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5 Keys for

Opening a

Residential Care

Home for Seniors

When opening a residential care home for seniors, it’s
important to comply with the dept that regulates the
licensing requirements for residential care facilities. In
some states, the local department of health manages
these facilities, while in Texas
______________________________ manages this.
You may have an investor, or be opening your home
with your own funding, but for a home to qualify for
federal funding, it must comply with state regulations
and follow the rules of the Nursing Home Reform Act
and the Patient Self-Determination Act, and licensing
will be required. At the workshops we offer at GE &
Associates, we go over requirements and offer help
for passing your licensing exam.

Eula Linicolmn

Step 1
Decide whether you will open an assisted living
facility, which provides independent living
opportunities such as self-contained apartments
within a managed complex; or a residential care
home, which is an area that individuals from the
medical community such as nurses and CNAs, who
are accustomed to taking care of individuals, as well
as individuals looking a home-based business where
they can care for others, choose as it it’s a smaller
facility with a smaller barrier to entry. A residential
care home, with the proper staff and support, allows
you to offer more in the way of personal care
services, such as help with dressing, eating and
bathing, with light medical assistance for those who
need it. The residential care home is an increasingly
popular option with seniors who want an
independent lifestyle, but need assistance with the
day-to-day life. Prior to coaching and training
individuals on how to open a residential care home,
my husband and I opened and operated a
Residential Care home in North Texas.

Step 2
You need to decide whether you want to rent or buy
a property for your home, and plan for the costs
associated. Renting a home for this type of property
is not the same as renting a regular house.
Modifications will be required, which you will have to
get permission from the Landlord for, and prices can
run upwards of $5,000 or more for a home that may
normally rent for $2200 per month. Purchasing a
single family home and taking on the remodel may
prove to be a better value in the long term. There are
some things you will need to watch for to shortcut the
process. Whether renting or buying, it will shortcut
the process and save you money in the long run on
the many unexpected issues that arise when
preparing to open this type of home, and applying
for your permit.
To obtain a permit to open a facility, your home must
pass inspection for fire safety, the bathrooms need to
have grab-bars in all toilets, showers and bathtubs,
etc. There are size requirements as well as
requirements for furnishings, which must be passed.

Step 3
Get trained & licensed. Licensing is not required for a
home up to 4 residents, however, for the best
possible outcome and to position your company for
success, we strongly advise our clients to get
properly licensed and trained, and provide one-on-
one mentoring to help with this.

Step 4
Explore options for hiring staff. They will need to
insured and bonded. While state regulations do not
specify the number of staff required, it does require at
least one person to be on site to help individual
residents 24 hours a day. Having the right staff is
instrumental to your success as an owner of a
residential care facility. If hiring is not an area that
you are comfortable with, sharpen your skills with a
mock interview. This is an area that we focus on in
our 1 day trainings, to help entrepreneurs and
investors in the Senior Living space develop a strong
team. For each employee, you will also need to
conduct criminal background checks. If you need
help with this, feel free to contact us for a list of
criminal background check providers.

Step 5
Get support. Get connected. Before you can take in
residents and begin operating, you have to let the
world know you’re open for business through a
variety of channels both online and offline.
Networking is key. Many homeowners choose to hire
a Senior Living Consultant to help them navigate the
process of applying for a license, choosing and
preparing a home, and helping them get their first
residents. Once you’ve gone through the process
once and started a successful business, opening your
2nd and 3rd residential care home will be a breeze.

Book A Consultation
Eula Linicomn is the owner of GE &
Associates Consulting & Management, a
Dallas based consulting firm that advises
medical professionals and entrepreneurs
on how to open a Residential Care Home.
She conducts workshops on the subject
and provides one-on-one coaching for
individuals and companies starting a
Residential Care Home. For more info or to
connect with Eula,
visit or call

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