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 Dengan terbatasnya ide litrev, akan sullit menjumpai hasil yang baik
 Kemaren udah dikumpulin beberapa pertanyaan dimediasi chabil
 Terminologinya dulu, lit rev adalah general term for all attempts to synthesize the
result and conclusions of two or more publication on a given topic. A review may or
may not be systematic.
 Apa nanti stop di naratif review, atau mau jadi meta analitic atau jadi systematic
 Narrative itu biasa di tinjauan pustaka, systematic review dapat membuat konklusid
dari beberapa meta analysis. Paling tinggi tuh systematic meta analytic reviw
 Steps in an SR
- Build a review team
- Develop a protocol or plan
- Formulate review question
- Define inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Locate studies
- Select studies
- Assess study quality
- Extract data
- Analysis/summary and synthesis of relevant studies
- Present results
- Interpret results/determining the applicability of results
 Review team
- Normally a team work
- Key skills:
1. Managing research projects
Leading, coordinating
2. Expertise in the topic
3. Methodological expertise
Planning, searching, managing information, coding, analyzing, synthesizing
 PICO – question
components in medicine
- P – Population
Patients (Demographic factors, socioeconomic, factors, setting, etc.)
- I – Intervention
Drug, procedure, etc.
- C – Comparison
Alternative to compare with intervention (placebo or active)
- O – Outcome
Improvement, effect, measure, etc.

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