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Dear students. It is a pleasure for the tutors assigned this semester, to

continue with this learning experience, this time, on managing aspects of
education. We want to invite you to participate and interact with your
classmates and tutors to achieve the goals set for this academic course.
Remember we are here to learn and improve our language command.
These are the units of the course:

Meaning of educational management in our context.
• Meaning of educational management
• Educational management in the Latin American context.
Educational management: A perspective to understand new
• Educational leadership and management: policy, theory and practice
New technology trends in educational management
Chart 1. Structure of the description of the course.

The elective course Educational Management implies one approach to
theories, trends, analysis and concepts and an overview of perspectives
in higher education. The generalities of this course will allow the future
teachers in English as a foreign language to perform in educational fields
with experience based on the current educative paradigms and their own
contexts of teaching.
The main syllabus proposed is the situational, because it allows us to
work with real or hypothetical situations in which students put into
practice theories and tendencies studied.
This course has two units: the first one concerns to one approach to the
meaning of educational management and its theories related. Moreover,
the course offers an exploratory analysis of educational management in
the context of higher education in Latin America.
The second unit concerns to the transition from distance to online
education, the educational leadership and management, which includes
policies, theories and practice. Finally, the course guides the students to
one approach to the new technology trend in educational management.
Along the course, students will develop two collaborative tasks, and an
essay in which students take a critical point of view concerning the
implications of educational management at universities. Overall, this
course offers an overview of educational context not only from the
classroom but also from the administration offices.

Task based learning: Task-based learning is an approach in which
learning is focused on the students even than the teacher. This model
promotes organizing the course in terms of a final task or a set of tasks
that will guide the presentation of different content. Performing these
tasks required from students obtaining a set of knowledge and skills to
enhance and promote their development. Students can learn not only
through the transmission of knowledge by the teacher but having an
active role in building their knowledge. Learning is potentiated by doing
and learning to learn.

General purposes:
The course focuses on theories and practices related to the educational
management through the whole description of the incidence of
management in current schools and universities. In the same way, the
course explores possible ways in which these could be used in the
classroom to get a successful educational community.
At the end, students will understand and will be able to take action in real
situations taking part in the planning and organization of strategic
development at schools by using the strategies related to educational

Course competences:
1. Disciplinary competences: Students analyze critically trends about
Educational Management.
2. Communicative competences
a. Interpretative: Students identify the transition from traditional
model to online education from the perspective of educational
b. Argumentative: Students discuss critically concerning the transition
to online education from the perspective of educational
c. Propositional: Students take a critical point of view concerning the
implications of educational management in universities and schools.
3. Transversal competence: Students are able to both use web 2.0
tools for supporting learning and training and, understand online
education from the perspective of educational management.

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