All People Have Dreams

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All people have dreams, but not all of them reach them.

The difference is that while some are dreaming, others turn their
dreams into goals.

To fulfill your dreams you need to transform them into clear goals that serve as a guide in the construction of your future
The goals can be defined as small objectives that the individual poses to achieve a final goal

Although there is a difference between objective and goal: A goal is posed with an end while a objective is a purpose that
is ambitious to reach

The goals are characterized by:

 Your goal must be specific, which means that you should be able to describe it with details to identify the steps
that will bring you closer to achieving it.

 You have to determine the cost of your goal. Quantifying your term and cost will let you know if what you want
to accomplish is realistic in relation to your financial and personal resources

 It is very important that your goal is meaningful, this will motivate you to work to achieve it

 Once you define your goal and know your possibilities, set a reasonable deadline or date to fulfill it.

It is important that from time to time you evaluate what you have achieved and what you have failed. This control will keep
you on the path to your goals or give you information to make the changes that are necessary.


The SMART method is to design a kind of "treasure hunt" towards your professional goals. At the same time, it serves as
an acronym to explain the step-by-step roadmap towards your goals.

Specific: The first thing you should do is be clear about what you want. It sounds simple, but often it is not so much.
That's why the method insists that the more specific the goals, the easier it will be for you to achieve them.

Measures: Following this same line, it is important that you design an objective whose realization is measurable. For
example: "I will get a job in 6 months". In this way you can monitor your progress every month.

Achievable: A fundamental characteristic that your objective must have is that it has to be attainable, that is, you have to
be able to outline specific actions to achieve it: acquire new skills, dedicate time of your week, ask for help, etc.

Relevants: Motivation is fundamental in any area of life. If you do not feel a real motivation to reach your goals, the most
probable is that they end up becoming frustrated projects. However insignificant it may seem to the outside world, for you
it has to be relevant and push you to adopt the right attitude to get it.

Temporary: The goals must have a beginning and an end. Projects without an expiration date are always forgotten. This
is what differentiates the tangible goals of impossible dreams
The goals can be long, intermediate or short term. The main difference is the time needed to reach them

Short-term goals

The short-term goals, expect achievements in a short period of time, The definition of a short-term purpose or objective
does not refer to a specific period of time. In other words, a short-term objective can be achieved (or not achieved) in a
day, week, month, year, etc. The time frame for a short-term objective refers to its context in the general timeline in which
it is being applied. For example, a short-term goal could be measured for a month-long project in days; while one could
measure a short-term goal for someone's whole life in months or years. Planners often define short-term goals in relation
to long-term goals.

Medium term: Between 1 month to 1 year.

already require more planning and organization of the actions to be undertaken, either simply to execute or to acquire
knowledge, abilities that you need and of which you may lack today.

These types of goals should be followed with a check-list or verification method to make sure you follow the route plan.

Long term: From 1 year and up.

These goals are highly motivating and many of them are seen as simple dreams or desires by those who do not have the
habit of goal setting.

Achieving them implies your maximum commitment and following the intermediate steps that progressively bring you
closer to them.

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