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Kim 1

Sambo Kim

Lynn Taylor


May 2020

English 1010 ePortfolio/Course Reflection

In this English 1010 class has required me to explore different writing genres, which has allowed me to

expand my writing technique. Each genre was a new challenge, from working together as a group to come

to a decision about a topic for our writing assignments, to completing the assignments individually in the

various genres. I believe I was able to adapt teach different style of writing, with the help of my peers and

my instructor. On the other hand, through this course I have learned many different writing styles. The

argument strategies I have learned would include the logos, ethos and pathos ideas. The process of learning

to write indifferent situations has given me more confidence in my writing. Style and design of writing is so

very important to complete the assignments and be clear about objectives. The use of different genres was

very helpful to determine which type of writing style is necessary. Working in a group for all of these

assignments was a good experience for me, and we came to a decision regarding the topic of the benefit and

defect of narrative. We all proposed our ideas, and then shared why we did or did not agree with what

everyone else suggested. We worked well together as a group from the start. On the other hand, having

chosen a subject I feel passionately about, I had a little bit of background knowledge about the subject of

narratives and subjects, but I still researched this topic heavily. Once my research was complete, I would

quickly write out a draft and then re-read and move things around in order to adjust the flow of the paper.

This is something that I struggled with, because I tend to write with little flow or organization. I really had

to focus on what I was doing and sometimes had to look at some of the other things my peers had written in

order to get an idea of how to improve. In conclusion, I have learned a lot about narration and I am excited
Kim 2

to share what I have learned with anyone who has an interest. I enjoyed my group members and thank them

for their help and support during this semester. This class has taught me a lot about writing for my audience

instead of for only myself, and how important it is to each writing project to not only the audience, but the

genre as well.

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