Quasi-Static Testing of Posttensioned Nonemulative Column-Footing Connections For Bridge Piers

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Quasi-Static Testing of Posttensioned Nonemulative

Column-Footing Connections for Bridge Piers

Samuel White1 and Alessandro Palermo, M.ASCE2

Abstract: Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is gaining popularity because it offers a number of advantages over conventional methods
of construction. Prefabrication of bridge components for rapid on-site assembly is a highly effective ABC approach. Bridge substructures are
traditionally cast in place with columns that form plastic hinges during earthquake events. Recent studies have explored new precast column-
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footing connections that either emulate the seismic performance of monolithic construction (emulative) or show improved seismic perform-
ance with the use of rocking connections (nonemulative). This paper presents findings from half-scale experimental testing of one emulative
and two nonemulative precast column-footing connections. The two nonemulative connections were designed and detailed to sustain limited
damage that can be rapidly and cost-effectively repaired using predefined methodologies. The tested connections showed promising results for
use in regions of moderate to high seismicity; however, further developments of the proposed construction and repair methodologies are
required for their full potential to be realized. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000872. © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Precast; Concrete; Column; Footing; Nonemulative; Posttensioned.

Introduction Palermo et al. 2007). A combination of energy dissipation and

recentering components forms a connection that dissipates suffi-
Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is gaining popularity cient energy while sustaining little damage or residual deformation.
because it offers a number of advantages over conventional This paper presents findings from experimental testing of one
methods of construction. ABC is intended to reduce construction emulative precast column-footing connection that is used as a
time, disruptions to public transportation, and overall costs of benchmark and two nonemulative precast column-footing connec-
bridge construction, and improve quality, durability, and work- tions. Socket connections, in which the precast column is embedded
zone safety, among other factors (Culmo 2011; Kapur et al. into the footing, were used for the emulative and one of the nonemu-
2012). Prefabrication of bridge components for rapid on-site as- lative test models. The third test model used replaceable energy dis-
sembly is a highly effective ABC approach and has been used for sipaters with threaded bar couplers to connect the column to the
a number of decades in the construction of bridge superstruc- footing. Each test model was constructed at half scale and was sub-
tures. Prefabricated bridge substructures are growing in popularity jected to biaxial quasi-static cyclic loading.
but are mainly used in regions of low seismicity (Billington et al. The nonemulative connections were designed with a con-
1999). The use of precast substructures in regions of moderate to trolled damage philosophy allowing for rapid post-earthquake
high seismicity has been limited, in part because of the lack of repair using predetermined repair methodologies. Connection
widely accepted, well-developed, and proven precast connection damage was not necessarily avoided completely, but was local-
details and design specifications (Kapur et al. 2012; Restrepo et al. ized and constrained for easy access and rapid repair that would
2011; Stanton et al. 1992). minimize structure downtime, while not requiring extensive con-
In the development of precast substructure systems for seismic nection confinement or external dissipation devices, which increase
regions, much focus has been placed on developing robust precast initial construction costs (Marriott 2009; Marriott et al. 2009). The
column-footing connections that emulate the performance of mono- proposed repair methodologies are aimed at being straightforward
lithic cast-in-place (CIP) construction (Marsh et al. 2011). and cost-effective and are intended for rapid implementation fol-
More recent research has explored the use of nonemulative col- lowing seismic events. Such methodologies would avoid the need
umn-footing connections that use controlled rocking between pre- for potentially costly and time-consuming post-earthquake struc-
cast elements at the connection interface to improve seismic per- tural investigation and assessment processes (Lehman et al. 2001;
formance (Hieber et al. 2005; Marriott 2009; Palermo 2004; Palermo et al. 2011).

Bridge Engineer, Opus International Consultants, 100 Beaumont St., Categories of Precast Column-Footing Connections
Auckland 1010, New Zealand (corresponding author). E-mail: sam
.white@opus.co.nz Columns with emulative precast connections behave in a similar
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Natural Resources manner as traditional monolithic CIP columns that are designed to
Engineering, College of Engineering, Univ. of Canterbury, 20 Kirkwood form plastic hinges in seismic events, undergoing inelastic flexural
Ave., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8041, New Zealand. E-mail:
deformation to dissipate seismic energy.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 2, 2015; approved on
Numerous emulative connections that are potentially suitable
October 5, 2015; published online on February 3, 2016. Discussion period for column-footing connections were summarized by Marsh et al.
open until July 3, 2016; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- (2011). These include grouted (Brenes et al. 2006; Steuck et al.
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, © 2007), socket (Haraldsson et al. 2013; Osanai et al. 1996), and
ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702. coupled connections (Ameli et al. 2013; Haber et al. 2014).

© ASCE 04016025-1 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

Experimental testing has shown these connection types to be effec- Moment
tive at emulating the seismic behavior of CIP connections. MTOTAL =
Although the formation of plastic hinges in column elements in MPT + MN + ME

large seismic events aligns with the life-safety performance objec-

tive of avoiding collapse, significant damage to the plastic hinge
region of the column elements may occur, including major spalling
of concrete, crushing of core concrete, yielding of reinforcing bars,
and residual displacement of the structure (AASHTO 2015). In Hysteresis response for
extreme cases, buckling or fracture of the reinforcement may occur, recentering components Rotation

often requiring bridge replacement (Priestley et al. 1996). Moderate Moment

plastic hinge damage was encountered in a number of structures fol- ME
lowing the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 in Christchurch, New
Zealand. Assessment and development of repair methodologies for
these structures took many months, during which time the function-
ality of the bridges was reduced, resulting in significant disruption
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to traffic and economic loss (Palermo et al. 2011). hysteresis response

Hysteresis response for
Nonemulative column-footing connections are designed to dissipating components
provide sufficient energy dissipation through controlled rocking
at specially detailed joints located at the column ends (Restrepo Fig. 1. Flag-shaped hysteresis response
et al. 2011). Improved seismic performance results from use of
such connections, with significantly reduced damage and post-
earthquake residual displacement resulting from avoidance of
the formation of plastic hinges (Priestley et al. 1999). This Transverse
leads to lower repair costs and improved post-earthquake func- seismic load East-West
Gravity load actuator
tionality of the bridge (Lee and Billington 2011; Marriott et al.
2009). North-South
Posttensioned bars or tendons are often used in ABC to Longitudinal actuator
seismic load
clamp segmental precast units together, allowing for rapid con-
struction (Billington et al. 1999; Ou et al. 2013) . Unbonded
5m Post-tensioning 2.5m
posttensioning can also improve the seismic performance of Post-tensioning load
precast columns, as explored by Hewes and Priestley (2002) load
and Sideris et al. (2010). These research projects investigated
segmental pier systems with posttensioned, nonemulative con-
nections to form a recentering column that sustains minimal
damage under seismic loading. No supplementary energy dissi-
(a) (b)
pation components were used, meaning large peak displace-
ments are expected during earthquake events. The use of post-
Fig. 2. (a) Prototype structure; (b) test model
tensioned bars or tendons in regions of moderate to high
seismicity is not limited to nonemulative piers. Ou et al. (2013)
proposed a pier system that used a CIP column base to form an
emulative column-footing connection with posttensioned precast (Christopoulos 2004; Marriott 2009). Advanced forms of energy
segments above the base to facilitate rapid column assembly. dissipation are explored by Motaref et al. (2014) and Tazarv (2014),
Energy dissipation in nonemulative posttensioned column-footing including carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs), engineered
connections can be improved through the addition of supplemental cementitious composites (ECCs), rotational elastomeric dampers,
energy dissipaters to form a hybrid or dissipative controlled rocking and shape memory alloys.
(DCR) connection; such connections were first developed for building The present research explores the development of nonemula-
structures (Priestley 1991; Priestley et al. 1999; Stanton et al. 1997) tive connections that use controlled rocking and aim for con-
and then extended to bridge structures (Hieber et al. 2005; Marriott trolled damage during seismic events. This approach uses con-
2009; Palermo 2004; Palermo et al. 2007). The combination of recen- ventional materials and is intended to provide solutions for
tering and dissipating components usually results in a flag-shaped hys- precast column-footing connections that can be constructed and
teresis response (Fig. 1). repaired in a rapid and cost-effective manner using predeter-
The main design parameter for the nonemulative connections is mined methodologies.
the recentering ratio (λ), which is defined as λ ¼ MPT þ MN =ME ,
where MPT is the contribution to connection strength provided by
the axial load attributable to prestressed tendons or bars; MN is the Prototype Structure
contribution provided by the axial load attributable to gravity loads;
and ME is the contribution of the energy dissipation components. A prototype structure was developed with geometry, axial load,
When using steel yielding dissipaters with elastoplastic behavior, a and reinforcement ratio selected to be representative of a typical
recentering ratio exceeding 1.15–1.25 will generally satisfy the reinforced concrete highway bridge structure in a region of
requirements for full recentering (Palermo et al. 2007). moderate to high seismicity (Fig. 2). For the purposes of this
Energy dissipation in DCR or hybrid connections can be pro- investigation, only the pier of the prototype structure, which
vided through a number of mechanisms, including hysteretic consists of a single column acting in single curvature, was con-
(Marriott 2009), friction (Kurama 2004), and viscous damping sidered. The axial load in the pier column of the prototype

© ASCE 04016025-2 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

structure was 1,800 kN, with a base shear that varied between 500 mm and was supported by a precast concrete footing with
connection types of 560–860 kN per column, giving a seismic dimensions of 2.1  2.1  0.5 m.
acceleration coefficient of 0.31–0.48. A section depth of 1 m
and height from the base of the column to the center of mass
of the superstructure of 5 m was used, giving an aspect ratio of
Emulative Socket Connection (SC-E)
5. Half-scale models of the column-footing joint of the structure
were used for experimental testing (Fig. 2). The emulative socket connection (Fig. 3) was formed by embedding
a precast column into a socket that was formed in a precast footing
(Marsh et al. 2011). Both the inside of the void and base of the col-
Test Models umn were roughened during precasting to improve the bond. After
placement of the column, grout was poured to close the gap between
Three half-scale test models (SC-E, SC-N, CC-N) were con- the two precast elements.
structed and tested with different column-footing connection Similar socket connection types have been investigated by
details, as summarized in Fig. 3 and Table 1. The nonemulative Nelson et al. (2008), Motaref et al. (2011), and Haraldsson et al.
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connections were repaired following initial testing and retested (2013). Socket connections have also been used in actual construc-
(SC-N* and CC-N*). Each test model had a section depth of tion (Khaleghi et al. 2012).

500 Longitudinal Longitudinal

reinforcement Armoured precast
reinforcement core
force Transverse Threaded
reinforcement anchorage CIP grout
for repair Replaceable
Transverse dissipaters
All dims.
Axial force

Unbonded post-tensioned
in mm post-tensioned bar

Plastic hinge Armoring


Armoring Couplers

Naturally formed Replaceable

Bonded rocking interface dissipaters
reinforcement CIP grout

Dissipating Non-yielding
Socket longitudinal reinforcement
connection reinforcement -

debonded at Rocking interface


(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3. Summary of test models: (a) test model dimensions; (b) emulative socket connection (SC-E); (c) nonemulative socket connection (SC-N); (d)
nonemulative coupled connection (CC-N)

Table 1. Test Model Design Parameters

Design parameter SC-E SC-N SC-N* CC-N CC-N*

Connection category Socket Socket Coupled
Seismic behavior Emulative Nonemulative Nonemulative
Cross-sectional shape Circular Circular Square
Posttensioned No Yes Yes
Design drift ratio (%) 3.0 3.0 3.0
Yield drift ratio (%) 0.75 0.75 0.85 0.80
Design displacement ductility 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.8
Axial load (kN) 450 900 1,100
Axial load ratio (%) 5.1 8.3 8.8
Dissipating steel grade (MPa) 500 300 300
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio (%) 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.6
Transverse reinforcement ratio (%) 0.60 1.6 1.6
Moment capacity (kN·m) 350 390 420 540
Dissipating contribution (kN·m) 290 150 180 300
Axial load contribution (kN·m) 60 240 240 240
Recentering ratio 0.21 1.6 1.3 0.80
Note: Axial load ratio = axial load/(gross cross-sectional area  measured concrete strength).

© ASCE 04016025-3 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

Mounting 170
Saw-cut 24mm dia.
through epoxy or chemically
bars grout anchored
threaded bars

Threaded 290 20

All dims. 80
in mm

(a) (b) (c)

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Fig. 4. SC-N proposed and experimental repair methodologies: (a) proposed repair methodology; (b) experimental repair methodology; (c) mounting

A 40-mm-diameter unbonded posttensioned bar was used in the which was expected to have increased the overall moment capacity
test model to apply an axial load of constant magnitude to the column, of the nonemulative connections by up to 6%.
simulating gravity load in the structure. Theposttensioned bar wasnot This connection is similar to nonemulative socket connections
intendedforuseinactualapplicationsofthisconnection. that are currently being investigated at the University of
In the emulative test (SC-E), the load on the posttensioned bar was Washington (Davis et al. 2012; Finnsson 2013; Schaefer 2013).
continually monitored using a load cell, and the hydraulic pressure These projects investigate a number of methods for reducing con-
was manually regulated to maintain a constant axial load of 450 kN. nection damage and maximizing recentering capabilities, with
promising results, but don’t directly address methods and effective-
ness of repair, which is a focus of the present research.
Nonemulative Socket Connection (SC-N) The test specimen was reused from a previous test, in which it
was tested to a 2% drift ratio with no supplementary connection
SC-N featured a nonemulative posttensioned variant of the socket confinement. Moderate spalling occurred in the column. Damaged
connection to improve seismic performance (Fig. 3). A natural concrete was removed and the column was repaired using structural
rocking interface occurred as a result of the formation of a single repair mortar. The column was then wrapped with fiber-reinforced
wide crack at the base of the column. The formation of a single polymer (FRP) fabric over a height of 600 mm to target a confined
crack was encouraged by the addition of connection confinement at concrete compressive strength of 1.3 times the unconfined compres-
the base of the column, which terminated above the rocking inter- sive strength. Although yielding of the longitudinal bars occurred, it
face and the debonding of the longitudinal bars at the rocking inter- was assumed that the residual strength and ductility of the bars had
face over a length of 50 mm in the half-scale test column. Regular not been significantly altered, and thus the damage was considered
reinforcement was used for energy dissipation, with no reduction in to have no significant influence on the results of subsequent tests.
bar diameter at the rocking interface, and thus strain penetration The FRP wrap provided connection confinement to the test
was expected to occur. This means that inelastic deformation was model. Alternative methods of connection confinement include
not limited to just the debonded length, but extended for some dis- FRP tube (ElGawady et al. 2010; Nelson et al. 2008) or steel pipe
tance on either side of the debonded region. The columns were (Restrepo et al. 2011).
designed with a recentering ratio of 1.6 for the SC-N test column The proposed repair methodology for this connection is illustrated
and 1.3 for the repaired SC-N* connection. in Fig. 4. A saw cut was made at the base of the column to intention-
In an actual structure using posttensioned nonemulative connec- ally sever the existing damaged reinforcement. The saw cut was filled
tions, axial load resulting from both posttensioning forces and gravity with grout or epoxy to reinstate a bearing pad for transfer of axial force
load would provide recentering capabilities to the connection. The and to prevent corrosion. A steel collar and external dissipaters were
gravity load would remain approximately constant, whereas the post- then mounted to the connection using preinstalled threaded inserts.
tensioning load would increase with column displacement as a result The anchorages, footing, and column were all designed as capacity
of elongation of the posttensioned bar or tendon. Testing limitations protected members with strength that exceeded the overstrength
meant that the constant and increasing axial loads could not be sepa- capacity of the connection. It should be noted that further research
rated, and thus a posttensioned bar of 50 mm was used to represent into the use of threaded inserts, particularly in damaged concrete, is
both the gravity and posttensioning loads in the nonemulative connec- required before this system can be considered for implementation in
tions. The load in the bar was not regulated during testing and the field (ACI 2014).
increased with column displacement. Because of space constraints during casting of the half-scale col-
The initial posttensioning force in the bar was such that at the umn and reuse of the footing from a previous test, the intended repair
method of dissipater anchorage into preinstalled threaded inserts was
design drift, the posttensioning load would approximately equal the
not used for the repair of SC-N. Chemically anchored bars were used
expected sum of the posttensioning and gravity loads, had the loads
instead (Figs. 4 and 5).
been separated. The limitation of this approach is that the axial load
in the test model is underrepresented at drifts smaller than the
Nonemulative Coupled Connection (CC-N)
design drift and overrepresented at drifts larger than the design drift.
The difference between observed and expected axial load was esti- CC-N used replaceable dissipating reinforcing bar segments (dis-
mated to be up to 11% at the maximum column displacement, sipaters) with mechanical couplers to form a connection between

© ASCE 04016025-4 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

295 260 85
24 30 24

80 150 80
Overlap of grooved and
threaded regions 24mm equivalent
24 diameter

20 220 20 16mm equivalent 30

8mm thick tube
80 150 80 All dims.
(a) (c) in mm

Fig. 5. Energy dissipaters for SC-N*, CC-N, and CC-N*: (a) grooved dissipater for SC-N*; (b) turned dissipater for CC-N; (c) grooved dissipater for CC-N*
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Column placed
Upper couplers and aligned with Couplers attached Stirrups
wound back onto couplers to upper studs spaced
CIP grout
Stirrups Grout bed poured
Lower couplers bar connected
attached to anchorage
to footing Bar tensioned

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 6. CC-N construction methodology

Damage Damaged
limited to CIP Couplers
grout and wound back onto dissipaters
dissipaters Stirrups and dissipaters removed
CIP grout
removed or or
No damage to any
other conection Damaged Couplers
components dissipaters cut and ends of
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 7. Methodology for removal of damaged dissipaters

column and footing (Figs. 3, 5, and 6). The dissipaters were enclosed residual drifts in the connection were expected to be smaller than
in CIP grout that was cast during column assembly. The connection those of an emulative connection, such as SC-E.
was designed to behave in a rocking manner during a seismic event, The connection featured a recess in which the eight replaceable
with damage limited to yielding of the dissipaters and spalling of the dissipaters were positioned around a precast core. The precast core
CIP grout. All other connection components were designed to remain was designed to resist the full axial and shear actions in the connec-
essentially elastic. The dissipaters and CIP grout are intended to be tion. The dissipaters were connected with parallel threaded couplers
removed and replaced following a seismic event to provide a rapid to studs extending from the precast column and footing. Stirrups pro-
and cost-effective method of repair. vided confinement to the CIP grout and buckling restraint to the
Similar connection types have been investigated by Haber et al. dissipaters.
(2014), who examined the use of mechanical splices in an emulative The couplers used in the test model produced a full-strength con-
column-footing connection, and Tazarv (2014), who investigated nection that exceeded the breaking strength of the Grade 500 rein-
the use of advanced shape memory alloys to form a nonemulative forcing bar. The ends of the bars to be joined were cut square and
recentering connection without the requirement for posttensioning. enlarged by cold forging to increase their core diameter and thus
In the present research, a nonemulative coupled connection using ensure that the joint was stronger than the bar.
conventional materials was targeted, which would allow for cost- The dissipaters used in the test model are shown in Fig. 5. The dis-
effective construction and repair. sipaters used for initial assembly of the test model were fabricated
A 50-mm-diameter unbonded posttensioned bar provided some from Grade 300 steel and had a diameter of 24 mm, which was
recentering capabilities to the connection; however, the connection increased to 30 mm for connection to the couplers. The strength of
had a recentering ratio of only 0.8, meaning full recentering was not the couplers allowed for reinforcing bar stresses exceeding 650 MPa.
expected to occur. Although full recentering was not expected, Under overstrength design actions of the Grade 300 dissipaters using

© ASCE 04016025-5 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

an overstrength factor of 1.25, the couplers were subjected to only conventional ductile RC approach. The nonemulative connections
53% of their capacity, giving a high degree of confidence to the ex- (SC-N, SC-N*, CC-N, CC-N*) were designed following the guide-
pectation that damage to the couplers will not occur. This differs lines presented by the New Zealand Concrete Society (NZCS
from other research in which couplers are subjected to their full 2010).
design capacity during plastic hinging of the connection (Haber et al. The length of debonding in the nonemulative connections was
2014). such that the expected strain in the longitudinal bars was less than
Regular deformed reinforced bar was intended for use in the 5% at the design drift, as recommended by NZCS (2010). All post-
connection; however, the half-scale dissipaters used in the test were tensioning components were designed to remain elastic at the
too short for the cold-forging process to be undertaken. As an alter- design drift.
native, Grade 300 steel bars that were turned down to a smaller di-
ameter over the yielded region were used as dissipaters. This was
expected to provide equivalent performance to the use of Grade 300 Experimental Investigation
reinforcing bars.
The repair methodology for removal of damaged dissipaters is Quasi-static biaxial testing of the three half-scale test columns was
outlined in Fig. 7. Installation of replacement dissipaters followed carried out. The SC-E connection was tested once to failure.
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the construction methodology outlined in Fig. 6. To repair the con- Columns SC-N and CC-N were each tested to 3.25% biaxial drift
nection, the CIP material and stirrups were removed, allowing for and then repaired and retested (SC-N*, CC-N*).
removal and replacement of the damaged dissipaters using the
threaded couplers. Replacement stirrups were welded around the Testing Procedures
dissipaters, and CIP grout was cast to complete the repair process.
Because the stirrups were not subjected to significant inelastic de- Displacement-controlled hydraulic actuators were used to apply a
formation, welding was deemed to be an appropriate solution for biaxial lateral load to the columns in the north-south (N-S) and east-
repair of the connection. Single lap welds of 100-mm length and 4- west (E-W) directions at a height of 2.5 m above the footings (Figs.
mm throat thickness were used. The bars being welded were micro- 8 and 9). Fig. 10 illustrates the lateral loading sequence for each
alloyed and were identified by the manufacturer as being suitable drift cycle and the relationship between uniaxial and biaxial drift. In
for welding. Alternative methods of bar splicing, such as bar cou- general, the peak biaxial drift input for a given load cycle was 1.3
plers, could be used to connect the replacement stirrups if site weld- times the peak uniaxial drift input.
ing is not a desired repair solution. An axial hydraulic actuator was used to apply posttensioning
Because the precast core of the column is protected from damage force. The unbonded posttensioning bar was located in a polyvinyl
and designed to carry the full axial load in the column, vertical load- chloride (PVC) duct that ran through the full length of the column
carrying capacity would be maintained following an earthquake and footing. The bar was anchored at both ends using steel plates,
event, and the connection could be repaired without removal of washers, and nuts.
posttensioning load or raising of the column. Instrumentation on the columns included string potentiometers
to measure column displacement in the N-S and E-W directions,
load cells to measure lateral and vertical actuator loads, and an array
Connection Design of rod end potentiometers located on the north and east faces of the
column to measure column deformation (Figs. 8 and 9).
The design parameters of each half-scale test model are summarized Measured material properties for each test column are presented
in Table 1. The emulative connection (SC-E) was designed using a in Table 2.

Lateral Lateral load cell
actuator load cell Axial
String potentiometer
Reaction frame
Precast East-West
column (EW) actuator

Array of rod-end
N (NS) actuator


(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Testing arrangement: (a) elevation; (b) plan

© ASCE 04016025-6 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

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Fig. 9. SC-E column before testing

Uniaxial drift Table 2. Test Column Material Properties

Dri Cycles (%)
Uniaxial Biaxial Property SC-E SC-N, SC-N* CC-N, CC-N*
8 0.25 0.33
t Compressive strength (MPa)
d rif 5 0.35 0.46
Concrete—footing 44 55 60
x ial
North-South drift

0.50 0.65
Bia Concrete—column 45 55 50
0.75 0.98
2 1 Grout—for construction 44 41 55a
W E 1.00 1.30
Grout—for repair N/A 55a (before test) 39
1.50 1.95 Steel tensile strength—yield/ultimate (MPa)
2.00 2.60 Column—longitudinal 516/650 350/530 520a/650a
2.50 3.25 Column—transverse 556/690 680/790 680/790
6 7 3.00 3.90 Dissipaters N/A 360/540 380/520
4 4.00 5.20 Footing 516/650 520/650 520/650
S 5.00 6.50 Posttensioned bar 835a/1,030a 835a/1,030a 835a/1,030a
East-West drift 6.00 7.80 Glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) wrap
Tensile strength (MPa) N/A 2,300a N/A
Fig. 10. Biaxial drift cycles Tensile modulus (GPa) N/A 76a N/A
Elongation at break (%) N/A 2.8a N/A
Column Assembly Reliable measurement was not achieved—expected value provided
SC-E and SC-N shared a similar assembly methodology, as shown
in Fig. 11. Assembly involved lifting the column into the socket and
The posttensioning bar was stressed just before commencement
propping. Once the column was aligned, grout was manually
of testing in all cases.
poured into the gap between the footing and column and agitated
with a thin rod to ensure that grout completely filled the gap. SC-N
was confined with FRP wrap following a prior column test, as previ- Initial Testing
ously discussed. Fig. 13 shows damage to each test model following biaxial testing.
The assembly of test column CC-N is shown in Fig. 12. Cracking initiated at the base of the column during the 0.2–0.35%
Grease tape was used to avoid bonding of the dissipaters with drift cycles in all tests. Distributed fine cracks formed along the col-
the surrounding concrete. After placement of the column and umn at larger levels of drift. All cracks above the joint region closed
connection of the couplers, high-flow grout was poured into the to hairline thickness upon unloading of the column.
shallow socket between the column and footing. The column Column SC-E was tested to failure and reached a biaxial drift of
was intended to remain unbonded from this grout layer to per- 7.8% (displacement ductility ratio, m = 7.8). Minor spalling
mit rocking behavior. It was discovered upon disassembly that occurred during the 3.25% biaxial drift cycle, with spalling becom-
bonding of the two elements had occurred, which altered the ing more severe in the 3.90% drift cycle. Bar fracture occurred dur-
behavior of the column and caused it to behave in a more emu- ing biaxial loading to 7.8% drift. Significant spalling was observed,
lative manner with flexure of the precast core. Bonding could extending to a height of 500 mm. Bar buckling occurred, although it
be avoided by placing a polythene sheet in the base of the shal- was difficult to confirm the level of drift at which buckling initiated.
low socket before grouting, or through the use of a match cast Column SC-N was tested to a biaxial drift of 3.25% (m = 3.6). A
joint that requires no grouting. very low level of damage was observed, with some horizontal

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Fig. 11. SC-E and SC-N assembly: (a) precast column; (b) precast footing; (c) column lifted into place; (d) column in socket; (e) grout poured; (f)
connection after FRP wrap (SC-N only)

Fig. 12. CC-N assembly: (a) couplers on footing studs; (b) dissipaters attached; (c) column placed; (d) couplers attached; (e) stirrups spaced; (f) form-
work assembled; (g) grout gravity fed; (h) formwork removed; (i) construction complete

cracking of the FRP wrap that initiated during the 0.98% biaxial drift misalignment. The difficulty was overcome by swapping the loca-
cycle. The cracking was parallel to the fiber orientation of the wrap, tion of dissipaters and did not prevent the repair strategy from being
and thus no reduction in column confinement was expected to have applied, although it did slow the repair process. These difficulties
occurred. could be avoided by using an alternate bar coupling system that
The CC-N column was also tested to a biaxial drift of 3.25% (m = allows for a higher degree of rotational tolerance. An example is the
3.6). Spalling of the CIP region of the column initiated during the upset headed coupler with threaded sleeve, as tested by Haber et al.
2.6% biaxial drift cycle. Spalling extended to a height of 100 mm by (2014) and Tazarv (2014).
the end of testing. No spalling occurred outside of the CIP region. In both repairs, longitudinally grooved dissipaters were used as
an alternative to bars that were turned down to a smaller diameter
over the yielding region (Fig. 5). The longitudinally grooved dis-
Repair sipaters used in this research had a radius of gyration that was 40%
higher than that of the round dissipaters, with a circular cross sec-
Postdrilling and chemical anchorage of the dissipaters was used for tion of equal cross-sectional area, which decreased the dissipaters’
repair of SC-N (Figs. 4 and 14). Repair of CC-N involved removal susceptibility to buckling. In the repair of the SC-N connection, an
of the CIP grout material and stirrups, allowing access for replace- unbonded steel sleeve provided buckling restraint to the externally
ment of the dissipaters (Fig. 15). Minor buckling of the dissipaters mounted grooved dissipaters. The sleeve was fabricated from
had occurred, and thus the bars were cut for removal. There was no Grade 300 bar and had a wall thickness of 8 mm. The grooved dis-
apparent damage to the couplers or threads, which allowed the cou- sipaters maintained a constant outside diameter along their length
plers to be removed and reused. There was some difficulty with in- that enabled continual contact with the buckling restraint sleeve.
stallation of the replacement dissipaters because of thread This avoided the need for epoxy or grout to close the gap between

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Fig. 13. Damage to test models: (a) SC-E; (b) SC-N; (c) SC-N*; (d) CC-N; (e) CC-N*

Fig. 14. SC-N repair: (a) internal reinforcing bars cut; (b) holes drilled for dissipaters; (c) mounting collar and dissipaters installed

the bar and sleeve, as is required in similar dissipater designs sliding of the mounting collar at drifts exceeding 1.5%, and pullout
(Marriott 2009; Sarti et al. 2013). In the repair of the CC-N column, of the dissipaters at drifts exceeding 2.5%.
no sleeve was used and welded stirrups provided buckling restraint. The repaired CC-N* column was tested to biaxial drifts of 3.9%
Preliminary testing of the grooved dissipaters was carried out prior (m = 4.3). Damage in the repaired column was similar to that of the
to column testing. The dissipaters were subjected to cyclic loading initial test. Spalling initiated during the 2.5% drift cycle. The testing
at increasing magnitudes of strain. Each load cycle involved exten- ended after premature failure of a dissipater. The cause of this fail-
sion of the dissipater to a certain strain limit before compressing the ure was overlap of the grooved and threaded regions of the bar, as
dissipater back to its original length. The dissipater yielded in com- shown in Fig. 5, which should be avoided in fabrication of the
pression as it returned to its original length, but was not compressed grooved dissipaters. The failure strain of the grooved dissipater was
further than its original length. Three load cycles were applied at not measured directly, but was estimated from the column drift and
each strain limit. Very good results were observed showing stable observed gap opening to be less than 6%. This was significantly
hysteresis loops and good ductility, with the dissipater reliably com- smaller than the cyclic strain of 9% achieved in preliminary testing
pleting three cycles at 9% strain (Fig. 16). of the grooved dissipater, indicating that column performance
would likely be improved with correct dissipater detailing.
Postrepair Testing No failure of transverse reinforcement or welds was observed in
any of the tests.
Fig. 13 shows damage to each test model following biaxial testing
of the repaired test models. SC-N* was tested to the limits of the
test equipment and completed the 7.8% biaxial drift cycle (m = 7.1) Results
without bar fracture. Actuator stroke limitation meant that only 4%
uniaxial drift could be applied in the south direction. Inadequate an- Fig. 16 and Table 3 summarize the experimental results for each
chorage and previous damage to the concrete footing led to some test model. SC-E showed stable hysteresis loops with good levels

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Fig. 15. CC-N repair: (a) damaged CIP grout removed; (b) damaged dissipaters exposed; (c) damaged dissipaters removed; (d) replacement
dissipaters installed; (e) debonding tape applied; (f) replacement stirrups welded; (g) formwork assembled; (h) grout gravity fed

of energy dissipation, as indicated by the fatness of the hysteresis • Detailed cost-comparison and loss modeling analysis to quan-
loops. No flag shape was visible in testing of SC-N, but this shape tify the potential cost benefits of nonemulative systems, con-
developed at higher levels of drift during SC-N* testing. CC-N sidering life-cycle costs that encompass the construction,
showed no flag-shaped hysteresis loops, with a similar ratio of maintenance, repair, and deconstruction stages of the struc-
peak to residual drift as SC-E, despite having a higher recentering ture’s life (Lee and Billington 2011; Marriott et al. 2009).
ratio. Residual drifts in SC-N and SC-N* were significantly lower • Durability of the nonemulative connections, including corro-
than those of SC-E, CC-N, and CC-N*. Residual drift following sion protection of the dissipating and posttensioning compo-
loading to a 6% uniaxial drift cycle was 0.7% in the SC-N* col- nents at the jointed connection interface. Research is currently
umn, which was 78% smaller than that of the SC-E column, which under way at the University of Canterbury to address these
had residual drift of 3.2% following the same load cycle. issues (Andisheh et al. 2014).
CC-N* dissipated significantly more energy than both SC-E and • Applicability of the connection types to certain environments
SC-N* up to the failure biaxial drift of 3.9% (3% uniaxial drift that pose additional challenges for construction and repair,
cycle). Because CC-N(*) and SC-E had similar energy dissipation including in-water piers. Additionally, application of these
moment contributions to overall capacity (Table 1), and both col- connection types to other regions of the bridge substructures,
umns were subjected to the same displacement input, the amount of including column-to-cap-beam connections.
energy dissipated by both columns was expected to be similar. In • Shake table testing to investigate the dynamic behavior of the
reality, the repaired CC-N* column dissipated 50% more energy connections, including rate dependency in the connection
than SC-E on completion of the 3.9% biaxial load cycle (3% uniax- response and the potential for suboptimal coupler performance
ial drift). Bonding of the precast core (as previously discussed) is as investigated by Noureddine (1996) and Rowell et al.
believed to be the reason for the increased residual drifts and energy (2009).
dissipation of CC-N and CC-N*. • Compliance of the connections to current design standards,
Similar cumulative energy dissipation was observed in SC-E, particularly those relating to the use of mechanical splices in
SC-N, and SC-N* for biaxial drift cycles up to 3.9% (3% uniaxial plastic hinge regions.
drift). The cumulative dissipated energy of SC-N* was 61% that of
SC-E at completion of testing, with both columns achieving the
same ultimate drift. This corresponds well to the contribution of Conclusion
energy dissipation components to the overall strength of each con-
nection, as summarized in Table 2. The dissipating contribution of The experimental results of quasi-static cyclic tests of three half-
SC-N* was expected to be 180 kN·m, which is 62% that of SC-E at scale test models with emulative and nonemulative column-footing
290 kN·m. connections have been presented. The nonemulative connections
were designed to behave in a rocking manner with opening of a single
gap at the base of the column to improve seismic performance and
Further Investigations control damage. This design is aimed at facilitating rapid and cost-
effective repair using predetermined methodologies that avoids the
A number of points require further investigation before the nonemu- need for time-consuming and costly post-earthquake structural
lative connections presented in this research can be found suitable assessment and repair methodology development.
for use in regions of moderate to high seismicity. These include but The following key conclusions can be made from this paper:
are not limited to: • The emulative socket connection (SC-E) showed good seis-
• Further development of construction and repair methodolo- mic performance, with levels of energy dissipation and duc-
gies to increase connection effectiveness, robustness, and tility comparable to those of a conventional monolithic
reliability. connection. As expected, significant damage occurred,

© ASCE 04016025-10 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

Yield Spall/Design Bar Fracture
120 200 North-South actuator
East-West actuator

80 150


Uniaxial force (kN)

Force (kN) 50
0 E N
-40 −50

-80 −100

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 −200
Strain (%) −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Uniaxial drift (%)
(a) (b)
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Ayman Shama on 10/03/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Yield Design
200 North-South actuator 200 Collar Slip
North-South actuator Yield Design/Pull-Out
East-West actuator East-West actuator
150 150
100 100
Uniaxial force (kN)

Uniaxial force (kN)

50 50
0 0
−50 −50
−100 −100
−150 −150
−200 −200
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Uniaxial drift (%) Uniaxial drift (%)
(c) (d)

Yield Spall Design 200 Yield Design/Spall

Bar Fracture
150 150

100 100
Uniaxial force (kN)
Uniaxial force (kN)

50 50
0 0
−50 −50
North-South North-South
actuator actuator
−100 East-West −100 East-West
actuator actuator
−150 −150

−200 −200
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Uniaxial drift (%) Uniaxial drift (%)
(e) (f)
3.5 400
*Repaired *Repaired SC-E
Cumulative dissipated energy (kJ)

3 350
Residual uniaxial dri (%)

2.5 300


CC-N* 200
1.5 CC-N*
SC-N 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0
0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6
Peak uniaxial dri (%) Drift cycle (%)
(g) (h)

Fig. 16. Experimental results: (a) force-strain behavior of grooved dissipaters; (b) SC-E uniaxial force-drift; (c) SC-N uniaxial force-drift; (d) SC-N*
uniaxial force-drift; (e) CC-N uniaxial force-drift; (f) CC-N* uniaxial force-drift; (g) residual drift following each drift cycle; (h) cumulative dissipated
energy in each test

© ASCE 04016025-11 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

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Acknowledgments Kapur, J., et al. (2012). “Best practices regarding performance of ABC
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The authors thank the New Zealand Ministry of Business, events.” NCHRP Project No. 20-68A, Transportation Research
Innovation and Employment—Natural Hazard Research Platform Board, Washington, DC.
Khaleghi, B., et al. (2012). “Accelerated bridge construction in Washington
for financially supporting this project as part of the research
state: From research to practice.” PCI J., 57(4), 34–49.
program Advanced Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD). The Kurama, Y. (2004). “A friction damper for post-tensioned precast concrete
authors also thank Mustafa Mashal for his assistance in design and moment frames.” PCI J., 49(4), 112–133.
testing throughout project and technicians Gavin Keats and Lee, W. K., and Billington, S. L. (2011). “Performance-based earthquake
Russell McConchie for lab assistance. engineering assessment of a self-centering, post-tensioned concrete
bridge system.” Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., 40(8), 887–902.
Lehman, D. E., Gookin, S. E., Nacamuli, A. M., and Moehle, J. P. (2001).
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© ASCE 04016025-13 J. Bridge Eng.

J. Bridge Eng., 2016, 21(6): 04016025

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