Research Log 7

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Research Log #7 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: March 20, 2020

Name: Easton Villafuerte
Essential Question: How does depression affect society?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Depression causes conflict between families

#2: Family members can help depressed people seek help
#3: Many depressed people get better after receiving help

Point that this Source Proves: #3: Many depressed people get better after receiving help

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“I was working in a cool job and I got engaged to my girlfriend and everything I could think the entire
day was how do I kill myself? I told my friend I needed to die.”

“I left the hospital feeling like a different man with my medications more under control and a month later
I got married.”

“No one in their right mind would choose to act this way or choose to struggle this way. It’s not a choice.
It’s not a death sentence. It’s not our fault.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This video proves that depressed people get better after receiving help. A man named Efren from
Mexico was enjoying a good life as he had a good upbringing and ended up becoming a lawyer.
Unfortunately, during his adult life, he had too many issues to handle and ended up suffering from
depression. Efren said “I was working in a cool job and I got engaged to my girlfriend and everything I
could think the entire day was how do I kill myself? I told my friend I needed to die.” Efren had all of
these things to look forward to but wanted to end his life because of his anxiety.
Luckily, Efren went to seek help from Sunnybrook Hospital in Canada in hopes to fix his mental
state. Efren stayed at the hospital for a few months to get better and said, “I left the hospital feeling like a
different man with my medications more under control and a month later I got married.” Before receiving
help, Efren wanted to end his life and leave back all the people that loved him. After receiving help, he
was able to resume the great life that he set up for himself. Speaking your mind to professionals and
people you care can really help to change the direction of someone’s life. All it takes is courage and the
willingness to receive help.
Depression causes many lives to unravel and completely change for the absolute worst.
Unfortunately, it becomes too strong for some to handle and it leads to suicide. A comment that Efren
made was, “No one in their right mind would choose to act this way or choose to struggle this way. It’s
not a choice. It’s not a death sentence. It’s not our fault.” Efren is trying to say that no one intends on
having depression, but it happens and ultimately seems out of our control. However, it is in our control to
seek the correct help in order to return our lives back to normal. Depression is something that happens in
life. If people are strong enough, they will be able to overcome this challenge and regain happy moments
and times in their lives.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Sunnybrook Hospital. Out of Darkness: Efren's Story. Out of Darkness: Efren's Story, Youtube,
11 May 2018,

This is a reputable and reliable source because Sunnybrook Hospital is a hospital in Canada that opened
in 1948. They have a primary focus on treating patients that have trauma and suffer from mental illnesses.

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