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I step closer to her, between her hips, joining the game.

“Don’t we all need a little


She wraps her arms around my neck and buries one hand in my hair, but I connect our
lips. They’re soft. My nose bumps into her cheek, and absently I notice that she smells like pine
and strawberry. Her tongue swipes lightly, tentatively, at my lower lip. Suddenly, my brain
catches up with my body and crashes. I freeze in her arms.

“Fuck, did I read this wrong?” Vienna says, disentangling herself from me. She swears
softly, under her breath. “I’m really, really sorry. Sometimes I do that.” She turns to leave. My
insides are buzzing.

I catch her wrist, pulling her back to me. “You didn’t read that wrong,” I say against her
lips. She tastes like wine and coconut chapstick and I just want to keep kissing her.

After what could definitely be hours of her making out with me up against the red bricks
and what is realistically probably only a few minutes, she moves away and kisses my temple
before whispering, “Want to get out of here?” I kiss her cheek before nodding. She intertwines
her fingers with mine and pulls me away.

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