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for the principal in frustrated or attempted

BOOK ONE - is fixed by law.
CODE, AND REGARDING THE OFFENSES, Graduation of penalties by degrees or by periods.


Title Three: P E N A L T I E S ● stages of execution

○ consummated
○ frustrated or
Chapter Four APPLICATION OF PENALTIES ○ attempted)

● degree of the criminal participation of the offender

Section One. - Rules for the application ○ principal,
of penalties to the persons criminally ○ accomplice, or
○ accessory
liable and for the graduation of the

The division of a divisible penalty into three periods, as

- maximum,
- medium and
Article 46. Penalty to be imposed upon principals - minimum,
in general. - The penalty prescribed by law for the
commission of a felony shall be imposed upon Refers to the proper period of the penalty which should be
the principals in the commission of such felony. imposed when aggravating or mitigating circumstances
attend the commission of the crime.
Whenever the law prescribes a penalty for a
felony is general terms, it shall be understood as
applicable to the consummated felony.


- GENERAL RULE: Penalty prescribed in general terms — general

- [UPON PRINCIPALS] The penalty
prescribed by law for the commission of a
felony shall be imposed upon the
principals in the commission of such
the law prescribes a penalty for a felony is
general terms, it shall be understood as
applicable to the consummated felony.


- The exception is when the penalty to be imposed upon
the principal
- in frustrated or attempted felony
- Whenever it is believed that the penalty lower
by one or two degrees corresponding to said
acts of execution is not in proportion to the
wrong done, the law fixes a distinct penalty
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- RULE: a review by the Court of Appeals before the case is

elevated to the Supreme Court. [DEATH PENALTY]
- If only to ensure utmost circumspection before the
penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment is imposed, the Court now deems it wise
and compelling to provide in these cases a review by
the Court of Appeals before the case is elevated to the
Supreme Court. Where life and liberty are at stake, all
possible avenues to determine his guilt or innocence
must be accorded an accused, and no care in the
evaluation of the facts can ever be overdone. A prior
determination by the Court of Appeals on, particularly,
the factual issues, would minimize the possibility of an
error of judgment. If the Court of Appeals should affirm
the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment, it could then render judgment imposing
the corresponding penalty as the circumstances so
warrant, refrain from entering judgment and elevate
the entire records of the case to the Supreme Court for
--------------------------------------------------------- the its final disposition. (People vs. Mateo, G.R. Nos.
Article 47. In what cases the death penalty shall 147678-87, July 7, 2004)
not be imposed. - The death penalty shall be - RULE: The 1987 Constitution MERELY SUSPENDED the imposition of
the death penalty. [NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL?]
imposed in all cases in which it must be imposed - "Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel,
under existing laws, except in the following degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither
cases: shall the death penalty be imposed, unless, for
compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, the
1. When the guilty person be more than seventy Congress hereafter provides for it.
- Any death penalty already imposed shall be reduced
years of age.
to reclusion perpetua."
- A reading of said Section will readily show that there is
2. When upon appeal or revision of the case by really nothing therein which expressly declares the
the Supreme court, all the members thereof are abolition of the death penalty.
not unanimous in their voting as to the propriety - The 1987 Constitution merely suspended the imposition
of the imposition of the death penalty. For the of the death penalty. (People vs. Munoz, G.R. Nos.
38969-70, Feb. 9,1989,17 0 SCRA 107, 120, 121)
imposition of said penalty or for the confirmation
of a judgment of the inferior court imposing the - RULE: R.A. No. 7659 (1993) restored the death penalty [1996, RA
death sentence, the Supreme Court shall render 8177, the : R.A. No. 7659 was amended prescribing death by
its decision per curiam, which shall be signed by lethal injection for offenders convicted of heinous crimes.]. BUT:
all justices of said court, unless some member or R.A. No. 9346 (2006) prohibited the imposition of the death
members thereof shall have been disqualified
from taking part in the consideration of the case, - (INOPERATIVE BY: REPUBLIC ACT No. 9346 June
in which even the unanimous vote and signature 24, 2006 AN ACT PROHIBITING THE IMPOSITION OF
of only the remaining justices shall be required. DEATH PENALTY IN THE PHILIPPINES)
- In 1993, Congress passed RA 7659, or the Death Penalty
Law, which reimposed capital punishment.
June 24, 2006 AN ACT PROHIBITING THE - RULE: Death penalty IS NOT IMPOSED In the following cases:
IMPOSITION OF DEATH PENALTY IN THE - 1. When the guilty person is below 18 years of age
PHILIPPINES) - at the time of the commission of the crime.
- 2. When the guilty person is more than 70 years of age.
- 3. When upon appeal or automatic review of the case
RULES FOR APPLICATION OF PENALTIES by the Supreme Court, the vote of 8 members is not
obtained for the imposition of the death penalty.

- RULE: Exceptional cases in which the death penalty was not
- [CRIME INSIDE PRISON] (1) Considering the
- Since the Supreme Court is composed of 15 members
circumstances under which the offense in question was
(Sec. 4[1], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution), the vote of eight
perpetrated in the light of the deplorable conditions
(8) members is required to impose the death penalty.
existing in the national penitentiary which had been
previously taken cognizance of by this Court,

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imposition of the penalty of death is believed - Republic Act No. 296, providing that eight justices must
unwarranted. (People vs. Dela Cruz, No. L-46397, May concur in the imposition of death penalty is retroactive.
16,1983,122 SCRA 227,231, citing People vs. Delos Rep. Act No. 296 is procedural and not substantive,
Santos, 14 SCRA 4702 and People vs. Garcia, 96 SCRA and that it is applicable to cases pending in the courts
497) at the time of the approval of said Act and to crimes
- [CRIME CLUMSILY CONCEIVED] (2) Appellant has committed before its approval. (People vs. James
already been detained for almost eight years now and Young, 83 Phil. 702)
is presently confined at the National Penitentiary
awaiting the outcome of our review of the judgment - In what crimes is death penalty imposed?
rendered by the trial court. The facts of the case tend - (1) treason,
to show that the crime was not the result of any - (2) piracy,
deliberate and well-formed nefarious conspiracy of a - (3) qualified piracy,
criminal group. - (4) qualified bribery,
- It was rather a crime clumsily conceived on - (5) parricide,
the spur of the moment. - (6) murder,
- Appellant obviously did not fully realize the - (7) infanticide,
gravity of the crime he and his companions - (8) kidnapping and serious illegal detention,
were embarking upon. The extreme penalty - (9) robbery with homicide,
of death imposed on appellant is - (10) destructive arson,
inappropriate. Under the given - (11) rape with homicide,
circumstances, the penalty that should be - (12) plunder,
imposed should be reduced to life - (13) certain violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act, and
imprisonment. (People vs. Marcos, No. L- - (14) carnapping
65048, Jan. 9, 1987, 147 SCRA 204, 217)
- [ILONGOTS] Precisely because of the limited nature of - The COURT is duty-bound to impose death penalty when it is
his schooling and of the effect upon his general required by law:
outlook, of the unenlightened environment prevailing - "Death penalty shall be imposed in all cases in which it
in the community of Ilongots to which he belongs, as must be imposed under existing law."
well as of the circumstance that the deceased - The accused, without any provocation, hacked to
Flaviano Fontanilla had been a former municipal death three girls in their house. The court refused to
mayor, whose act in clearing and working on a land impose the death penalty, believing and stating that "a
claimed by the Ilongots was seemingly regarded by quick death would seem to be too sweet a medicine
these non-Christians as one of oppression and abuse of for him and he should be put to death slowly but surely"
authority, the Court feels that Santos should not be and imposed life imprisonment at hard labor, without
dealt with the severity due to persons otherwise hope whatsoever of any pardon or reprieve.
circumstanced. (People vs. Santos, Nos. L-17215-17, - Is the pronouncement of the court in accordance with
Feb. 28, 1967, 19 SCRA 445, 454) law?
- NO, because as long as the death penalty
remains in the statute books, it is the duty of
- REASON: justification for death penalty the judicial officers to respect and apply the
- 1. Social defense and exemplarity justify the penalty of law regardless of their private opinion.
death. Carillo has proved himself to be a dangerous (People vs. Limaco, 88 Phil. 35, 43)
enemy of society.
- 2. The death penalty imposed upon him is a warning to
others. (People vs. Carillo, 85 Phil. 611,635) - RULE: Prosecution must still present evidence for DEATH
PENALTY, even if there is plea of guilty.
- The trial court must require the prosecution to present
- RULE: Death penalty not cruel and unusual. [which the evidence, despite plea of guilty when the crime
Constitution prohibits?] charged is punished with death.
- The death penalty, as such, is not excessive, unjust or
cruel, within the meaning of that word in the - RULE: Where the penalty of reclusion perpetua is imposed, in
Constitution. Punishments are cruel when they involve lieu of the death penalty, there is a need to perfect an appeal.
torture or lingering death. Cruel punishment implies - Since the death penalty's imposition is now prohibited,
something inhuman and barbarous, something more there is a need to perfect an appeal, if appeal is
than the mere extinguishment of life. (People vs. desired, from a judgment of conviction for an offense
Marcos, supra, at 216, citing People vs. Camano, 115 where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua in lieu
SCRA 688) of the death penalty. (People vs. Salome, G.R. No.
169077, Aug. 31, 2006)

- Republic Act No. 296, providing that eight justices must - RULE: MUST elevate the entire records of the case to the
concur in the imposition of death penalty is retroactive. Supreme Court for its final disposition.
- The records of all cases imposing the penalty of death,
- RULE: Rep. Act No. 296 can be given retroactive effect. [8 reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment shall be
justices must CONCUR for death penalty]

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forwarded by the Court of Appeals to the Supreme the eyes of the law as well as in the conscience of the
Court for review. offender.
- Pursuant to the ruling of the Supreme Court in People - The offender has only one criminal intent. Even in the
vs. Mateo, G.R. Nos. 147678-87, July 7, 2004, if the Court case where an offense is a necessary means for
of Appeals should affirm the penalty of death, committing the other, the evil intent of the offender is
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, it could then only one. (People vs. Hernandez, 99 Phil. 515)
render judgment imposing the corresponding penalty - Hence, there is only one penalty imposed for the
as the circumstances so warrant, refrain from entering commission of a complex crime.
judgment and elevate the entire records of the case to
the Supreme Court for its final disposition. - RULE: Two kinds of complex crimes:
--------------------------------------------------------- - [COMPOUND CRIME] When a single act
constitutes two or more grave or less
grave felonies
offense is a necessary means for
committing the other,

- RULE: When the homicide, physical injuries, and the burning of

a house are the result of one single act of negligence, there is
only one penalty, but there are three civil liabilities.

- RULE: When a complex crime is charged and one offense is not

proven, the accused can be convicted of the other.

- RULE: When the penalty for one of the crimes resulting from a
single act is beyond the jurisdiction of the municipal court, there
should be additional penalty for the other.

- RULE:[favorable to the accused?] When two felonies

constituting a complex crime are punishable by imprisonment
and fine, respectively, only the penalty of imprisonment should
be imposed.
- When a single act constitutes two grave or less grave
felonies, or one grave and another less grave, and the
Article 48. Penalty for complex crimes. - When a penalty for one is imprisonment while that for the other
is fine, the severity of the penalty for the more serious
single act constitutes two or more grave or less
crime should not be judged by the classification of
grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary each of the penalties involved, but by the nature of
means for committing the other, the penalty for the penalties. (People vs. Yongco, CA-G.R. No. 18252-
the most serious crime shall be imposed, the CR, January 26, 1977)
same to be applied in its maximum period.
- RULE: Applicable to crimes through negligence.
--------------------------------------------------------- - Thus, a municipal mayor who accidentally discharged
RULES FOR APPLICATION OF PENALTIES his revolver during a school program, killing a girl and
injuring a boy requiring medical attendance for more
than 30 days, was found guilty of a complex crime of
COMPLEX CRIMES homicide with less serious physical injuries through
reckless imprudence. (People vs. Castro, 40 O.G., Supp.
- RULE: Art. 48 requires the commission of at least two crimes.
12, 83)
- But the two or more grave or less grave felonies must
- Held: The two deaths and several serious physical
be the result of a single act, or an offense must be a
injuries resulted from his single act of reckless driving.
necessary means for committing the other.
Hence, only one penalty should be imposed upon him.
(People vs. Villamora, C.A., 40 O.G. 768)
- RULE: Art. 48 applies only to cases where the Code does not
provide a definite specific penalty for a complex crime.
- RULE [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME]: No complex crime where one
- RULE: Art. 48 does not apply when the law provides one single
of the offense is penalized by a special law.
penalty for special complex crimes.
- Although the evidence shows that a crime has been
committed for the express purpose of committing
RULE: A complex crime is ONLY ONE CRIME / ONLY ONE
another, as when a public officer misappropriates
CRIMINAL INTENT. HENCE, one penalty imposed.
public funds for which he is accountable through
- In complex crime, although two or more crimes are
falsification of public document, yet both crimes should
actually committed, they constitute only one crime in
be punished separately where it appears that they are

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punished under different statutes, i.e., the a special aggravating circumstance. (People vs.
Administrative Code and the Penal Code. (People vs. Castillo, G.R. Nos. 131592-93, February 15, 2000)
Araneta, 48 Phil. 650, 654)
- Note: Before the Revised Penal Code took - EXCEPTION RULE [COMPLEX CRIME]: Illegal possession of firearm
effect, the crime of malversation was absorbed in rebellion. People vs. Rodriguez (G.R. L-13981, April
punished under the Administrative Code. 25, 1960)
- Held: This gun was introduced by the prosecution as
- RULE [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME]: No complex crime, when one evidence in the case of rebellion. On October 24, 1951,
offense is committed to conceal the other. the case for rebellion was filed in the Court of First
Instance. On the other hand, the information in the
- when one of the offenses was committed for the present case was filed on October 30, 1956, which
purpose of concealing the commission of the other, involves the charge of illegal possession of the same
there is no complex crime. firearm and same ammunition. Considering that "any
- Examples: (a) After committing homicide, the accused, or all of the acts described in Art. 135, when committed
in order to conceal the crime, set fire to the house as a means to or in furtherance of the subversive ends
where it had been perpetrated. (People vs. Bersabal, described in Art. 134, become absorbed in the crime of
48 Phil. 439, 442) rebellion, and can not be regarded or penalized as
- Note: Setting fire to the house is arson. (Art. distinct crimes in themselves x x x and cannot be
321) But in this case, neither homicide nor considered as giving ris e to a separate crime that,
arson was necessary to commit the other. under Art. 48 of the Code, would constitute a complex
one with that of rebellion (People vs. Geronimo, L-8936,
- RULE [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME]: Misappropriated funds in Oct. 23, 1956), the conclusion is inescapable that the
falsification of documents makes it a separate offense crime with which the accused is charged in the
- When the offender had in his possession the funds present case is already absorbed in the rebellion case
which he misappropriated, the falsification of a public and so to press it further now would place him in
or official document involving said funds is a separate double jeopardy.
offense. - While it is true that in the crime of rebellion, there is no
- The accused, a municipal treasurer of Batac, allegation that the firearm in question is one of those
Ilocos Norte, misappropriated f*741.24 used in carrying on the rebellion and that the same
belonging to the public funds. He made it was borne by the accused without a license, the same
appear in the payroll that several municipal would not make the present charge different from the
teachers of Batac received their salaries one included in the crime of rebellion, for it appears
when in fact they did not receive the sums from the record that one of the firearms used in
indicated in the payroll as received by them. furtherance thereof is the same pistol with which the
It was held that the accused was guilty of accused is now charged. In fact, that pistol was
malversation and falsification, two separate presented in the rebellion case as evidence. Nor is the
crimes, because the falsification was not a fact that there is no allegation in the rebellion case
necessary means for the commission of the that the carrying of the firearm by the accused was
malversation, but was committed only to without license of any consequence, for it can be
conceal the malversation. (People vs. Cid, 66 safely assumed that it was so, not only because the
Phil. 354, 363) accused was a dissident but because the firearm was
confiscated from his possession."
- RULE: [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME] There is no complex crime of
arson with homicide under Art. 48.
- The ruling in the case of U.S. vs. Burns, 41 Phil. 418, that - RULE: [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME] When requisites not fulfilled?
under an information charging the accused with - When two or more crimes are committed but (1) not by
setting fire to an automobile in the basement of an a single act, or (2) one is not a necessary means for
inhabited house, whereby said house was destroyed committing the other, there is no complex crime.
and one of its inmates burned to death, the accused is - The accused compelled the pilot to direct the airplane
guilty of a complex crime of arson with homicide, is no from Laoag to Amoy instead of Aparri, and for not
longer applicable to such case, Art. 320 of the Revised complying with such illegal demand, the accused shot
Penal Code, as amended by Rep. Act No. 7659, him to death.
having provided one penalty therefor. - Held: The accused committed two separate crimes of
frustrated coercion (Arts. 6 and 286) and murder (Art.
- RULE [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME]: Illegal possession of firearm is 248). They do not constitute a complex crime of grave
not a necessary means to commit homicide. coercion with murder, because the accused could
have killed the pilot, without necessity of compelling
- RULE [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME]: Illegal possession of firearm, him to change the route of the airplane; the coercion
when considered a special aggravating circumstance. was not necessary for the commission of murder.
- Illegal possession of firearm, when considered a special - Neither was murder necessary to commit coercion. The
aggravating circumstance. accused executed two distinct acts, and not only one.
- With the passage of Rep. Act No. 8294 on June 6, 1997, Compelling the pilot to change the route of the
the use of an unlicensed firearm in murder or homicide airplane is one act. Shooting him when he did not
is now considered, not as a separate crime, but merely

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comply with that order is another act. (People vs. Ang

Cho Kio, 95 Phil. 475, 478) the offender.


- RULE: [NOT A COMPLEX CRIME] There is no complex crime of
- [Throwing a grenade, multiple deaths] Guillen, by a
rebellion with murder, arson, robbery, or other common crimes.
single act of throwing a highly explosive hand
- Murder, arson and robbery are mere ingredients of the
grenade at President Roxas resulting in the death of
crime of rebellion, as means "necessary" for the
another person, committed several grave felonies,
perpetration of the offense. (Enrile vs. Salazar, G.R. No.
namely: (1) murder, of which Simeon Varela was the
92163, June 5, 1990, 186 SCRA 217, 229) Such common
victim; and (2) multiple attempted murders, of which
offenses are absorbed or inherent in the crime of
President Roxas and four others were the injured
rebellion. (People vs. Hernandez, 99 Phil. 515) But a
parties. (People vs. Guillen, 85 Phil. 307, 318)
rebel who, for some independent or personal motives,
- [plane bomb, multiple deaths] Placing a time bomb
commits murder or other common offenses in addition
in a plane, which caused it to explode in mid-air,
to rebellion, may be prosecuted for and convicted of
killing 13 persons therein, constitutes a complex
such common offenses. (People vs. Geronimo, 100 Phil.
crime of multiple murder and destruction of
90, 99)
property. (People vs. Largo, 99 Phil. 1061-1062
- RULE: COURT: [SHOULD NOT split the same into various charges.]
- [Multiple acts of conspirators] Although several
- An accused should not be harassed with various
independent acts were performed by the accused
prosecutions based on the same act by splitting the
in firing separate shots from their individual firearms, it
same into various charges. (People vs. Lizardo, No. L-
was not possible to determine who among them
22471, Dec. 11,1967,2 1 SCRA 1225,1227, reiterating
actually killed victim Rolando Tugadi. Moreover,
People vs. Silva, No. L-15974, Jan. 30, 1962, 4 SCRA 95)
there is no evidence that accusedappellants
intended to fire at each and every one of the
- RULE: COURT: One information should be filed when a complex
victims separately and distinctly from each other. On
crime is committed.
the contrary, the evidence clearly shows a single
criminal impulse to kill Marlon Tugad's group as a
whole. Thus, one of accused-appellants exclaimed
in frustration after the ambush: "My gosh, we were
- RULE: Art. 48 is intended to favor the culprit. [lesser punishment
not able to kill all of them." Where a conspiracy
than if considered two distinct crimes]
animates several persons with a single purpose, their
- In directing that the penalty for the graver offense shall
individual acts done in pursuance of that purpose
be imposed in its maximum period, Art. 48 could have
are looked upon as a single act, the act of
had no other purpose than to prescribe a penalty lower
execution, giving rise to a single complex offense.
than the aggregate of the penalties for each offense, if
(People vs. Sanidad, G.R. No. 146099, April 30,2003)
imposed separately.
- When in obedience to an order several accused
- REASON: The reason for this benevolent spirit of Art. 48 is
simultaneously shot many persons, without evidence
readily discernible. When two or more crimes are the
how many each killed, there is only a single offense,
result of a single act, the offender is deemed less
there being a single criminal impulse.
perverse than when he commits said crimes through
separate and distinct acts. (People vs. Hernandez, 99
Phil. 515, 542-543) Note: If a person fired a shot and
killed two persons with the same shot, were it not for
- [SEVERAL SHOTS MACHINE GUN] Several shots from
Art. 48, he would be sentenced to reclusion temporal
Thompson sub-machine gun causing several deaths,
for each homicide. But under Art. 48, he shall be
although caused by a single act of pressing the
sentenced to the maximum period of one reclusion
trigger, are considered several acts.
temporal only. Reclusion temporal has a duration of 12
- [TWO SHOTS in succession, directed at two different
years and 1 day to 20 years.
person] [DIFFERENT ACTS] when the acts are wholly
different, not only in themselves, but also because
they are directed against two different persons, as
when one fires his revolver twice in succession, killing
- The penalty for complex crime is the penalty for the
one person and wounding another (U.S. vs. Ferrer, 1
most serious crime, the same to be applied in its
Phil. 56)
maximum period.
- [SINGLE CRIMINAL IMPULSE, but different acts]
[DIFFERENT ACTS] when two persons are killed one
[COMPOUND CRIME] When a single act after the other, by different acts, although these two
constitutes two or more grave or less grave killings were the result of a single criminal impulse
felonies (People vs. Alfindo, 47 Phil. 1), the different acts must
be considered as distinct crimes.
Requisites: - [DIFFERENT ACTS] The eight killings and the
1. That only a single act is performed by attempted murder were perpetrated by means of
different acts. Hence, they cannot be regarded as

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constituting a complex crime (People vs. Toling, No.

L-27097, Jan. 17, 1975, 62 SCRA 17, 34) - RULE No complex crime when trespass to dwelling is a direct
- The infliction of the four fatal gunshot wounds on means to commit a grave offense.
Siyang and of the wound in the palm of the mayor's - When trespass to dwelling (Art. 280) is a direct means
right hand was not the result of a single act. The to commit a graver offense, like rape, homicide or
injuries were the consequences of two volleys of murder, there is no complex crime of trespass to
gunshots. Hence, the assaults on Siyang and the dwelling with rape, homicide or murder. The trespass
mayor cannot be categorized as a complex crime. to dwelling will be considered as the aggravating
(People vs. Tamani, Nos. L-22160-61, Jan. 21, 1974, 55 circumstance of unlawful entry under par. 18, or of
SCRA 153, 176) breaking a part of the dwelling under par. 19, of Art.
- Several light felonies resulting from one single act — 14. (People vs. Abedosa, 53 Phil. 788, 791)
not complex.
- Thus, in a collision between two
automobiles driven in a careless and
negligent manner, resulting in the slight 2. That the single act produces:
physical injuries of the passengers and light
felony of damage to property, there is no
complex crime, because the crime of slight (1) two or more grave felonies, or
physical injuries, as well as that of damage
to property, is a light felony. (People vs. (2) one or more grave and one or more less
Turla, 50 Phil. 1001, 1002)
grave felonies, or
- Theft of firearm and illegal possession of same
firearm do not form a complex crime — they are two (3) two or more less grave felonies.
distinct crimes.
- Subsequent acts of intercourse, after forcible 0A. Light felonies produced by the same
abduction with rape, are separate acts of rape.
- Where the complaining witness was forcibly act [from a single act][but not a
abducted by the four accused and complex crime]
violated on board a truck by one of them
with the assistance of the three others, and (a) should be treated and punished as
after reaching a house in the evening, the separate offenses
four of them alternately ravished her inside
- Several light felonies resulting from one single act — not
the house three time s each and one each
the following morning, there was only one
- Thus, in a collision between two automobiles driven
forcible abduction with rape which was
in a careless and negligent manner, resulting in the
the one committed in the truck, and the
slight physical injuries of the passengers and light
subsequent acts of intercourse in the house
felony of damage to property,
against her will are separate acts of rape.
- there is no complex crime,
The reason for the ruling is that when the
- because the crime of slight physical
first act of rape was committed in the truck,
the crime of forcible abduction was
- as well as that of damage to property,
already consummated so that each of the
- is a light felony. (People vs. Turla, 50 Phil.
succeeding rapes committed in the house
1001, 1002)
cannot legally be considered as still
connected with the abduction. The crimes
committed are one (1) forcible abduction (b) may be absorbed by the grave
with rape and sixteen (16) separate rapes. felony.
(People vs. Bohos, No. L-40995, June 25,
- When the crime is committed by force or violence, slight
1980, 98 SCRA 353, 364)
physical injuries are absorbed.
- Even while the first act of rape was being
- a. Where the person in authority or his agent, who
performed, the crime of forcible abduction
was attacked while in the performance of his duty,
was already consummated, so that each
suffered slight physical injuries only, the crime of
of the three succeeding rapes cannot be
slight physical injuries is absorbed in the crime of
complexed with forcible abduction.
direct assault. (Art. 148) This is the ruling in the cases
(People vs. Jose, No. L-28232, Feb. 6, 1971,
of People vs. Benitez, 73 Phil. 671 and People vs.
37 SCRA 450, 475)
Acierto, 57 Phil. 614.
- b. When in the commission of rape, slight physical
- RULE: The "single-criminal-impulse," "same motive" or the
injuries are inflicted on the girl's genital organ, the
"single-purpose" theory has no legal basis, for Article 48 speaks
crime of slight physical injuries is absorbed in the
of "a single act." However, the theory is acceptable when it is
crime of rape. (People vs. Apiado, 53 Phil. 325, 327)
not certain who among the accused killed or injured each of
- REASON: The reason for the rulings is that
the several victims.

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the slight physical injuries are the necessary the crime committed was the complex crime of
consequence of the force or violence kidnapping and murder under Art. 48 of the Revised
inherent in the crimes of direct assault and Penal Code, as the kidnapping of the victim was a
rape. necessary means of committing the murder. On the
- After a justice of the peace had read to the other hand, where the victim was kidnapped not for
accused the sentenc e of conviction, the latter took the purpose of killing him but was subsequently slain
a dagger and stabbed said justice of the peace in as an afterthought, 2 separate crimes of kidnapping
the back, the wound incapacitating him for ordinary and murder were committed.
work for more than 30 days. This is a complex crime - Consequently, the rule now is: Where the person
of direct assault with serious physical injuries, the kidnapped is killed in the course of the detention,
single act of stabbing the justice of the peace regardless of whether the killing was purposely
constituting the two less grave felonies of direct sought or was merely an afterthought, the
assault and serious physical injuries. (U.S. vs. Montiel, kidnapping and murder or homicide can no longer
9 Phil. 162, 167-168) be complexed under Art. 48, nor be treated as
- Where the stabbing and killing of the victim which separate crimes, but shall be punished as a special
caused likewise the death of the fetus arose from complex crime under the last paragraph of Art. 267,
the single criminal intent of killing the victim, as as amended by R.A. No. 7659. (People vs. Ramos,
shown by accused's pursuit of the victim after she 297 SCRA 618, citing Parulan vs. Rodas)
was able to escape, the crime committed is the
complex crime of murder with abortion. (People vs.
Lopez, G.R. No. 136861, Nov. 15, 2000)

0B. Rape with homicide is a special

complex crime not covered by Art. 48.
- Under Art. 266-B, the facts in both cases would constitute a
special complex crime of rape with homicide punished with
- When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, a
homicide is committed, or when the rape is
frustrated or attempted and a homicide is
committed by reason or on the occasion thereof,
Art. 266-B shall apply.
- Therefore, the ruling in the case of People vs.
Matela, 58 Phil. 718, that raping a girl and killing her
afterwards constitute two distinct offenses which
must be punished separately, is no longer
- Likewise, the ruling in the case of People vs. Acosta,
60 Phil. 158, that raping a girl transmitting to her a
venereal disease which caused her death or that
killing the victim of rape when she tried to shout,
People vs. Yu, 1 SCRA 199, is a complex crime of
rape with homicide under Art. 48, is no longer [COMPLEX CRIME PROPER] When an offense
controlling. is a necessary means for committing the other
- With due respect, it is believed that there being only
one act of forcible sexual intercourse which - RULE: MUST HAVE A SINGLE PURPOSE / ONE CRIIMINAL INTENT
produced the two crimes, the accused committed - In complex crime, when the offender executes
a compound crime. (People vs. De la Cruz, C.A., 61 various acts, he must have a single purpose.
O.G. 5384) - The accused received 17 money orders with a letter,
all in one envelope, addressed to the offended
party. The accused presented them to the post
* Special Complex Crime of Kidnapping with Murder or office for cashing on one occasion, after having
Homicide. falsified the signature of the remitter on each and
- Prior to 31 December 1993, the date of effectivity of every one of the 17 money orders.
R.A. No. 7659, the rule was that where the - Held: In all the acts performed by the accused, there
kidnapped victim was subsequently killed by his was only one criminal intent. To commit estafa, the
abductor, the crime committed would either be a accused had to commit 17 falsifications. These
complex crime of kidnapping with murder under Art. falsifications were necessary means to commit
48 of the Revised Penal Code, or two (2) separate estafa. (People vs. Gallardo, C.A., 52 O.G. 3103)
crimes of kidnapping, and murder. Thus, where the
accused kidnapped the victim for the purpose of
killing him, and he was in fact killed by his abductor,

• __

punished under different statutes.

1. That at least two offenses are
- Although the law uses the term "offenses," the
committed. Supreme Court, in the case of People vs. Araneta, 48
Phil. 650, held that this kind of complex crime does
not exist when the two crimes are punished under
different statutes.
- The falsification of the cedula certificate, which is a
- Subsequent acts of intercourse, after forcible abduction with
crime under Art. 171, was necessary to commit the
rape, are separate acts of rape.
crime of malversation under Art. 217, because the
accused had to falsify the duplicate of the cedulas
to obtain from the taxpayers the money which he
later misappropriated.

- Simple seduction by means of usurpation of official

functions. (U.S. vs. Hernandez, 29 Phil. 109)
- Note: The crime of usurpation of official function (Art.
177) was a necessary means for committing the
crime of simple seduction. (Art. 338) Plurality of crimes.
- Abduction as a necessary means for committing rape. - Plurality of crimes consists in the successive
execution by the same individual of different
2. That one or some of the offenses must criminal acts
- upon any of which no conviction has yet
be necessary to commit the other. been declared. (Guevara)
- Abduction as a necessary means for committing rape.
- A girl, 19 years of age, who had worked in the rice
fields in Calamba, Laguna, was on her way home in
the afternoon. When in an uninhabited place, the
; in plurality of crimes, there In recidivism, there must be
two accused forcibly abducted her against her
is no conviction of any of conviction by final
strong protest and resistance, took her to the woods
the crimes committed. judgment of the first or prior
in Silang, Cavite, and other places where she was
raped by one of the accused while her hands were
being held by the other. The crime of forcible
abduction (taking a woman against her will with
Kinds of plurality of crimes.
lewd designs — Art. 342) was a necessary means for
- Art. 48 provides for two cases of formal or ideal plurality of
committing the crime of rape (having sexual
crimes. There is but one criminal liability in this kind of
intercourse with a woman by using force, etc. — Art.
266-A). (See People vs. Manguiat, 51 Phil. 406)

- In real or material plurality, there are different crimes in law

- The phrase "necessary means" does not mean
as well as in the conscience of the offender. In such cases,
"indispensable means." [NOT REQUIRED TO BE INDISPENSABLE]
the offender shall be punished for each and every offense
- The phrase "necessary means" used in Art. 48 has
that he committed.
been interpreted not to mean indispensable means,
- “INDISPENSABLE MEANS”: defined as the other crime (1) formal or ideal plurality
would be an indispensable element of the latter and
(2) real or material plurality.
would be an ingredient thereof.
- The phrase merely signified that, for instance, a
crime such as simple estafa can be and ordinarily is
real or material continued crime
committed in the manner defined in the Penal
Code; but if the "estafador" resorts to or employs plurality
falsification, merely to facilitate and insure his
committing estafa, then he is guilty of the complex In real or material plurality as well as in continued crime,
crime of estafa through falsification. (Dissenting there is a series of acts performed by the offender.
Opinion, People vs. Hernandez, 99 Phil. 515, 557)
While in real or material in continued crime, the
- plurality, each act different acts constitute
performed by the offender
3. That both or all the offenses must be only one crime
constitutes a separate
punished under the same statute. crime, because all of the acts
performed arise from one
- RULE: “OFFENSES” but does not exist when two crimes are because each act is criminal resolution.

• __

theft of the two game roosters belonging to two

generated by a criminal
different persons was punished with one penalty
only, the Supreme Court holding that there being
only one criminal purpose in the taking of the two
roosters, only one crime was committed.

A person committing multiple crimes is punished with ONE

- RULE: A continued crime is different from a transitory crime.
penalty in the following cases:

1. When the offender commits any of the complex crimes CONTINUED CRIME TRANSITORY CRIME
defined in Art. 48 of the Code.
A continued, continuous or When a transitory crime is
2. When the law specifically fixes a single penalty for two or continuing crime is different committed, the criminal
more offenses committed. Examples: from a transitory crime in action may be instituted
- (1) Robbery with homicide (Art. 294); (2) criminal procedure to and tried in the court of the
Kidnapping with serious physical injuries. (Art. 267, determine venue. municipality, city or
par. 3) province wherein any of the
essential ingredients thereof
3. When the offender commits continued crimes. took place. The singleness
of the crime, committed by
--------------------------------------------------------- executing two or more acts,
is not considered.

An example of transitory
crime, also called a "moving
crime," is kidnapping a
person for the purpose of
ransom, by forcibly taking
CONTINUING CRIME the victim from Manila to
Bulacan where ransom was
demanded. The offenders
A continued crime is not a complex crime.
could be prosecuted and
tried either in Manila or in
[There is no provision in the Revised Penal Code or any other Bulacan.
penal law defining and specifically penalizing a continuing
[The principle is applied in connection with two or more - [DIFFERENT VICTIMS SAME ACT] Thus, a collector of a
crimes committed with a single intention.] commercial firm misappropriates for his personal use
several amounts collected by him from different
- DEFINITION persons.
- A continued (continuous or continuing) crime is a - There is here one crime only, because the
single crime, consisting of a series of acts but all different and successive appropriations are
arising from one criminal resolution. but the different moments during which
- A continuing offense is a continuous, unlawful act or one criminal resolution arises and a single
series of acts set on foot by a single impulse and defraudation develops.
operated by an unintermittent force, however long - [STEALING FROM TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS, BUT ONE
a time it may occupy. (22 C.J.S., 52) HOUSE ONLY] Likewise, a thief who takes from the
- Although there is a series of acts, there is only one yard of a house two game roosters belonging to two
crime committed. Hence, only one penalty shall be different persons commits only one crime, for the
imposed. reason that there is a unity of thought in the criminal
purpose of the offender.
- RULE: A continued crime is not a complex crime. - There is no series of acts here for the
- A continued crime is not a complex crime, because accomplishment of different purposes, but
the offender in continued or continuous crime does only of one (purpose) which is
not perform a single act, but a series of acts, and consummated, and which determines the
one offense is not a necessary means for committing existence of only one crime. (People vs. De
the other. Leon, 49 Phil. 437, 439-441)
- RULE: A continued crime is not a complex crime. Not being a robberies as component parts of a general plan.
complex crime, the penalty for continued crime is not to be While the inhabitants of a barrio were working in a
imposed in the maximum period. sugar mill, seven armed persons, who had a general
- Thus, in the case of People vs. De Leon, supra, the plan to commit robbery against all those in the
place, entered the mill and while two of the bandits

• __

guarded the people with guns levelled at them, five

3. The rule established by the next preceding
of them ransacked the houses for their personal paragraph shall not be applicable if the acts
properties. committed by the guilty person shall also
constitute an attempt or frustration of another
- RULE: [NOT CONTINUING CRIME]: Not one continuing crime,
crime, if the law prescribes a higher penalty for
but three separate crimes. [STEALING FROM TWO DIFFERENT
either of the latter offenses, in which case the
- Held: Appellants argue that they are guilty of one penalty provided for the attempted or the
crime only, citing in support of their contention the frustrated crime shall be imposed in its maximum
case of People vs. De Leon, 49 Phil. 437. period. [FELONY COMMITTED/FELONY
- The contention is without merit. In the case cited,
defendant entered the yard of a house where he
found two fighting cocks belonging to different FELONLY]
persons and took them. ---------------------------------------------------------
- In the present case, appellants, after committing the
first crime, went to another house where they
committed the second and then proceeded to
another house where they committed the third. CRIME COMMITTED IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT
- Obviously, the rule in the case cited cannot be INTENDED
invoked and applied to the present.
--------------------------------------------------------- 1. PENALTY RULE: [FELONY COMMITTED > FELONY
imposed in its maximum period.
imposed in its maximum period.


- penalty provided for the attempted or the
frustrated crime shall be imposed in its
maximum period.
- RULE: Art. 49 applies only when
- there is a mistake in the identity of the victim of the
crime, and
Article 49. Penalty to be imposed upon the - In this case, there is praeter intentionem and
principals when the crime committed is different the crime not intended by the offender befell
from that intended. - In cases in which the felony the same person. Note that in the examples
under error in personae, the crime not
committed is different from that which the
intended by the offender befell a different
offender intended to commit, the following rules person.
shall be observed: - the penalty for the crime committed is different from
that for the crime intended to be committed.
1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony - Art. 49 is applicable only when the intended
committed be higher than that corresponding to crime and the crime actually committed are
punished with different penalties.
the offense which the accused intended to
- The rules prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of
commit, the penalty corresponding to the latter Art. 49 contemplate of cases where the
shall be imposed in its maximum period. intended crime and the crime actually
[FELONY COMMITTED > FELONY INTENDED] committed are punished with different
penalties by reason of relationship between
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony the offender and the offended party, which
qualifies one of the crimes.
committed be lower than that corresponding to
- If the intended crime and the crime actually
the one which the accused intended to commit, committed are punished with the same or
the penalty for the former shall be imposed in its equal penalties, Art. 49 is not applicable.
maximum period. [FELONY COMMITTED < - Thus, if A, intending to kill B, a stranger,
actually killed C, another stranger,
Art. 49 is not applicable, because

• __

whether it was B or it was C who was - Praeter intentionem —

killed, the crime committed was - Example: A, without intent to kill, boxed B from
homicide. There is no difference in behind on the back part of the latter's head.
the penalty. B fell to the cement pavement with his head
- RULE: [ART 49 APPLICABLE] Art. 49 applies only IN error in striking it.
personae - - B died due to the fracture of the skull. In this
- Art. 49 applies only when there is a mistake in the case, the death of B was not intended by A.
identity of the victim[error in personae] of the crime, - In this case, there is praeter
and the penalty for the crime committed is different intentionem and the crime not
from that for the crime intended to be committed. intended by the offender befell the
- Error in personae — same person. Note that in the
- Examples: A, thinking that the person walking examples under error in personae,
in a dark alley was B, a stranger, fired at that the crime not intended by the
person, who was killed as a result. It turned offender befell a different person.
out that person was C, the father of A. - From the foregoing examples and discussions, it will be
- In this case, the crime actually noted that the rules stated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of
committed is parricide, punishable Art. 49 cannot apply to cases involving aberratio ictus
by reclusion perpetua to death. or praeter intentionem.
- The crime which A intended to commit
ART 49 ART 48
is homicide, punishable by reclusion
temporal. In Art. 49, the lesser penalty is to be in Art. 48, the penalty for the more
- In view of rule No. 1 provided for in Art. imposed, to be applied in the or most serious crime shall be
maximum period (Pars. 1 and 2); imposed, the same to be applied in
49, the penalty for homicide shall be its maximum period.
imposed in its maximum period.
- But suppose that A wanted to kill his father On the other hand, in error in
personae, since only one crime is
and waited for the latter in a dark alley where produced by the act of the offender,
he used to pass in going home; when A saw a there could be no complex crime,
which presupposes the commission
person coming and thinking that he was his
of at least two crimes.
father, A shot him; and it turned out that that
person was a stranger. In this case, A should In the two examples of error in
be punished with the penalty for homicide to personae, it will be noted that only
one person was affected by the
be applied in its maximum period. single act of the offender; hence,
- Note that in either case, the lesser penalty is only one crime was produced. For
this reason, it is Art. 49, and not Art.
always to be imposed, only that it shall be 48, that is applicable.
imposed in the maximum period.


- Aberratio ictus —
- Example: A fired his gun at his father, with
intent to kill him, but he missed and hit C,
killing the latter.
the basis for reduction of the penalty by one or
- In this case, two crimes were actually
committed: two degrees, is invariably the penalty prescribed
- (1) homicide, of which C by law for the consummated crime
was the victim; and [OF PRINCIPAL?]
- (2) attempted parricide, of
which A's father was the
offended party.
Article 50.
Penalty to be imposed upon
- One who fires a gun at his principals of a frustrated crime. - The penalty
father with intent to kill is next lower in degree than that prescribed by law
guilty of attempted
for the consummated felony shall be imposed
parricide, even if the latter
is not injured at all.
upon the principal in a frustrated felony.
- The two crimes actually committed were the
result of a single act; hence, A committed a Article 51.
Penalty to be imposed upon
complex crime of consummated homicide principals of attempted crimes. - A penalty
with attempted parricide. There being a lower by two degrees than that prescribed by
complex crime, Art. 48, not Art. 49, is
law for the consummated felony shall be

• __

imposed upon the principals in an attempt to Article 55.Penalty to be imposed upon

commit a felony. accessories of a frustrated crime. - The
penalty lower by two degrees than that
It will also be noticed that under Article 51, the
prescribed by law for the frustrated felony shall
penalty for an attempted crime is that for the be imposed upon the accessories to the
consummated felony, commission of a frustrated felony

- reduced by two degrees,

- not the penalty for the frustrated felony, the basic penalty to be used for reduction by one
reduced by one degree. (De los Angeles or two degrees is that for the attempted felony
vs. People, 103 Phil. 295, 298-299) [OF PRINCIPAL?]

Article 56. Penalty to be imposed upon

accomplices in an attempted crime. - The
penalty next lower in degree than that
the basis for reduction of the penalty by one or
prescribed by law for an attempt to commit a
two degrees, is invariably the penalty prescribed
felony shall be imposed upon the accomplices
by law for the consummated crime
in an attempt to commit the felony.
Article 57.Penalty to be imposed upon
Article 52.
Penalty to be imposed upon
accessories of an attempted crime. - The
accomplices in consummated crime. - The
penalty lower by two degrees than that
penalty next lower in degree than that
prescribed by law for the attempted felony shall
prescribed by law for the consummated shall be
be imposed upon the accessories to the
imposed upon the accomplices in the
attempt to commit a felony.
commission of a consummated felony.

Article 53.
Penalty to be imposed upon
accessories to the commission of a
consummated felony. - The penalty lower by
two degrees than that prescribed by law for the
consummated felony shall be imposed upon the
accessories to the commission of a
consummated felony.

the basis for the reduction is the penalty

prescribed by law for the frustrated felony; ---------------------------------------------------------
Article 54. Penalty to imposed upon
principals / accomplice / accessories
accomplices in a frustrated crime. - The
penalty next lower in degree than prescribed by consummated / frustrated / attempted
law for the frustrated felony shall be imposed
upon the accomplices in the commission of a
frustrated felony.

• __

2. The participations therein of the persons liable.

3. The aggravating or mitigating circumstances which

attended the commission of the crime.

In the different stages of execution in the commission of the

crime and in the participation therein of the persons liable,
the penalty is graduated by degree.

TABLE: principal in a consummated offense

- RULE: When there is mitigating or aggravating circumstance,
- RULE: "0" represents the penalty prescribed by law in defining a the penalty is lowered or increased by PERIOD ONLY
crime, which is to be imposed on the principal in a - RULE EXCEPTION: except when the penalty is divisible
consummated offense, in accordance with the provisions of and there are two or more mitigating and without
Article 46. aggravating circumstances,
- In which case the penalty is lowered by
- The other figures represent the degrees to which the penalty degree.
must be lowered, to meet the different situations anticipated by - What is a period of penalty?
law. - A period is one of the three equal portions,
called minimum, medium, and maximum, of
- RULE: From all of these, it will also be observed that in making a divisible penalty. (See Art. 65)
any reduction by one or two degrees, the basis used is that - What is a period of DEGREE?
already prescribed, not as already reduced.
- In Articles 50, 51, 52 and 53 of the Revised Penal Code,
the basis for reduction of the penalty by one or two - RULE: A period of a divisible penalty, when prescribed by the
degrees, is invariably the penalty prescribed by law for Code as a penalty for a felony, is in itself a degree.
the consummated crime, while under Articles 54 and - In Art. 140, the penalty for the leader of a sedition is
55, prision mayor in its minimum period and fine.
- the basis for the reduction is the penalty prescribed by - It being a degree, the penalty next lower than that
law for the frustrated felony; and under Articles 56 and penalty is prision correccional in its maximum period.
57, the basic penalty to be used for reduction by one (People vs. Gayrama, 60 Phil. 796, and People vs.
or two degrees is that for the attempted felony. Haloot, 64 Phil. 739)
- RULE: Exceptions to the rules established in Articles 50 to 57
- [law expressly prescribes] Arts. 50 to 57 shall not apply
to cases where the law expressly prescribes the
penalty for a frustrated or attempted felony, or to be
imposed upon accomplices or accessories. (Art. 60)
- [The penalty for frustrated parricide, murder, or
homicide may be two degrees lower; and the penalty
for attempted parricide, murder, or homicide may be
three degrees lower.]
- The courts, in view of the facts of the case,
may impose upon the person guilty of the
frustrated crime of parricide, murder, or
homicide, a penalty lower by one degree
than that which should be imposed under the
provisions of Art. 50; and may reduce by one
degree, the penalty which under Art. 51
should be imposed for an attempt to commit
any of such crimes. (Art. 250)

What are the bases for the determination of the extent of

penalty to be imposed under the Revised Penal Code?

1. The stage reached by the crime in its development (either

Article 58. Additional penalty to be imposed upon
attempted, frustrated or consummated). certain accessories. - Those accessories falling
within the terms of paragraphs 3 of Article 19 of
this Code who should act with abuse of their

• __

public functions, shall suffer the additional - When the person intending to commit an
penalty of absolute perpetual disqualification if offense has already performed the acts for
the principal offender shall be guilty of a grave the execution of the same but
felony, and that of absolute temporary nevertheless the crime was not produced
disqualification if he shall be guilty of a less grave by reason of the fact that the act intended
felony. was by its nature one of impossible
--------------------------------------------------------- accomplishment or because the means
RULES FOR APPLICATION OF PENALTIES employed by such person are essentially
inadequate to produce the result desired
penalty to be imposed upon certain accessories. by him
accessories: abuse of their public functions Article 60. Exception to the rules established in
Articles 50 to 57. - The provisions contained in
- if the principal offender shall be guilty of a grave Articles 50 to 57, inclusive, of this Code shall not
felony be applicable to cases in which the law expressly
- shall suffer the additional penalty of prescribes the penalty provided for a frustrated or
absolute perpetual disqualification attempted felony, or to be imposed upon
--------------------------------------------------------- accomplices or accessories.
Article 59. Penalty to be imposed in case of ---------------------------------------------------------
failure to commit the crime because the means
employed or the aims sought are impossible. -
When the person intending to commit an offense
Exception to the rules established in Articles 50 to
has already performed the acts for the execution
of the same but nevertheless the crime was not
produced by reason of the fact that the act - EXCEPTION
intended was by its nature one of impossible - shall not be applicable to cases in which
accomplishment or because the means employed the law expressly prescribes the penalty
by such person are essentially inadequate to provided for a frustrated or attempted
produce the result desired by him, the court, felony, or to be imposed upon
having in mind the social danger and the degree accomplices or accessories.
of criminality shown by the offender, shall impose ---------------------------------------------------------
upon him the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine
from 200 to 500 pesos.

in case of failure to commit the crime because the

means employed or the aims sought are

- shall impose upon him the penalty of
arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to 500

- having in mind the social danger and the
degree of criminality shown by the


• __

Article 61. Rules for graduating penalties. - For RULES FOR APPLICATION OF PENALTIES
the purpose of graduating the penalties which,
according to the provisions of Articles 50 to 57, RULES FOR GRADUATING PENALTIES
inclusive, of this Code, are to be imposed upon
persons guilty as principals of any frustrated or
attempted felony, or as accomplices or
First rule: When the penalty is single and
accessories, the following rules shall be indivisible.
1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is penalty immediately following reclusion perpetua is reclusion
single and indivisible, the penalty next lower in temporal.
- A single and indivisible penalty is reclusion perpetua.
degrees shall be that immediately following that
This is the penalty for kidnapping and failure to return
indivisible penalty in the respective graduated a minor. (Art. 270) In Scale No. 1 in Art. 71, the
scale prescribed in Article 71 of this Code. penalty immediately following reclusion perpetua is
reclusion temporal. The penalty next lower in
2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is degree, therefore, is reclusion temporal.
composed of two indivisible penalties, or of one
or more divisible penalties to be impose to their Second rule: When the penalty is
full extent, the penalty next lower in degree shall composed of two indivisible penalties.
be that immediately following the lesser of the
penalties prescribed in the respective graduated - STILL THE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING: RECLUSION TEMPORAL
scale. - Two indivisible penalties are reclusion perpetua to
death. This is the penalty for parricide. (Art. 246) The
penalty immediately following the lesser of the
3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
penalties, which is reclusion perpetua, is reclusion
composed of one or two indivisible penalties and temporal. (See Scale No. 1 in Art. 71)
the maximum period of another divisible penalty,
the penalty next lower in degree shall be
composed of the medium and minimum periods
When the penalty is composed of one or
of the proper divisible penalty and the maximum more divisible penalties to be imposed to
periods of the proper divisible penalty and the their full extent.
maximum period of that immediately following in
- One divisible penalty to be imposed to its full extent
4. when the penalty prescribed for the crime is is reclusion temporal; and two divisible penalties to
composed of several periods, corresponding to be imposed to their full extent are prision
different divisible penalties, the penalty next correccional to prision mayor. The penalty
immediately following the divisible penalty of
lower in degree shall be composed of the period reclusion temporal in Scale No. 1 of Art. 71 is prision
immediately following the minimum prescribed mayor; and the penalty immediately following the
and of the two next following, which shall be lesser of the penalties of prision correccional to
taken from the penalty prescribed, if possible; prisidn mayor is arresto mayor. (See Scale No. 1 in
Art. 71)
otherwise from the penalty immediately following
in the above mentioned respective graduated
Third rule: When the penalty is composed
of two indivisible penalties and the
5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime maximum period of a divisible penalty.
in some manner not especially provided for in the - Under the third rule, the penalty next lower is composed of
four preceding rules, the courts, proceeding by the medium and minimum periods of reclusion temporal and
analogy, shall impose corresponding penalties the maximum of prision mayor. This is the penalty computed in
the case of People vs. Ong Ta, 70 Phil. 553, 555.
upon those guilty as principals of the frustrated
felony, or of attempt to commit the same, and - The penalty for murder (Art. 248):
upon accomplices and accessories. - reclusion temporal: maximum period
- divisible penalties
--------------------------------------------------------- - Reclusion perpetua,

• __

- indivisible penalties mayor in its minimum period.

- Reclusion perpetua, being between - The two periods next following are the maximum
reclusion temporal and death, is and medium periods of prision correccional,
included in the penalty. - the penalty next following in the scale prescribed in
- to death. Art. 71 since it cannot be taken from the penalty
- indivisible penalties prescribed.
- The proper divisible penalty is reclusion temporal.
- The penalty immediately following
reclusion temporal is prision mayor.
- Under the third rule, the penalty next lower is
composed of:
- medium period reclusion temporal
- minimum period reclusion temporal and
- maximum period prision mayor.
- This is the penalty computed in the case of People
vs. Ong Ta, 70 Phil. 553, 555.

Fifth rule: (by analogy, because "not

specially provided for in the four
preceding rules.") When the penalty has
two periods.

- RULE: one degree is formed by two periods

- In these cases, the penalty lower by one degree is
When the penalty is composed of one formed by two periods to be taken from the same
indivisible penalty and the maximum penalty prescribed, if possible, or from the periods of
the penalty numerically following the lesser of the
period of a divisible penalty. penalties prescribed.
- Example: - These cases are not covered by the fourth rule,
- Reclusion temporal maximum period because the penalty contemplated in the fourth rule
- to reclusion perpetua must contain at least three periods.
- The same rule shall be observed in lowering the - The penalty under the fifth rule (by analogy)
penalty by one or two degrees. contains one or two periods only

composed of several periods. - Certain offenses denned in the Code are punished
with a penalty composed of two periods, either of
- The word "several" in relation to the number of - (1) For abduction (Art. 343) — prision correccional in
periods, its minimum and medium periods;
- means consisting in more than two periods.
- Hence, the fourth rule contemplates a penalty - APPLICABLE TO THOSE PENALTY WHICH INDICATED TO HAVE
composed of at least three periods. TWO PERIODS ONLY AMONG TWO THE PARALLEL PENALTY
- (2) For physical injuries (Art. 263, subsection 4) —
- RULE: The several periods must correspond to different - arresto mayor in its maximum period
divisible penalties. - to prision correccional in its minimum
- RULE: the penalty contemplated in the fourth rule must
contain at least three periods. - EXAMPLE:
- The penalty next lower than
- RULE: The penalty which is composed of several periods - prision correccional in its minimum and
corresponding to different divisible penalties: medium periods
- is prision mayor in its medium period - is
- to reclusion temporal in its minimum period. - arresto mayor in its medium and maximum
- The period immediately following the minimum, periods.
which is prision mayor in its medium period, is prision

• __

- In the case of U.S. vs. Fuentes, 4 Phil. 404,
405, it was held that the penalty next
lower in degree to
- prision correccional in its medium
- is
- arresto mayor in its medium period
- The reason for this ruling is that a degree
- RULE: When the penalty has one period. consists in one whole or one unit of the
- If the penalty is any one of the three periods of a
penalties enumerated in the graduated
divisible penalty, the penalty next lower in degree
shall be that period next following the given penalty. scales mentioned in Art. 71. To lower a
- Thus, the penalty immediately inferior to penalty by one degree, it is necessary to
- prision mayor in its maximum period keep a distance of one whole penalty or
- is
one unit of the penalties in Art. 71
- prision mayor in its medium period. (People
vs. Co Pao, 58 Phil. 545, 551) between one degree and another.
- If the penalty is
- reclusion temporal in its medium period,
- the penalty next lower in degree is
- reclusion temporal in its minimum period.
to the mitigating or aggravating circumstances]
(People vs. Gayrama, 60 Phil. 796, 810)

- Mitigating and aggravating circumstances are

disregarded in the application of the rules for
- RULE: The penalty prescribed by the Code for a felony is a
graduating penalties.
degree. [If the prescribed penalty is just one period, then for
- It will be noted that each paragraph of Art. 61 begins
that penalty it is considered as one degree.]
with the phrase, "When the penalty prescribed for the
- If the penalty prescribed for a felony is one of the
felony" or "crime."
three periods of a divisible penalty, that period
- Hence, in lowering the penalty, the penalty
becomes a degree, and the period immediately
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the
below is the penalty next lower in degree.
crime is the basis,
- EXAMPLE: If the penalty is
- without regard to the mitigating or
- reclusion temporal in its medium period,
aggravating circumstances which attended
- the penalty next lower in degree is
the commission of the crime.
- reclusion temporal in its minimum period.
(People vs. Gayrama, 60 Phil. 796, 810)
- RULE: [MITIGATING/AGGRAVATING] It is only after the penalty
next lower in degree is already determined that the mitigating
The rules prescribed in paragraphs 4 and 5 of Art. and/or aggravating circumstances should be considered.
61 may be simplified, as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------

(1) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists

in three periods, corresponding to different
divisible penalties, the penalty next lower in
degree is the penalty consisting in the three
periods down in the scale.

(2) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists

in two periods, the penalty next lower in degree is
the penalty consisting in two periods down in the

(3) If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists

in only one period, the penalty next lower in
degree is the next period down in the scale.


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