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Patrium’s Gambit: Character Creation Guide

 Characters will be level 12

 Allowed Classes (All PHB, Artificer 2.0, Shaman, Blood Hunter, Industrialist, Pugilist,
Gunslinger and Dragon knight)
 32 Point buy and the maximum amount of points you can put into an ability score before
racial modifiers has been increased to 16

 Recommended alignments are Lawful Neutral, True Neutral and Lawful Evil.

 Tend towards stranger races as they are more normal in Patrium

Allowed Races
These races are typical to the country of
These Races whilst not typical are allowed
Patrium for this One-Shot
 Dragonborn  Human
 Warforged  Dwarf
 Tabaxi  Elves (Besides Drow and High)
 Gith(Zerai/Yanki)  Shifter
 Giff (See world guide)  Tortle
 Oozian (See World Guide)  Triton
 Canis (See link at end of  Kenku
 Firbolg
 Loxodon
 Goliath
 Centaur
 Gnome
 Minotaur
 Half-Elf
 Vedalken
 Halfling
 Simic Hybrid
 Half Orc

 Pingu (See Link at end of Doc)

 Samuran (See Image Below)

World Guide for Giff and Oozian Races are available here in Homebrew World Guide
Pingu and Canis are also available in the Custom Races doc.

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