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Getting started with iRacing telemetry

Saving telemetry to disk

iRacing now has the ability to save vehicle telemetry to disk any time you are driving in a session.
To arm the telemetry system press 'alt-L' on your keyboard at any time, you do not need to be in
your car.

Once armed, an icon will appear on your display indicating that the telemetry system is activated.

When you enter your car, the icon will light up to indicate that telemetry is being saved out to disk.

Every time you enter your car, a new telemetry file will be saved to your [My
Documents]\iRacing\telemetry\ folder.
Setting up McLaren ATLAS

You can use McLaren ATLAS to view the log files after your session is complete.

You will need to download and install ATLAS from the resources pane on the iRacing member site.
You can reach it from this url: This installer
will setup and configure McLaren ATLAS for you, and provide a link to ATLAS inside the iRacing
start menu folder.
Loading a workbook

Let's start off by loading up the default 'iRacing Example MX5.wbk' file by selecting 'File->Open'
from the menu. This will bring up a series of charts, and configure the track definitions for you. Later
we will cover the steps needed to create a workbook from scratch.

Once your workbook is loaded, you need to load up some data to view.

To do this select the menu option 'Session->Load' and then pick one of the .ibt telemetry files
that you have previously generated from the iRacing simulator and click open.

For now let's load the 'mx5 cup_okayama full 2011-05-13 10-29-42.ibt' sample telemetry file.
Your workbook should now look something like this.

Atlas comes with an extensive online help system. We recommend spending some time with it in order
to better understand this sophisticated application.
Customizing your workbook
To get started plotting data let’s put up a simple waveform (graph). Click 'File->New' and select
Waveform from the list of options.

This will bring up a blank chart. In order to be useful we need to add in some variables for this
waveform to log. Select your blank waveform and click 'View->Properties'. This will bring up the
Properties dialog.
Variables in the iRacing group come straight from the telemetry data we loaded earlier. Variables in the
Functions group have been processed through a user defined function. Simply select a variable in the
parameters list and hit the add button. You may also select one or more variables and click on the
properties button to modify the displayed resolution and min/max scaling of the parameter.

In addition to adding parameters to your waveform, the properties dialog can also be used to format the
charts display. Select the display tab to add in a track circuit map, or change the line styles, among
other things.
Advanced Topics
If you are creating a new workbook, you will want to go into the workbook tab and point ATLAS at
some of the parameters in your data.

It is especially important that you set up the Distance and Speed parameters. These together let ATLAS
display your data in distance mode instead of time mode. Distance mode plots all data against the
distance around the race track. This is very useful when comparing data from one run to the next.

At the bottom of the Load Session dialog notice that there are two layers available. You can load up
two session files at the same time for quick comparison and analysis. Simply double click on the layer
you want to load the session file into, then select the session file you want to load and hit the load
Next, open the Layers tab and select show overlays. Finally you need to check the box next to the
layer in order to tell ATLAS what layers to compare.
Now when you view your graph, you will notice that you can see two different sets of line. There is
also a new variable called TDiff that shows you the difference in time between layer one and layer two.

This is very useful in measuring time gained or lost from lap to lap.

If you would like to build a Circuit Map from the data, click on 'Tools->Circuit Definition
Editor'. Select the 'Map tab', and click on the 'Parameters' button.

Set the Distance parameter to be LapDist_m, the Speed parameter to Speed_KPH and the Lateral G
parameter to LatAccelG, then hit OK. Now go back to the Map tab and adjust the offset until the track
looks correct. In addition you may need to select the invert button to give the map the correct
Once your map looks correct, go to the segments tab to define the straights and corners. Defining the
straights and corners will let you navigate from corner to corner in the data.
If you want to edit your own math functions, select 'Tools->Function->Edit' to bring up the
Function Editor Dialog.
When saving your functions be sure to put them in the [My Documents]\McLaren Electronic
Systems\ATLAS 9\Funclib folder, or they will not be visible in the Parameters list.

Also be sure to specify a Name and Format string and a proper Display min/max value before saving
the function.

By going to Tools -> Options and clicking on the iRacing Sessions tab in the options dialog you can
change how we handle the importing of .ibt files into ATLAS.

The ‘show proper lap times in file open dialog’ option asks us to parse out detailed information from
each .ibt file for display in the Session Load dialog. This requires us to parse data from every .ibt file
in your data directory and can be significantly slower on older machines.
The ‘Convert units to:’ option applies a unit conversion to most of the data. By default the telemetry
units reflect the internal units used in iRacing, these units follow the SI engineering units in most cases,
however the si units are not always in a form that we use in our day to day life and can be confusing at
times. You can convert the units into Metric, UK and English (USA), where UK is a hybrid between
metric and English units.

Below is a table outlining the conversions for each mode. Once you select a conversion and reload the
data from disk we will replace all old units with the new format as if the data was recorded in the
requested mode.

None Metric UK English Notes

m mm mm in Suspension distance
m m m ft Track distance
C C C F Temperature
% % % % Percent is scaled up from 0-1 to 0-100
rad deg deg deg Angle in degrees
l l l gal Liquid volume
m/s km/h mph mph Velocity (speed)
N*m N*m N*m Lb*ft Torque
bar kPa psi psi Fuel/oil pressure
kPa kPa psi psi Tire pressure
In addition to converting the units for you, we replicate a few parameters and keep them in a unit that is
in a form that ATLAS can use to create its track maps and to set the workbook properties for lap
comparison. No matter what units you select, these will retain their indicated units. Here is a table of
the new units.

Name Source name units

FuelLevel_kg FuelLevel kg
LatAccelG LatAccel g
LongAccelG LongAccel g
LapDist_m LapDist m
Speed_KPH Speed kph
Appendix A – Live data list
iRacing’s telemetry comes in three variations, data written to an .ibt file 60 times a second, live data exposed to our telemetry API 60 times a
second, and a session string in YAML format that contains more or less static information about the session. The YAML string is appended
to the end of the .ibt file but only a small portion of that data is exposed to ATLAS. We will cover the YAML string in appendix B. Here is a
list, as of 11/03/2015 of all the live and disk based telemetry parameters. Only the disk based parameters are available to ATLAS.

Name Unit Type Disk Live Description

AirDensity kg/m^3 float 1 1 Density of air at start/finish line
AirPressure Hg float 1 1 Pressure of air at start/finish line
AirTemp C float 1 1 Temperature of air at start/finish line
Alt m float 1 1 Altitude in meters
Brake % float 1 1 0=brake released to 1=max pedal force
BrakeRaw % float 1 1 Raw brake input 0=brake released to 1=max pedal force
CamCameraNumber int 0 1 Active camera number
CamCameraState irsdk_CameraState bitfield 0 1 State of camera system
CamCarIdx int 0 1 Active camera's focus car index
CamGroupNumber int 0 1 Active camera group number
Clutch % float 1 1 0=disengaged to 1=fully engaged
CpuUsageBG % float 1 1 Percent of available tim bg thread took with a 1 sec avg
DCDriversSoFar int 0 1 Number of team drivers who have run a stint
DCLapStatus int 0 1 Status of driver change lap requirements
DisplayUnits int 0 1 Default units for the user interface 0 = english 1 = metric
DriverMarker bool 1 1 Driver activated flag
EngineWarnings irsdk_EngineWarnings bitfield 1 1 Bitfield for warning lights
EnterExitReset int 1 1 Indicate action the reset key will take 0 enter 1 exit 2 reset
FogLevel % float 1 1 Fog level
FrameRate fps float 1 1 Average frames per second
FuelLevel l float 1 1 Liters of fuel remaining
FuelLevelPct % float 1 1 Percent fuel remaining
FuelPress bar float 1 1 Engine fuel pressure
FuelUsePerHour kg/h float 1 1 Engine fuel used instantaneous
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
Gear int 1 1 -1=reverse 0=neutral 1..n=current gear
IsDiskLoggingActive bool 0 1 0=disk based telemetry file not being written 1=being written
IsDiskLoggingEnabled bool 0 1 0=disk based telemetry turned off 1=turned on
IsInGarage bool 0 1 1=Car in garage physics running
IsOnTrack bool 1 1 1=Car on track physics running with player in car
IsOnTrackCar bool 1 1 1=Car on track physics running
IsReplayPlaying bool 0 1 0=replay not playing 1=replay playing
Lap int 1 1 Lap count
LapBestLap int 1 1 Players best lap number
LapBestLapTime s float 1 1 Players best lap time
LapBestNLapLap int 1 1 Player last lap in best N average lap time
LapBestNLapTime s float 1 1 Player best N average lap time
LapCurrentLapTime s float 1 1 Estimate of players current lap time as shown in F3 box
LapDeltaToBestLap s float 1 1 Delta time for best lap
LapDeltaToBestLap_DD s/s float 1 1 Rate of change of delta time for best lap
LapDeltaToBestLap_OK bool 1 1 Delta time for best lap is valid
LapDeltaToOptimalLap s float 1 1 Delta time for optimal lap
LapDeltaToOptimalLap_DD s/s float 1 1 Rate of change of delta time for optimal lap
LapDeltaToOptimalLap_OK bool 1 1 Delta time for optimal lap is valid
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap s float 1 1 Delta time for session best lap
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap_DD s/s float 1 1 Rate of change of delta time for session best lap
LapDeltaToSessionBestLap_OK bool 1 1 Delta time for session best lap is valid
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap s float 1 1 Delta time for session last lap
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap_DD s/s float 1 1 Rate of change of delta time for session last lap
LapDeltaToSessionLastlLap_OK bool 1 1 Delta time for session last lap is valid
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap s float 1 1 Delta time for session optimal lap
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap_DD s/s float 1 1 Rate of change of delta time for session optimal lap
LapDeltaToSessionOptimalLap_OK bool 1 1 Delta time for session optimal lap is valid
LapDist m float 1 1 Meters traveled from S/F this lap
LapDistPct % float 1 1 Percentage distance around lap
LapLasNLapSeq int 1 1 Player num consecutive clean laps completed for N average
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
LapLastLapTime s float 1 1 Players last lap time
LapLastNLapTime s float 1 1 Player last N average lap time
Lat deg double 1 1 Latitude in decimal degrees
LatAccel m/s^2 float 1 1 Lateral acceleration (including gravity)
Lon deg double 1 1 Longitude in decimal degrees
LongAccel m/s^2 float 1 1 Longitudinal acceleration (including gravity)
ManifoldPress bar float 1 1 Engine manifold pressure
OilLevel l float 1 1 Engine oil level
OilPress bar float 1 1 Engine oil pressure
OilTemp C float 1 1 Engine oil temperature
OnPitRoad bool 1 1 Is the player car on pit road between the cones
Pitch rad float 1 1 Pitch orientation
PitchRate rad/s float 1 1 Pitch rate
PitOptRepairLeft s float 1 1 Time left for optional repairs if repairs are active
PitRepairLeft s float 1 1 Time left for mandatory pit repairs if repairs are active
PitSvFlags irsdk_PitSvFlags bitfield 1 1 Bitfield of pit service checkboxes
PitSvFuel l float 1 1 Pit service fuel add amount
PitSvLFP kPa float 1 1 Pit service left front tire pressure
PitSvLRP kPa float 1 1 Pit service left rear tire pressure
PitSvRFP kPa float 1 1 Pit service right front tire pressure
PitSvRRP kPa float 1 1 Pit service right rear tire pressure
PlayerCarClassPosition int 1 1 Players class position in race
PlayerCarPosition int 1 1 Players position in race
RaceLaps int 0 1 Laps completed in race
RadioTransmitCarIdx int 0 1 The car index of the current person speaking on the radio
RadioTransmitFrequencyIdx int 0 1 The frequency index of the current person speaking on the raio
RadioTransmitRadioIdx int 0 1 The radio index of the current person speaking on the radio
RelativeHumidity % float 1 1 Relative Humidity
ReplayFrameNum int 0 1 Integer replay frame number (60 per second)
ReplayFrameNumEnd int 0 1 Integer replay frame number from end of tape
ReplayPlaySlowMotion bool 0 1 0=not slow motion 1=replay is in slow motion
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
ReplayPlaySpeed int 0 1 Replay playback speed
ReplaySessionNum int 0 1 Replay session number
ReplaySessionTime s double 0 1 Seconds since replay session start
Roll rad float 1 1 Roll orientation
RollRate rad/s float 1 1 Roll rate
RPM revs/min float 1 1 Engine rpm
SessionFlags irsdk_Flags bitfield 0 1 Session flags
SessionLapsRemain int 1 1 Laps left till session ends
SessionNum int 1 1 Session number
SessionState irsdk_SessionState int 1 1 Session state
SessionTime s double 1 1 Seconds since session start
SessionTimeRemain s double 1 1 Seconds left till session ends
SessionUniqueID int 1 1 Session ID
ShiftGrindRPM RPM float 1 1 RPM of shifter grinding noise
ShiftIndicatorPct % float 1 1 DEPRECATED use DriverCarSLBlinkRPM instead
ShiftPowerPct % float 1 1 Friction torque applied to gears when shifting or grinding
Skies int 1 1 Skies (0=clear/1=p cloudy/2=m cloudy/3=overcast)
Speed m/s float 1 1 GPS vehicle speed
SteeringWheelAngle rad float 1 1 Steering wheel angle
SteeringWheelAngleMax rad float 1 1 Steering wheel max angle
SteeringWheelPctDamper % float 1 1 Force feedback % max damping
SteeringWheelPctTorque % float 1 1 Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft unsigned
SteeringWheelPctTorqueSign % float 1 1 Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft signed
SteeringWheelPctTorqueSignStops % float 1 1 Force feedback % max torque on steering shaft signed stops
SteeringWheelPeakForceNm N*m float 0 1 Peak torque mapping to direct input units for FFB
SteeringWheelTorque N*m float 1 1 Output torque on steering shaft
Throttle % float 1 1 0=off throttle to 1=full throttle
ThrottleRaw % float 1 1 Raw throttle input 0=off throttle to 1=full throttle
TrackTemp C float 1 1 Temperature of track at start/finish line
TrackTempCrew C float 1 1 Temperature of track measured by crew around track
VelocityX m/s float 1 1 X velocity
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
VelocityY m/s float 1 1 Y velocity
VelocityZ m/s float 1 1 Z velocity
VertAccel m/s^2 float 1 1 Vertical acceleration (including gravity)
Voltage V float 1 1 Engine voltage
WaterLevel l float 1 1 Engine coolant level
WaterTemp C float 1 1 Engine coolant temp
WeatherType int 1 1 Weather type (0=constant 1=dynamic)
WindDir rad float 1 1 Wind direction at start/finish line
WindVel m/s float 1 1 Wind velocity at start/finish line
Yaw rad float 1 1 Yaw orientation
YawNorth rad float 1 1 Yaw orientation relative to north
YawRate rad/s float 1 1 Yaw rate

In addition to the above variables that are always available, there are several variables that only show up if a car implements that particular
sensor type.

Name Unit Type Disk Live Description

CFrideHeight m float 1 0 CF ride height
CFshockDefl m float 1 1 CF shock deflection
CFshockVel m/s float 1 1 CF shock velocity
CFSRrideHeight m float 1 0 CFSR ride height
CRrideHeight m float 1 0 CR ride height
CRshockDefl m float 1 1 CR shock deflection
CRshockVel m/s float 1 1 CR shock velocity
dcABS float 1 1 In car abs adjustment
dcAntiRollFront float 1 1 In car front anti roll bar adjustment
dcAntiRollRear float 1 1 In car rear anti roll bar adjustment
dcBoostLevel float 1 1 In car boost level adjustment
dcBrakeBias float 1 1 In car brake bias adjustment
dcBrakeBias float 1 1 In car brake bias adjustment
dcDiffEntry float 1 1 In car diff entry adjustment
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
dcDiffExit float 1 1 In car diff exit adjustment
dcDiffMiddle float 1 1 In car diff middle adjustment
dcEngineBraking float 1 1 In car engine braking adjustment
dcEnginePower float 1 1 In car engine power adjustment
dcFuelMixture float 1 1 In car fuel mixture adjustment
dcRevLimiter float 1 1 In car rev limiter adjustment
dcThrottleShape float 1 1 In car throttle shape adjustment
dcTractionControl float 1 1 In car traction control adjustment
dcTractionControl2 float 1 1 In car traction control 2 adjustment
dcTractionControlToggle bool 1 1 In car traction control active
dcWeightJackerLeft float 1 1 In car left weight jacker adjustment
dcWeightJackerRight float 1 1 In car right weight jacker adjustment
dcWingFront float 1 1 In car front wing adjustment
dcWingRear float 1 1 In car rear wing adjustment
dpFNOMKnobSetting float 1 1 Pitstop front flap adjustment
dpFUFangleIndex float 1 1 Pitstop front upper flap adjustment
dpFWingAngle float 1 1 Pitstop front wing adjustment
dpFWingIndex float 1 1 Pitstop front wing adjustment
dpLrWedgeAdj float 1 1 Pitstop lr spring offset adjustment
dpPSSetting float 1 1 Pitstop power steering adjustment
dpQtape float 1 1 Pitstop qtape adjustment
dpRBarSetting float 1 1 Pitstop rear bar adjustment
dpRFTruckarmP1Dz float 1 1 Pitstop rftruckarmP1Dz adjustment
dpRRDamperPerchOffsetm float 1 1 Pitstop right rear dampter perch offset adjustment
dpRrPerchOffsetm float 1 1 Pitstop right rear spring offset adjustment
dpRrWedgeAdj float 1 1 Pitstop rr spring offset adjustment
dpRWingAngle float 1 1 Pitstop rear wing adjustment
dpRWingIndex float 1 1 Pitstop rear wing adjustment
dpRWingSetting float 1 1 Pitstop rear wing adjustment
dpTruckarmP1Dz float 1 1 Pitstop truckarmP1Dz adjustment
dpWedgeAdj float 1 1 Pitstop wedge adjustment
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
LFbrakeLinePress bar float 1 1 LF brake line pressure
LFcoldPressure kPa float 1 1 LF tire cold pressure as set in the garage
LFpressure kPa float 1 0 LF tire pressure
LFrideHeight m float 1 0 LF ride height
LFshockDefl m float 1 1 LF shock deflection
LFshockVel m/s float 1 1 LF shock velocity
LFspeed m/s float 1 1 LF wheel speed
LFtempCL C float 1 1 LF tire left carcass temperature
LFtempCM C float 1 1 LF tire middle carcass temperature
LFtempCR C float 1 1 LF tire right carcass temperature
LFtempL C float 1 0 LF tire left surface temperature
LFtempM C float 1 0 LF tire middle surface temperature
LFtempR C float 1 0 LF tire right surface temperature
LFwearL % float 1 1 LF tire left percent tread remaining
LFwearM % float 1 1 LF tire middle percent tread remaining
LFwearR % float 1 1 LF tire right percent tread remaining
LRbrakeLinePress bar float 1 1 LR brake line pressure
LRcoldPressure kPa float 1 1 LR tire cold pressure as set in the garage
LRpressure kPa float 1 0 LR tire pressure
LRrideHeight m float 1 0 LR ride height
LRshockDefl m float 1 1 LR shock deflection
LRshockVel m/s float 1 1 LR shock velocity
LRspeed m/s float 1 1 LR wheel speed
LRtempCL C float 1 1 LR tire left carcass temperature
LRtempCM C float 1 1 LR tire middle carcass temperature
LRtempCR C float 1 1 LR tire right carcass temperature
LRtempL C float 1 0 LR tire left surface temperature
LRtempM C float 1 0 LR tire middle surface temperature
LRtempR C float 1 0 LR tire right surface temperature
LRwearL % float 1 1 LR tire left percent tread remaining
LRwearM % float 1 1 LR tire middle percent tread remaining
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
LRwearR % float 1 1 LR tire right percent tread remaining
RFbrakeLinePress bar float 1 1 RF brake line pressure
RFcoldPressure kPa float 1 1 RF tire cold pressure as set in the garage
RFpressure kPa float 1 0 RF tire pressure
RFrideHeight m float 1 0 RF ride height
RFshockDefl m float 1 1 RF shock deflection
RFshockVel m/s float 1 1 RF shock velocity
RFspeed m/s float 1 1 RF wheel speed
RFtempCL C float 1 1 RF tire left carcass temperature
RFtempCM C float 1 1 RF tire middle carcass temperature
RFtempCR C float 1 1 RF tire right carcass temperature
RFtempL C float 1 0 RF tire left surface temperature
RFtempM C float 1 0 RF tire middle surface temperature
RFtempR C float 1 0 RF tire right surface temperature
RFwearL % float 1 1 RF tire left percent tread remaining
RFwearM % float 1 1 RF tire middle percent tread remaining
RFwearR % float 1 1 RF tire right percent tread remaining
RRbrakeLinePress bar float 1 1 R brake line pressure
RRcoldPressure kPa float 1 1 RR tire cold pressure as set in the garage
RRpressure kPa float 1 0 RR tire pressure
RRrideHeight m float 1 0 RR ride height
RRshockDefl m float 1 1 RR shock deflection
RRshockVel m/s float 1 1 RR shock velocity
RRspeed m/s float 1 1 RR wheel speed
RRtempCL C float 1 1 RR tire left carcass temperature
RRtempCM C float 1 1 RR tire middle carcass temperature
RRtempCR C float 1 1 RR tire right carcass temperature
RRtempL C float 1 0 RR tire left surface temperature
RRtempM C float 1 0 RR tire middle surface temperature
RRtempR C float 1 0 RR tire right surface temperature
RRwearL % float 1 1 RR tire left percent tread remaining
Name Unit Type Disk Live Description
RRwearM % float 1 1 RR tire middle percent tread remaining
RRwearR % float 1 1 RR tire right percent tread remaining

In addition there is a series of variables that are only ever output live (not available in ATLAS) that show up in an array format with one
entry for each car in the race, up to 64 entries.

Name Unit Type Disk Live Description

CarIdxClassPosition int 0 1 Cars class position in race by car index
CarIdxEstTime s float 0 1 Estimated time to reach current location on track
CarIdxF2Time s float 0 1 Race time behind leader or fastest lap time otherwise
CarIdxGear int 0 1 -1=reverse 0=neutral 1..n=current gear by car index
CarIdxLap int 0 1 Lap count by car index
CarIdxLapDistPct % float 0 1 Percentage distance around lap by car index
CarIdxOnPitRoad bool 0 1 On pit road between the cones by car index
CarIdxPosition int 0 1 Cars position in race by car index
CarIdxRPM revs/min float 0 1 Engine rpm by car index
CarIdxSteer rad float 0 1 Steering wheel angle by car index
CarIdxTrackSurface irsdk_TrkLoc int 0 1 Track surface type by car index
Each variable has an associated type, the types are as follows:
- bool – 8 bit int that can be set to 1 (true) or 0 (false)
- int – 32 bit signed integer
- float – 32 bit signed floating point number
- double – 64 bit signed floating point number
- bitfield – 32 bit unsigned integer with each bit representing a different state or value.

Here is a description of each of the 4 bitfield types:

irsdk_waterTempWarning 0x0001
irsdk_fuelPressureWarning 0x0002
irsdk_oilPressureWarning 0x0004
irsdk_engineStalled 0x0008
irsdk_pitSpeedLimiter 0x0010
irsdk_revLimiterActive 0x0020

irsdk_checkered 0x00000001
irsdk_white 0x00000002
irsdk_green 0x00000004
irsdk_yellow 0x00000008
irsdk_red 0x00000010
irsdk_blue 0x00000020
irsdk_debris 0x00000040
irsdk_crossed 0x00000080
irsdk_yellowWaving 0x00000100
irsdk_oneLapToGreen 0x00000200
irsdk_greenHeld 0x00000400
irsdk_tenToGo 0x00000800
irsdk_fiveToGo 0x00001000
irsdk_randomWaving 0x00002000
irsdk_caution 0x00004000
irsdk_cautionWaving 0x00008000
irsdk_black 0x00010000
irsdk_disqualify 0x00020000
irsdk_servicible 0x00040000
irsdk_furled 0x00080000
irsdk_repair 0x00100000
irsdk_startHidden 0x10000000
irsdk_startReady 0x20000000
irsdk_startSet 0x40000000
irsdk_startGo 0x80000000
irsdk_IsSessionScreen 0x0001
irsdk_IsScenicActive 0x0002
irsdk_CamToolActive 0x0004
irsdk_UIHidden 0x0008
irsdk_UseAutoShotSelection 0x0010
irsdk_UseTemporaryEdits 0x0020
irsdk_UseKeyAcceleration 0x0040
irsdk_UseKey10xAcceleration 0x0080
irsdk_UseMouseAimMode 0x0100

irsdk_LFTireChange 0x0001
irsdk_RFTireChange 0x0002
irsdk_LRTireChange 0x0004
irsdk_RRTireChange 0x0008
irsdk_FuelFill 0x0010
irsdk_WindshieldTearoff 0x0020
irsdk_FastRepair 0x0040
While the following is not actually a bitfield, each value has a specific meaning as outlined in the table

irsdk_NotInWorld -1
irsdk_OffTrack 0
irsdk_InPitStall 1
irsdk_AproachingPits 2
irsdk_OnTrack 3

irsdk_StateInvalid 0
irsdk_StateGetInCar 1
irsdk_StateWarmup 2
irsdk_StateParadeLaps 3
irsdk_StateRacing 4
irsdk_StateCheckered 5
irsdk_StateCoolDown 6
Appendix B – Session String
The session string represents all the details about the current state of iRacing and its current session that
don’t need to be updated 60 times a second. For the most part this is a static string that does not change,
however it is not guaranteed to be static and in fact will change as drivers register for the session and as
the race results are posted. The string is formatted using the YAML format, a nested data format like
XML but one that is easily read by a human. The key to this format is that indentation matters, and `-`
denotes the start of an array entry.

The ATLAS .ibt importer pulls some data from the session string and makes it available to ATLAS,
however to see the vast majority of this information you will need to use one of the various telemetry
tools to gain access to the data.

Here is a mockup of a session string with every possible entry filled in and some pseudo code to
indicate the format of the data and an indication of what each array represents. The data is indicated
using standard printf() notation, %s is a string, %d is an integer, and %0.xf is a floating point number
where x represents the number of decimal places to display.
TrackName: %s
TrackID: %d
TrackLength: %0.2f km
TrackDisplayName: %s
TrackDisplayShortName: %s
TrackConfigName: %s
TrackCity: %s
TrackCountry: %s
TrackAltitude: %0.2f m
TrackLatitude: %0.6f m
TrackLongitude: %0.6f m
TrackNorthOffset: %0.4f rad
TrackNumTurns: %d
TrackPitSpeedLimit: %0.2f kph
TrackType: %s
TrackWeatherType: %s
TrackSkies: %s
TrackSurfaceTemp: %0.2f C
TrackAirTemp: %0.2f C
TrackAirPressure: %0.2f Hg
TrackWindVel: %0.2f m/s
TrackWindDir: %0.2f rad
TrackRelativeHumidity: %d %
TrackFogLevel: %d %
TrackCleanup: %d
TrackDynamicTrack: %d
SeriesID: %d
SeasonID: %d
SessionID: %d
SubSessionID: %d
LeagueID: %d
Official: %d
RaceWeek: %d
EventType: %s
Category: %s
SimMode: %s
TeamRacing: %d
MinDrivers: %d
MaxDrivers: %d
DCRuleSet: %s
QualifierMustStartRace: %d
NumCarClasses: %d
NumCarTypes: %d
NumStarters: %d
StartingGrid: %s
QualifyScoring: %s
CourseCautions: %s
StandingStart: %d
Restarts: %s
WeatherType: %s
Skies: %s
WindDirection: %s
WindSpeed: %0.2f km/h
WeatherTemp: %0.2f C
RelativeHumidity: %d %
FogLevel: %d %
Unofficial: %d
CommercialMode: %s
NightMode: %d
IsFixedSetup: %d
StrictLapsChecking: %s
HasOpenRegistration: %d
HardcoreLevel: %d
TelemetryDiskFile: "%s"

NumSessions: %d

for each session

- SessionNum: %d
SessionLaps: %d
SessionTime: %0.2f sec
SessionNumLapsToAvg: %d
SessionType: %s
SessionTrackRubberState: %s

for each car in position order

- Position: %d
ClassPosition: %d
CarIdx: %d
Lap: %d
Time: %.3f
FastestLap: %d
FastestTime: %.3f
LastTime: %.3f
LapsLed: %d
LapsComplete: %d
LapsDriven: %.3f
Incidents: %d
ReasonOutId: %d
ReasonOutStr: %s
- CarIdx: %d
FastestLap: %d
FastestTime: %.3f
ResultsAverageLapTime: %.3f
ResultsNumCautionFlags: %d
ResultsNumCautionLaps: %d
ResultsNumLeadChanges: %d
ResultsLapsComplete: %d
ResultsOfficial: %d


for each car

- Position: %d
ClassPosition: %d
CarIdx: %d
FastestLap: %d
FastestTime: %.3f


for each camera group

- GroupNum: %d
GroupName: %s
IsScenic: true

for each camera in group

- CameraNum: %d
CameraName: %s

SelectedRadioNum: %d

for each radio

- RadioNum: %d
HopCount: %d
NumFrequencies: %d
TunedToFrequencyNum: %d
ScanningIsOn: %d

for each frequency in radio

- FrequencyNum: %d
FrequencyName: "%s"
Priority: %d
CarIdx: %d
EntryIdx: %d
ClubID: %d
CanScan: %d
CanSquawk: %d
Muted: %d
IsMutable: %d
IsDeletable: %d
DriverCarIdx: %d
DriverHeadPosX: %.3f
DriverHeadPosY: %.3f
DriverHeadPosZ: %.3f
DriverCarIdleRPM: %.3f
DriverCarRedLine: %.3f
DriverCarFuelKgPerLtr: %.3f
DriverCarFuelMaxLtr: %.3f
DriverCarMaxFuelPct: %.3f
DriverCarSLFirstRPM: %.3f
DriverCarSLShiftRPM: %.3f
DriverCarSLLastRPM: %.3f
DriverCarSLBlinkRPM: %.3f
DriverPitTrkPct: %.3f
DriverCarEstLapTime: %.3f
DriverSetupName: %s
DriverSetupIsModified: %d
DriverSetupLoadTypeName: %s
DriverSetupPassedTech: %d

for each car

- CarIdx: %d
UserName: %s
AbbrevName: %s
Initials: %s
UserID: %d
TeamID: %d
TeamName: %s
CarNumber: "%s"
CarNumberRaw: %d
CarPath: %s
CarClassID: %d
CarID: %d
CarScreenName: %s
CarScreenNameShort: %s
CarClassShortName: %s
CarClassRelSpeed: %d
CarClassLicenseLevel: %d
CarClassMaxFuelPct: %.3f %
CarClassWeightPenalty: %.3f kg
CarClassColor: 0x%02x%02x%02x
IRating: %d
LicLevel: %d
LicSubLevel: %d
LicString: %s
LicColor: 0x%s
IsSpectator: %d
CarDesignStr: %s
HelmetDesignStr: %s
SuitDesignStr: %s
CarNumberDesignStr: %s
CarSponsor_1: %d
CarSponsor_2: %d
ClubName: %s
DivisionName: %s


for each sector

- SectorNum: %d
SectorStartPct: %.3f
Appendix C – Live data

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