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Structural geology

 Common structure of: Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and

metamorphic rocks .
 Depths ,strikes, and slops.
 Folds,- fault and unconformities, including their effect on
 Elementary ideas of methods of Geological surveying and mapping .

( ph/chem ,)
(earthquakes, plate tectonics,environmental
 Structural geology is concerned with the physical and mechanical
properties of natural rocks.
 The primary goal of structural geology is to use measurements of present-day rock geometries to uncover
information about the history of deformation (strain) in the rocks, and ultimately, to understand the stress
field that resulted in the observed strain and geometries
 And rock deformation due to plate tectonics
 Structural fabrics and defects such as faults, folds, foliations 
 Joints are internal weaknesses of rocks which may affect the stability
of human engineered structures such as dams, road cuts, open pitmines
and underground mines or road tunnels.
 Geotechnical risk, including earthquake risk can only be investigated
by inspecting a combination of structural geology and geomorphology.
 Plate tectonics is in a sense structural geology on a planet scale, and is
used throughout structural geology as a framework to analyze and
understand global, regional, and local scale features.
 Environmental geologists and hydrogeologists or hydrologists need to
understand structural geology because structures are sites
of groundwater flow and penetration, which may affect, for instance,
seepage of toxic substances from waste dumps, or seepage of salty
water into aquifers.

 Folded and faulted rock strata commonly form traps for the accumulation and concentration of fluids such
aspetroleum and natural gas
  Veins of minerals containing various metals commonly occupy faults and fractures in structurally complex
areas. These structurally fractured and faulted zones often occur in association with intrusive igneous rocks.
 1. Petroleum products get deposited in
folded and faulted rocks
Economic  2. Economically important minerals
such as gold,silver are found in veins of
minerals in structurally complex areas .
 Environment geology have to study
structural geology as to study the
Environment : structures sites as to study the sites of
ground water flow and penetration
 Like earthquake are mainly be
investigated by study the structural
Geotechnical geology and geomorphology
risk :
 Study of joints give a idea about the
stability of the rock in which a structure
Man made can be built .
fault : rocks can take some amount of stress and after that
they facture the pattern in which they facture is called faults.
Fracture of rocks where there has been a significant
displacement . The different types are :

1. normal : the 2. reverse : the 3. forces . If

layers are top layers moves the layers move the
separated from one below the other. moves compeatly
another , one moves Incase of thust layer and can
in different squeasing be determined by
direction the grand fissil .

Methods to study stuructural geology :

1. to measure rock geometrics
2. to construct the deformation history
3. to calculate the stress fields to that resulted in the
deformation .

1. measure the rock geometrics :

 Geometrics:
dip : the water that is dripping is called a dip , the angle with the
normal is called angle of dip. If there is no dip in normal.
Strike of rock is rt to the direction to dip flat .
Syncline :
Anticline :

Primary data sets for structural geology are collected in the

Planner features Linear features
 1. bedding planes,   1. stretching lineations, in
 2. foliation planes, which minerals are ductily
 3, fold axial planes, extended;
 4.  fault planes,  2. fold axes; and
 5.  joints intersection lineations,
 3. the trace of a planar
feature on another planar

There is no movements on joints as compared to faults .

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