Eportfolio Description 201920

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Assessment Details

Course Code: EPC 4406

Course Name: Teaching Practice 4a

Course Teacher:

Task Title: Eportfolio interview/presentation

Task Description: The purpose of the ‘work in progress’ interview and

presentation is to assist the student teacher to work towards a
final showcase e-portfolio that will be submitted in their final
semester, and reflect on their progress and PDP targets.

Special Instructions: Student teachers will be interviewed by faculty and will present their portfolio
as a ‘work in progress’. Student teachers will be expected to discuss elements
of content and design selection and submit some draft documents to the
assessors during the interview.
The portfolio should demonstrate effective skills across the 6 competency

• Commitment to Profession
• Planning for Learning
• Implementing Learning
• Managing Learning
• Assessment
• Reflection on Practice
In order for you to show that you have effective skills in all 6 competency areas
you will have to identify, and link, evidence that demonstrate your skills. You
will also have to justify how they show your skills and why you have selected
each particular item.
Below are the sections that to be included in the portfolio:
1. An introductory home page to introduce yourself
2. Professional Introduction

Philosophy of Education
Best Practice examples

Reports and Observations

Commitment to Professional Development (PDP 1 & 2)


Weighting: 30%

Duration/Word Limit: 10 – 12 minutes

Due Date: 3 rd May

Grading/Marking Criteria: Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from
the attached rubric.
(to be determined by the
teacher using the attached
criteria matrix)

Late Penalty: Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher
regarding late submission, work submitted 1 working day late
will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any
work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

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Academic Honesty: Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost
seriousness. You are reminded the penalties for cheating or
plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student
Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)

HCT Graduate Outcomes Addressed

1. Communication and Information Literacy ☐

2. Critical and Creative Thinking ☐

3. Global Awareness and Citizenship ☐

4. Technological Literacy ☐

5. Self-Management and Independent Learning ☐

6. Teamwork and Leadership ☐

7. Vocational Competencies ☐

8. Mathematical Literacy ☐

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Course Assessment/Student Details

Course Code: EPC 4406

Course Name: Teaching Practice 4a

Course Teacher:

Task Title: Eportfolio interview/presentation

Student Name:

Student ID:

Final Grade/Mark
General Comments

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Course Name: Teaching Practice 4a Course Code: EPC 4406

Instructor Name:

Task Title:

Due Date: 3 rd May Date Submitted:

Student Name:

Student ID: Section:

Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work
submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work
submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the
penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty
Policy, Student Handbook)

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in
the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted
this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.

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Achievement that does not meet requirements

Significantly below course Below course

GRADING/MARKING requirements requirements – Achievement that Achievement that is
Achievement that is
Assessment has Clearly does achievement Achievement that minimally meets satisfactorily outstanding relative
CRITERIA the course requirements meets the course
significantly above the
to the course
not been not meet the that narrowly course requirements
submitted at requirements does not meet requirements requirements
all, is not- the
existent or not requirements
carried out

Letter Grade F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A

Percentage for 70 – 77 – 80 – 84 –
0 30 59 60 – 63 64 – 66 67 – 69 74 – 76 87 – 89 90 - 100
Gradebook 73 79 83 86

GPA 0 1 1.3 1.7 2 2.3 2.7 3 3.3 3.7 4


Attention to Purpose and Does not address the Displays some knowledge, Attempts to address the Makes a sound attempt at Addresses the purpose of Addresses the questions
Questions question and/or but not all is linked to the questions, but there is addressing questions. Some the questions clearly. clearly, systematically
Addresses the purpose assignment task. questions in the digression and some minor digression or and comprehensively.
and questions related to assignment/task. inaccuracy. misunderstanding.
the assignment/task.
Explanation and Fails to explain or describe Explains or describes ideas Explains or describes ideas Generally explains or describes Explains or describes idea Clearly explains or
Description ideas or concepts. or concepts but with little or concepts with minimal ideas or concepts adequately. or concepts clearly with a describes presented
Explains presented evidence or justification. adequacy. Some good level of detail. ideas or concepts clearly
ideas/concepts adequately Many ideas are incomplete. explanations/descriptions and comprehensively
need more evidence and/or using evidence and
justification and/or more justifications.
Coherence & Cohesion Does not present ideas Presents information and Organizes ideas in a coherent Arranges information and ideas Links ideas and topics and Sequences information
coherently and there is no ideas but these way with some sense of coherently and there is a clear presents them in a and ideas logically.

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clear progression in the sometimes lack coherent progression. Uses cohesive progression. Presents sequence throughout. Manages paragraphing in
response. Does not use/ arrangement. Displays devices between paragraphs information in paragraphs with a Marks main Paragraphs a skillful way leading to
uses very limited range of lack of overall and sentences although some clear topic. Makes minor errors with a central topic which continuity between
basic cohesive devices. progression in the repetition and/or inaccuracy is or inaccuracies. is supported by evidence paragraphs. Uses a wide
presented text. Does evident. Uses cohesive devices effectively and/ or examples. Shows range of cohesive
not use cohesive devices although sometimes these may a logical organization devices in an appropriate
between sentences be faulty. within and between most way.
consistently. of the paragraphs so ideas
are linked using cohesive
Vocabulary Employs a limited range of Uses some vocabulary Uses adequate vocabulary to Uses an adequate vocabulary Makes good vocabulary Demonstrates the ability
vocabulary related mainly which is related to produce a mix of simple and selection to describe a wide selection to describe a to discuss complex topics
to familiar topics resulting unfamiliar contexts but complex structures, but range of familiar and unfamiliar wide range of familiar and with flexibility and
in a narrow discussion. with limited flexibility. demonstrates frequent errors topics despite some inaccuracies. unfamiliar topics despite precision through the
Makes lexical choices Makes frequent errors in in word form and/or choice May repeat topic-specific occasional inaccuracies. selection of correct
which are inappropriate to expressing complex when expressing complex vocabulary in an inefficient Generally makes vocabulary including less
the context. ideas and discussions. ideas, particularly on unfamiliar manner. appropriate choices of common lexical items.
topics. lexis for the selected Uses accurate choices of
register. Uses some less lexis for selected
common lexical items register.
with awareness of style Produces consistent
and collocation. error-free sentences.
Grammar Makes repeated Attempts to use a limited Makes grammatical errors Displays solid accuracy in simple Uses a variety of complex Uses a wide range of
grammatical errors range of grammatical throughout the work but these and compound sentences, but structures which are structures accurately to
throughout the work. Uses structures but frequent generally do not impede shows some errors in complex generally accurate and convey exact meaning
very limited range of errors persist making comprehension. Uses a limited sentences. the occasional errors do which makes
sentence with no or only comprehension difficult range of grammatical Uses correct tenses for the not impede the meaning. understanding effortless.
rare use of subordinate at times. Displays on- structures but complex intended message most of the Consistently uses simple Uses predominantly
clauses. Makes the going issues related to sentences are attempted. time. Displays some persisting and compound sentences error-free sentences.
meaning of the text basic aspects of errors, for example with accurately. Passive voice
ambiguous, requiring grammar such as prepositions. is occasionally used,
effort to decipher. agreement but there are where appropriate.
also examples of
accurate simple
Mechanics Makes frequent spelling Makes spelling errors Makes spelling errors, but Sometimes makes errors in Makes occasional non- Makes rare non-intrusive
errors, but words are that sometimes impair usually these do not impair spelling but these do not impede intrusive spelling and spelling and punctuation
mainly recognizable with meaning. Generally uses meaning. Mostly uses capital meaning. Generally uses capital punctuation errors which errors, which do not
effort. Shows missing full capital letters and full letters & full stops letters, full stops, commas, do not affect meaning or affect meaning or
appropriately although apostrophes, brackets, and understanding. understanding.

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stops, and if used, they are stops appropriately occasional errors persist. bullets accurately. Displays
often used inappropriately. although errors persist. Mostly uses commas and occasional unobtrusive errors.
Shows missing or misused Uses commas and apostrophes appropriately, but
commas and apostrophes. apostrophes, but they sometimes they are missing or
Shows misuse or lack of often have errors, and misused. Shows misuse or
punctuation that usually they are not used errors in punctuation that
causes impaired meaning appropriately. Misuses occasionally cause impaired
and misunderstanding. punctuation which often meaning and
causes impaired misunderstanding.
meaning and
Presentation of Work Presentation of work is The response resembles Minimally meets expectations Presentation of work is generally Follows all aspects of the Follows all aspects of the
(formatting) poor with multiple errors the expectation but with of the task but some omissions satisfactory and does not distract task instructions to a high task, resulting in work
Presents work according to and careless mistakes. considerable omissions and/or inaccuracies are from the task. It follows the task standard. which is accurate,
the requirement specified and/or diversion. evident. Presentation of work instructions well, with minimal attractive and
in the task instructions Presentation of work is indicates continued lack of diversion or omissions. professionally presented.
NB: This competency is poor with multiple errors care eg. feedback from drafting
NOT related to language and careless mistakes eg. has not been incorporated.
a sub-title at the bottom
of a page.
Delivery/Performance Presentation is not Delivery is disorganized Pace, audibility, intonation Presentation has a sound Presentation is clearly Presentation is clearly
(Oral) understandable and/or and/or pace and/or and/or structure of structure. Pace, audibility and structured and addressed structured and engaging.
Displays oral presentation audible. audibility is poor. presentation are adequate but intonation are satisfactory most the audience. Pace, Pace, audibility and
skills. Considering spoken limited. of the time. audibility and intonation intonation are
language (fluency, are good. appropriate for the
pronunciation and audience and are used to
vocabulary) and style. good effect.
Engages audience with a
clear, cohesive and
coherent message in the
Presentation tool and Presentation is Presentation is Visual aspects and/or structure Presentation has a sound Presentation is clear and Exceptional and creative
message (Visual) disorganized and/or disorganized and lacks of the presentation is adequate structure and some visual impact. has a good visual effect, presentation with strong
Selects and presents a incoherent and/or the appropriate support but limited. containing some creative, visual impact which
tool(s) that is appropriate medium is non-visual. from visual tool. individual elements. enhances the message.
to fulfill requirements of
the task (e.g. Poster,
Powerpoint, video, etc.).

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Creativity and Innovation There is no consideration There is little creativity/ There is some creativity/ Completion of task shows Completion of task shows Completion of tasks and
Applies knowledge and skills or attempt at creativity of innovation displayed. innovation but this is limited to some creativity/innovation well-developed imagination work shows considerable
to generate novel ideas ideas or to create original the criteria and requirements beyond what was discussed and a willingness to take creativity. Personal style is
and/or approaches to work work during this task. of the assignment and in class. risks. May build on consistently evident in
suggestions explored in class. established models and high quality work and
approaches but with some ideas.
distinctive personal style
and/or interpretation.
Productivity and Initiative Is not compliant and Fails to complete in-class Inconsistently completes in- Completes in class activities Frequently completes in Consistently utilizes class
Demonstrates productivity displays a poor attitude activities and class activities and assignments and assignments. Utilizes class activities and time and engages in
and initiative during in class towards learning. Disrupts assignments and utilize and fails to utilizes some class class time. Engages in assignments. Utilizes class activities and
learning activities which the classroom class time. Does not time. Engages in feedback and feedback and self- time. Engages in feedback assignments. Initiates
contribute to the environment. engage in feedback and self-assessment for assessment for and self-assessment for feedback, self-assessment
assessment tasks. self-assessment for improvement only when improvement. Needs improvement. and reflection for
improvement. prompted or reminded. occasional reminders in improvement.
regards to the above.
Independence Is unable to work Displays frequent Displays some difficulty Generally plans, develops Independently plans, Independently plans,
Demonstrates an ability to independently. Is difficulty planning, independently planning, and manages work develops and manages develops and manages
complete a task dependent on teacher developing and managing developing and managing work. independently but some work. Uses time work consistently. Uses
independently in terms of and others to complete work. Is dependent on More development is needed in assistance is needed with management and editing time management and
planning, securing relevant work successfully. others and teacher in planning, time management, securing relevant sources, skills to secure successful editing skills to secure
sources, time management terms of planning, securing relevant sources and time management, and completion of task. Only successful completion of
and editing. editing, time editing to secure successful editing. Needs only occasional assistance is task.
management and completion of task. Needs occasional needed with planning,
securing sources for assistance with some of these assistance/reminders. securing of sources, time
work. skills. management, and editing.

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