up their yellow booklets and they will
** Include create three column notes titled: Vocabulary Word- Vocabulary
enough detail so Strategy- Sentence.
that someone 3. “Today our goal is to use our vocabulary strategies to derive meaning
else could from a certain word. What that means is that we will:
replicate your - Reread and look for clues
lesson. Unless - Use the picture to explain the word
your instructor - Substitute a word that makes sense
directs you - Use a known part
otherwise, this - Make a connection
section should - Use the glossary
read almost like 4. Students will take turns reading each line and I will review what each
a script. strategy means.
5. Then I will introduce the story Plants that Poison and will say, “Since
we have already read this book, I want us to go back and look for
these specific vocabulary words and I want us to find out the meaning
by using the strategies that we have learned about.”
6. I will say, “The first word we are going to do together, the second
word you will fill out in your journal on your own but we will review
and the last vocabulary word will be used as your exit ticket for the
teacher table.”
7. Students will go to page 4 in Plants that Poison and will search for the
word ravenous. I will have one student volunteer to read and then
have them tell me what they think the meaning of the word is and
which vocabulary strategy they used to figure it out.
8. Teacher will confirm whether or not the student derived the correct
9. Then the students in their journals will jot down the word, the
strategy they used and create a sentence using the term.
10. They will then continue to do these same steps for the next two words
on their own: Culprit and Via.
C. Formati ● The students create a three-columned chart titled: Vocabulary word-
ve Vocabulary Strategy- Sentence
assessme ● Students have three words they have to derive meaning from
nt - Ravenous
- Culprit
methods/ - Via
tools: ● Students complete first two words as a group and the last one is used
as an exit ticket
D. Groupin ● Students are in groups of 5 based on their reading levels and based
g off of which block they are in.
structur ● Groups:
e/s: - Green
- Blue- Read-aloud to
- Yellow- Read-aloud to
- Red
- Purple
E. Accomm ● Some groups depending on their group color are read to.
odations/ ● Each group has a different book/passage based off of their level that
they are on.

F. Instructi ● White board

onal ● Dry Erase Markers
Material ● Yellow Booklet to write in
s, ● Pencil
Equipme ● Story/Passage: Plants that Poison
nt and

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