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Antarctic Glaciers Are

The Western Slopes of Antarctica Are Melting Faster than Scientists Had

A study by the U.S. National Aeronauticsand Space 
Administration (NASA) andthe University of Californi
a Irvine givesnew information about Antarctic glaci
ers.This is one of the only studies that usesextensi
ve long-term data about thespecific melting 
conditions onAntarctica’s western slope. Scientistsn
ow believe that the melting of theseglaciers may b
e “unstoppable.” Onecause of this is climate chang
e whichbrought warmer air to the Antarcticcontinen
Another cause of the dramatic melting inwestern Anta
rctica is warm watercurrents. More warm water is m
oving innear the base of these glaciers. EricRignot is 
a glaciologist who worked onthe study. He thinks the
se glaciers are"passed the point of no return." Over t
henext century, this could cause a sealevel rise of a
s much as one meter.However, it is worth noting that 
theseglaciers disappeared 500,000 to600,000 years ag
o and were able tofreeze again.

When something is "passed the point of no return,"—
A. People must work quickly to change it
B. People will need to forget about it because it is lost
C. People cannot change it because it is out of control
1 of 3
In the word “glaciologist,” the suffix “-ologist”
makes _____ and means _____.
A. Adjectives; authoritative
B. Nouns; a person who studies
C. Verbs; to study
That's correct!
True or False: These glaciers melted and refroze in
the distant past.
A. True
B. False
Sorry, the an

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