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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, also

known as ACT, is rapidly growing among mental health
providers in Australia.  With ACT providing a gentle and
effective approach to treating mental health difficulties,
many counsellors, therapists, social workers, teachers,
psychologists, GP’s, occupational therapists, coaches and
community nurses have chosen to learn more about what
ACT has to offer.

ACT offers a simple and modest approach to gaining health

and wellbeing at an emotional, physical and mental level. 
Through teaching mental flexibility, ACT encourages the
acceptance of things that are out of your control.  Through
clarifying values and morals, ACT encourages a
commitment to take action in accordance to those things
that are important and meaningful within your life.

The goal of ACT is to teach:

Strategies to manage difficult thoughts more

effectively, particularly those that are unhelpful and
plague one’s mind repeatedly

Effective approaches to experiencing painful feelings

without being caught up in their intensity and in turn
lessening the control they have over you.

How to maintain focus on what is most important to

you and promoting value-driven action towards those
things that improve and enrich your life, provide
meaning and purpose to you and lead to a vibrant and
rich future.
ACT is based on mindfulness strategies, awareness,
psychological flexibility and a gentle nature for
approaching life.  All of these can be learnt and applied
with just a little training and practice… and the result is to
live a meaningful and enjoyable life.

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