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Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: Mar. 13, 2020

Name: Celina Taramasco
Essential Question: How can our community support the older generation?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Caring for the elderly prevents social isolation and reduces health risks.
                                        #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.
                                        #3:  Helping the older generation gives them a sense of purpose.
Point that this Source Proves: #2: Taking care of the elderly allows us to learn from their experiences.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

The chief operating officer for the Arcadia said that “the older generation has a lot of history, has a lot of
life lessons that they can provide.”

In the personal interview with Heidi Pliszka she states, “they have experienced things that maybe in your
generation right now you would never have experienced.”

“They bring a different level of experience and I think richness to the younger generation” explains Heidi.

Ms. Pliszka states that “the younger generation has things that they can teach the older generation whether
it be technology, or what is going on in the world.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

On Tuesday, March 10, Kaitlyn Miyashiro and I interviewed Heidi Pliszka, the chief operating
officer for the Arcadia. She was able to give us a lot of helpful information for our project. She talked a
lot about the importance of the kupuna generation and the impact of loneliness and isolation. Ms. Pliszka
explained to us her interest and personal connection to her job position. She grew up a local in Maui so
she was raised with the idea around giving back and respecting our elderly. Heidi believes it is very
important to take care of the kupuna community here in Hawai’i because they have a lot that they can
share with us.
Heidi Pliszka talked about loneliness and isolation in not only the elderly, but also the younger
generations. She said that “loneliness is something that anyone can combat or battle with at any time in
their life” (Pliszka). Especially with the technology today, we are losing out on physical community and
interaction and with that comes a sense of isolation. The kupuna generation is one that can really help
with that. The older generation have a lot of history with them and they have had so many experiences
that they can pass onto the younger generation.
“They bring a different level of experience and I think richness to the younger generation” says
Heidi Pliszka. A lot of them live a lot of interesting lives and have so much information that they want to
share with others. Everyone ages physically but mentally everyone wants to still feel like we have a
purpose. Everybody wants to feel that they have a purpose and that their purpose matters and human
interaction makes that possible. Allowing the elderly to talk and share their experiences with us will help
battle that feeling of isolation and loneliness.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

Pliszka, Heidi. Personal interview. 10 March 2020

This is a reputable and reliable article because Heidi Pliszka works at the Arcadia as the chief operating

Celina Taramasco
Mrs. Nourrie
English 11E
13 March 2020
Journal 6:
This week, my partner and I completed our first interview with Heidi Pliszka, a family

friend that works at the Arcadia next to Maryknoll High School. Our interview was scheduled

for Tuesday, March 10 at 4:15 pm at the Arcadia. However, because of the recent corona virus

cases on island, the Arcadia was limiting visitors. Instead of going to the Arcadia, Kaitlyn and I

did the interview over a phone call. I thought that the interview went really well because she had

so much information and answered all of our questions. She even asked us questions and gave

us feedback and suggestions for our project. Heidi seemed to be very interested in our project

and wanted us to keep her informed because she wanted to see how the project goes.

Right now, Kaitlyn and I are trying to schedule a date and time to have our second

interview with Cathy Agor. We thought we had to do a face to face interview but we are

probably going to have to do a phone interview because of the corona virus. A phone interview

would make it easier for us to schedule an interview because we won’t have to drive far to meet

The corona virus has the potential to make completing this project very difficult because

our project deals with interacting with a lot of people and the elderly. Our project is supposed to

help the elderly and infecting them with the corona virus would not be helping. I am not quite

sure how it will all work out but I am hoping that our project can still stay on track and we can

finish the project on time.

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