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Date: 23 February 2020

Teacher’s Name: Caroline Adduci

Subject: English Language Arts
Grade level:11th
Unit: Evidence
Length of lesson:45 minutes
Central Focus: The purpose of this lesson segment is to build upon students' knowledge of
research. The students will learn how to find scholarly evidence from credible sites that will
support their argument or thesis. This lesson segment will serve as a building block for finding
credible supporting evidence in future papers and classes. Using evidence to back up a claim is
essential in all writing, specifically research papers. Students will learn how to draw evidence
from both readings in class and informational texts in order to further support their paper. This
type of research and evidence is going to be taught in a Junior class because students are
expected to use scholarly sites and find creative evidence.
Lesson Title: Reading Strategies to Find the Best Source
For lesson: 5 out of 5
Essential Question(s): What makes evidence or a source credible vs. non creditable? What type
of sources can be used to support an argument or a problem?

New York Common Core Literacy Standards

Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Differentiation: The Academy of Mount Saint Ursula has a small class size and there is only
one student who outwardly demonstrates a learning disability. For this lesson to help that student
I would meet with her during the classwork and review one on one her work. I would ask her
questions to make sure she understands the assignment and how to use her sources. There are
also two students who are classified as disinterested learners. In order to motivate them I would
cold call on them frequently throughout the class.

Academic Language: For this lesson plan students will need to understand the vocabulary
words: thesis, credible evidence and credible sources to succeed in the lesson.

Pre-Assessment: As students walk into the classroom teacher will collect homework from the
previous lesson and briefly look at while students are doing a turn and talk to determine if
students understood the QuLP method. .

Learning Objectives: Students will: Assessments:

-Analyze a rubric in order to understand how to -Classwork worksheet (Requiring students to
succeed on the summative assessment write a thesis based on their sources and
(community proposal plan) community proposal plan)

Anticipatory Set- 5 minutes

1. Students will do a turn and talk about the problem they choose to address in their community.
Specifically about how they plan to solve this issue.
2. Teachers will cold call students to share their partners' ideas.
Initial Phase- 10 minutes
3. Teacher will pass out a summative assessment assignment and project it on board. Read it
outloud to students and ask if there are any questions.
4. Rubric will be passed out and projected on the board.
5. Teacher will go through each box explaining what it means while incorporating examples and
instructions for the assignment.
6. Explain how a paper is build around a thesis (although students should already know it's
important but review what a thesis is) .
Middle Phase- 15 minutes
7. Pass out a worksheet about forming a thesis so students can follow along.
8. On board create an example thesis and talk students through how you created it.
Concluding Phase- 13
9. Students will take out their three sources and use them to create a thesis using the class
worksheet instructions. There are three pieces of evidence and that means their thesis has to cover
three points.
10. For an exit slip students will rewrite their thesis and hand it in to the teacher. Students will also
write one thing they learned about the summative assessment from the rubric. Teachers will
review to see if students have good thesises for their paper and understand how to do the
Follow up:
Students will begin to work on their summative assessment in order to hand in a rough draft.

-White board
-Projector or smart board

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