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Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

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Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz

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Keshe (K): Good morning. Today we have a number of disclosures. And as you are aware, all
the work we do as we said on Tuesday, all our teachings, are to create a condition for man to take
into space. As we said, part of the interaction of the human race with the universal community is
for the man to start building up his own universal community and the understanding of what that
means. It is not just one; we are part of the universal community today as we are. We are not
aware of the family that is waiting to greet us. There are rules and regulations and there was a
presentation ago that Rick read you the basic principles of being a member of the universal
council. Interestingly enough we had a chat last week with the people who nominated themselves
to be members of the council. You have to be aware that we work on two platforms: one is the
platform of correct conduct and the other is the platform of knowing there are people at this
moment who see the way they have abused the human race is going to change and they don’t
want to change. So, they try to infiltrate the Keshe Foundation and council do all sorts of things.
We pray for their souls. That is all we can do.

K: In the meeting last Wednesday, I asked the people in charge of the universal council to make
extracts and it’s about 20 minutes. We have to know where we are going. It’s not just teaching,
but knowing where we are going and putting it together with credibility and understanding. I will
be silent for 20 minutes; if you think and if you are to become a member of the council, or a
supporting member you need to know how and why we sit behind it and how we promote it and
support it. It’s for the human race to enter into the universal community and this is part of the
plan in bringing mankind together that we speak as one race, one nation and one group in the
universal community. This is me talking to the universal council. The strange thing you will
understand in listening is that I cannot become a member of the council. I don’t take a position in
the universal council because I belong to another council. Let’s listen to the conditions of our
becoming members of the universal community.

K on tape: The reason the language is chosen is not the language but to understand the true
culture of the community because we might speak several languages but we don’t understand the
true culture even if we lived there a long time. The culture is embedded and ingrained in the
ethos of the way the mentality of the nation has been set. The reason we chose the languages is

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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not the words but understanding the emotion of the culture-- How it reflects and operates its
thoughts. If you speak two languages and they are not your birth language, and you speak
fluently because you lived there for a time, as a guardian that is okay, but as representative of the
language and understanding the culture it is a bit too far. The language is for understanding the
brain of the thoughts, the way the community thinks, operates and this is the target. It is the
culture ingrained in the mentality of the area or the upbringing of life in that area. When you
nominate yourself as a member for the language, don’t consider that you speak the language and
you can understand it; it’s the understanding of the mentality and the way the nation thinks from
the foundation.

K: I was born in Iran and lived there for 15 years; then I lived in England for 30 years, Belgium
for 10 years, and Italy for 2 years. In a way I don’t belong to any of the cultures; I lost the
essence of Iran by not living in that area. I lived in England for 30 years and even though I speak
English and understand English I don’t have the background of the culture ingrained in me. It’s
the same with the Belgium and Italian. So, when we speak of the language we have to
understand the totality of it and when we make the decision to support the language it’s not
prejudice but to be there and equal to the others in their languages.

K: This is going to be hard for a lot of members of the council. If they understand this, they will
do something else. Those who stand as guardian; it will be until we have those that understand
the language and the culture they are there for. The way you elect yourself is not to be a member
of the council if you see somebody else who understands more without prejudice. We will see
the coming time when being a member of the council from humanity’s point of view is a
prestigious position to be in and people get carried away with the position. We have tried to
uproot this from the beginning. It is not a privilege to be a member of the council, but a service.
You are there to serve. In time, you will see those who can serve humanity based on need. Then
you step down and support somebody in the group who is part of your culture in the same
language as yours (that) can do better to serve humanity or that community.

K: The problem will come when the pride of the man takes over the position of the man. We
have seen this in a number of people who decided to become a member of the council and before
their acceptance they misused the position. A number of people have been rejected from the
council for this reason. I am a member of the council and I want to do this and that. It is better
that one says as a member of the council, “I would like to serve humanity this way”. You are not
there to use the position for influence. This will be very hard. In a way… if I can put this way…
that the members of the council should shine so that other people who are a torch themselves
seeing who they can light up. In a way you serve and by serving you manifest the true essence of

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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the man unconditionally. We do not look for a position or a seat to be a member. We look for
one in a group of people that speaks the language to shine. We are not looking for one man or
member of the council. In time he will become a member of the community of the members of
the council and each member understands the heart of the culture without prejudice. This will
build to the position that when you meet as the council you color the essence of the whole planet.
This is the purpose of shaking up the council.

K: The difference is seen with the UN when you become a ‘member’ and you decide with that
group how you can influence. With the universal council, you become one in how you can serve
the community and the council. Let me explain something that might shine some light on this. As
I explained, I left Iran when I was about 16 years old. About 8 years ago, I went back to Iran by
the invitation of the government. I stayed there for 4.5 months and within the first few days after
going back even speaking Farsi and being a member of the Iranian community I said to one of
my colleagues in the university that I was a foreigner in my own country. Being away from the
nation and culture, I could not understand the culture at all compared to how I was brought up as
a young boy in another country. I was a foreigner in my own country and I was more foreign in
Iran than I was in England. I understood more about the English culture than the Iranian culture.
So when we speak about nominating a language, it is understanding the culture, the needs, the
beauty and the way the culture can support humanity and not what became like the EU with
everyone getting in to get the best for his country and it didn’t matter what he did. You see that
failure in the EU. They join in to take as much as possible for one culture. They don’t look to
support the countries to be equal instead of putting a little bit in and getting more out. This is
why we cannot achieve; we see the mistakes of the past.

K: We are important to be part of bringing peace to others in the community of humanity. It

takes a lot to change the culture of the man. We are hungry for positions, titles, or being called
‘somebody’. Being a member of the council has to be in the heart of the man and not a name on
the door. It takes a lot to do this. I tell my children that the man in the room has a position as
long as he stays in that room and his name is on the door of the room. When you are outside, on
the beach, shopping, or in the supermarket, nobody knows who you are: a farmer, a bricklayer, a
professor or a doctor. In space no one will call you ‘professor’. This is what we are trying to
bring back to humanity. This is what has to change and will change. The council has to be the
flag bearer where people look at the humble man. We don’t carry the title into space; nobody
knows who you are. So, I suggest that it doesn’t exist. If you look at my business cards, they
carry no title with my name. The title of the man should be carried in his heart. If you can change
belonging to the council, you can walk the streets and no one will know you are a member of the
council. But they will feel the essence of the soul they are serving.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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K: You hear without ever listening and this is what we are looking for. You change the position
even if you are not on this planet. And you are in deep space, then the community you come
from, you can serve as a guardian. This is what we are looking for; we are not looking for an
office with a telephone and secretary and you’re deciding who you want to help. It doesn’t
matter even if you think it wrong, the soul support will come correctly. We have seen this over
and over and this is the future of mankind, and people will slowly start to understand. Titles will
not come. In the coming time, you will see the seat of the UN totally gone; even the building of
the UN shall not be there. They shared nothing but the title to carry on murders en masse. They
carried murders in the name of nationhood for those who make money out of it with the murders.
Anyone opposing it becomes a terrorist organization. UN at the present is nothing but a place for
the slaughter of the man; the killing with permission. We have seen this in all sorts of places.
That is, when the council meets, there is no say in what we are going to do; we support with your
soul and you will understand what your wish is. The words don’t have to be spoken; you will
understand through the soul and the emotion of the man.

K: Let me explain something very clearly: We are teaching how to produce food that in the
coming time, man does not need to consume and absorbs the energy he needs. If you absorb
energy by emotion, then there is no need for your mouth and no need for your digestion system.
How are you going to communicate? Now you understand where the council is going; you
communicate with emotion. There is no deception as this is felt by everyone. At the moment,
you are part of the first generation of the universal council and the human race is going through
an evolution. So you understand that you will be like a transparent sheet and the more you see it,
the more you shine. We are not offering position, title, or for others to elevate you above the
others. There are 10 Chinese who would like to be members of the council. But we have one
Chinese speaking and you have to look at the man or woman who understands more of the
culture of China and by understanding more, he can bring more energy. The more giving to the
Chinese community—don’t look at what I can do and look at the others and how better they can
serve the community and the language. Then choose which one; it’s a new system. And even
then if you see the only man standing then you ask yourself why they think you are this position
and how far can I serve better, even the 9 standing next to me. We can all better serve the
Chinese community.

K: This is how you will be received. We have a number of English speaking, French speaking,
Iranian speaking and more. When you choose a member for the council, look at how better they
can serve than you and not that you are better and you can do more. We saw this with the

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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Spanish couple. We watched, we monitored. It was enough to remove one from the place
because it is simple: just watch for is destroying the position and ask them to release the position.
Just for those who proclaim or declare themselves as members of the council have abused the
position. They are removed. Nobody can be removed but we announce the position to be open
with a new soul; we are changing the course of humanity by the emotion and the soul of
humanity. It’s not by words, money, position, cars, houses, wages or salaries. I have seen this
and I tried to avoid it and to bring it to be understood fully. The time will come for you to
observe and to shine. I am teaching in the teachings that we have seen some shine. You will see
it yourself and this has dimensions for the position.

K: When a man serves humanity and then the universal council for the human race, when he
stands in front of the sun, you shall see no shadows. I hope you understand. We see no shadows
in the sun; we see shadows only when there is a physicality connected to the material position. If
you look for a true council, in the future when you stand in front of the light you shall see no
shadows and you shall see entity. The soul of the council member will shine the same as the light
of the sun. To me that mean you have radiated so much more than what is inside, that the inside
cannot be seen.

(Conclusion of taped presentation).

K: Thank you very much; now you understand how we select the members of the council. In a
way humanity selects himself for it. We have seen how some people are working around to
become members of the council to do what they like and to damage certain things. The soul will
bring it out in time and then there will be an announcement and it is part of the universal council.
We will meet for the first time online in physicality in Rome. If you remember you don’t need to
be in Rome to be part of it. The presence of the soul will be part of it and we receive the beauty
of the soul.

K: Moving on to the next step; if you remember on Tuesday, we extended the knowledge to the
understanding of the entering into the plasma technology and fields of the plasma technology we
are extending the knowledge into the way of opening the door into the universal community. In
the next couple of hours, we will open your eyes into how the technology can be and is used in
the wishes of the man to see. So many of you have shared. As you know, today I am not in
Baleta but I am outside so you only see the white board we carry as a teaching board. If you
remember, we have always seen in our processes when we had the pen, we directed the head of
the pen to what was needed. With it (00:37.50 minutes) we have seen the effect of reducing pain

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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in the body of the man. We have brought coils, plasma and GANS and we mixed the two. We
separated the coils and we have seen the doctors playing beautiful games with these. But all of
these have continuously reflected the work and the fields of what has been produced. Now we
know the fields exist.

K: Now, we start supporting the technology so you understand how correct the technology is.
We have seen things and in the coming days and times we will ask scientists who have done tests
to come on and explain. Those of you who have been testing materials for different aspects of
testing, we will allow you to come on and present it. From now on, anyone who comes on to
make a presentation, all your presentations have to pass security and you will see why. We had
to play certain games to the points that we had to be finished. We finished and we opened our
books last week to protect you and you will understand it. And then you understand why I speak
about this now. In so many ways, when you use these fields, and you have seen the results, and
you have seen the results in the Magrav systems where you put a number of coils up and you
have seen energy and the production of energy.

K: Now we are going to the next step. On the 21st of June when we were teaching, we explained
in a simple way that now that you have seen the fields where we actually from the plasma in its
matter strength. And then we separated it in nano-material. And then we separated it into the
GANS. And then we put the energy of the GANS in another entity in the water which is over
these strengths, shape and color and they all give energies into the liquid of the water that we call
liquid plasma. Now we use this liquid plasma and by the interaction of these fields on other
fields, we created what we call unified fields. Now we work with this unified field of plasma. If
you understood more, this itself carries the interaction of many different materials as you choose,
and you understand that these GANS, once they attract and become part of this structure, now
this plasma has the power of the totality.

So in fact if you put this plasma in front of the original material, you should be able to open the
atomic structure of the matter of the original matter so in a way it goes back to the writing of
understanding that the science and the technology comes back to free itself. You start from the
matter to the fields and from the fields you can change the matter or create the matter you want
from it.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

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K: This comes from physical to plasma and this comes from earth science to universal science
(00:42.07) where now you can make whatever you like now that you this field in your
possession. This is what is in space. In space nobody gives you a cup, iron, bread; you gather the
energy and if you want to convert it to tangibility, you bring it in reverse to the find the matter
state. In a way, if you look, we started with the matter, we came to the plasma, and we can create
any matter we like from it because you sit in the center of the creation of the fields and their
control. You should go back to the teaching from the beginning; we said you won’t take food,
medicine, animals, nothing with us to space. At that time it was a puzzle how you would go
without a payload of food. Now you understand you have whatever you need at the point of
demand anywhere in the universe because now you have the fields. You have seen how you put
the orange and you tasted the orange. You want the fields to change the position of cancer and it
has changed cancer. You wanted to create metals from materials and how you transmute matters
from one position to another. We have seen the transportation of the elements in the last 24 hours
through the health teaching.

K: We will confirm it further and you will understand. We have separated agriculture and health
from public domain because most of the people in the public domain do not understand what it is
and how it is done and they can create problems for themselves. In so many ways, now not only
have we seen transportation, we have seen what we said in the test and we have shown again and
again how we transfer elements from one position to another where we choose and dictate where
we want it to be. And as we say in English, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it”. It is,
in fact look where the element was and now when you go to the condition where it was you
cannot find it in another place or it moves its energy to another place. Whatever has been taught
in the knowledge and the science by the Keshe Foundation through plasma technology by your
work is correct. We will bring the scientists who do these things if they want to. As we have said,
we start bringing for you to see the proofs so that you build up the credibility for yourself and
nobody else.

K: It is for you who have to be happy and satisfied with it. (45.12 minutes) Understand that a lot
of fake information will come. I have made a decision for the last 12 months to allow some fake
work to come in to open the hands of the people who are working in the background to discredit
the information and technology. You will understand very soon. I don’t apologize, but I want to
open your eyes to understand how we work. I want you to understand how devious the present
holders of power are there to do. They have done a lot of discrediting, but now you are making
the Magrav systems. You are making the systems and applying them in the homes. Now that we
have seen this power energy separation, on Thursday we give you new opportunities.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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K: On Thursdays we have made new progress in so many ways for the next development of
space technology for entering man into the universal community. How do you know the
community exists if you cannot see it? How do you feel there is something there if there is no
communication? How can a blind man see if he has no eyes? He walks with his feeling and the
field, the wind, the motion he feels. Man has been blind to the universal community because man
has always looked at the matter state. If he is showed something, he believes it. Now we open the
door to the universal community to the eye of the man. If you understand this, you will use the
emotion and the soul, and you will see the creatures of life of the universe. It needs training and
understanding and it means to be able to translate the knowledge to the satisfaction of the man
and the soul of the man. if 150 years ago we would have told you that you could go from one
country to another on the planet within a few hours, we would have been a laughingstock
because it had taken a long time (using) camels, donkeys, horses, ships and boats. Now all of us
travel across the world within a few hours.

K: In the coming weeks and months we will travel the same distances in minutes and we will say
why didn’t we see this before? We are preparing for it, but in traveling in that space and speed,
you want to see. You have been blind, how can (you) see the rest? On Tuesday I start teaching
you the night vision of the plasma binoculars and how, you make systems that, as long as you
use your physical eye you can witness the existence of universal creatures until you get to the
point in trusting that what you have is equal and you do not need the eye. What do we do? We
made the Magrav systems, the GANS plasma systems, and we put the patches on our bodies. We
saw cancer being removed and changing, diseases disappearing and all kinds of things. What
happened? We put the body of the man in the middle and patches or coils on either side. This
transfer caused energy levels inside the body to be balanced. Now if we do the same but this time
we create a field transfer that different fields strengths in different parts of this new system can
create a field interaction in this line of vision (00:49.23 ) that by you standing here and looking
into it, because now you look through the plasma of the system, of the universe. Depending on
the strength you create, you shall see the creatures of the universe.

K: Now you look it with the physical strength of the eye of the man and the other strength of the
plasma of the universe. For the first time man gets a chance by looking down this tube to start
with, he can see the other creatures of the universe. They exist and we must receive the
confirmation we can understand, not in our language, but with our emotion we understand the
line of communication. I have tried to raise this so many times in the teaching and now you
understand why. When we put two babies next to each other they don’t speak the same language.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
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It doesn’t matter if the mother is Chinese and the father is Russian, the grandmother is black
from Africa and the great grandfather is a yellow from somewhere else. But in their
communication, the babies know each other, who is what and what position they have and what
they need to do. This will be the same with the man standing on this end looking down the
tunnel. (00:51.08). Now, it is not the eye of the man but the emotion of the man which shall
understand and see and communicate with the universal community.

K: If your intention and understanding is of him, you shall ‘hear’. If your intention and
understanding is that he is a nice food, you will know exactly what will happen to you—
precisely. So for the first time slowly, slowly we start opening the eye of the man in how he can
see. We have seen those who have been set up by others to discredit and have already claimed
immediately what they can do. We will show and we will see. But those of you who understand
will see and those of you who make these systems will see. (00:52.13). You made coils in
different shapes. I have been trying to explain to you in the past few weeks, to try to do
something different. Try in your Magrav systems and in your space systems coils which are not
made of solid copper but coils which are hollow and tubes. Now you understand why, because if
you manage to make these coils as tubes, the tubes always have double tubes so the field strength
of one affects the other. You have brought magnetic and gravitational and then you create a
plasma system.

K: Now start putting your tubes at 90 degrees to create the plasma so you can create whatever
you need to do. Now put the same double coils next to each other (53.19 minutes). Get this solid
and at this point (several coils in) you will see different kinds of creatures of the universe and
because of the different change of the material here you shall see the other. So now you
understand where we are going. Now you understand that it is you who will make the binoculars
of the universal plasma. It is you who by intention inside of you will create the condition of
understand the others. So, what you need to is very simple. What you need to understand is very
simple. You have the tools and you produce the GANS. You dictate GANS and you brought in
the GANS of different strengths. When you look into space and see a planet, by assessment of
the scientists they tell you these are the elements and whatever of that planet. If you can create
the magnetic gravitational fields of the composition of the elements of that planet, or a star, or a
position of the universe you will see the style and type of creatures that live on that planet
exactly as they are.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

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K: You what kind of life is supported and what the mentality is of this planet. If I want to see the
human beings and I see the mixture of the gaseous part of the planet creates the amino acid and if
I create exact composition of the amino acid strength and its matters, I should be able to see the
emotion and the soul of the creatures of this planet. And through it I shall see the physicality and
the live physical condition of this planet. We do this already. From the beginning we were al
nano makers and we never knew that. We didn’t know how. We see the image of our mother, our
great grandfather and all we see is image of people we don’t know. They tell us something and
later we had a dream and we understand it and we know it. Because at that point the knowledge
was given to your soul and your soul received it from another soul. It takes time for the soul to
be in the position that the physicality sees what the soul was told before.

K: But strangely enough the soul you receive the knowledge from this planet, from now on you
opened the door. It is the same as you having a dream about your mother who died years ago but
she tells you the story of what is going to happen and warns you or tells you what is about to
happen in your dream. Dream is emotion and the connection between the soul of you and the
soul of your mother which the dream knows and the soul knows that in translation you know this
is the voice you knew as your mother’s. In understanding that plasma field is ‘mother’ you create
the image of the mother and the voice of the mother. The message of the soul to soul is
transferred to the understanding of your physicality. Maybe for the first time you understand
what dreams are.

K: When you come to this position and this understanding and into the position of understanding
the communication between the souls and when you see the creatures of the universe it is the
soul of the mother. It is you have to understand the language and what it means to your physical
understanding. They will teach you everything you need to know. Man will never be in safer
hands than in the universal community unless you make the mistakes and the greed of the
physicality of the man takes over and it will see the punishment of it and that punishment is very
simple: stay home; you don’t belong to the universe. Then you shake with the shake of the planet
and you shiver with the blowing of the volcanoes. Man, if he does not open the channels to the
universal community has already made his own doomsday. It was not made for you; you have
made it for yourself. The knowledge is free but don’t abuse it because the abuse brings you back
to the prison of the village you came from.

K: It is very simple; once you understand you have done it to yourself. We are not making a
member of the council; we are not making a supporting team of the council. We are making one

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

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member of the council of one race, one planet and that is the objective. Start building the Magrav
units for the vision and understand one thing. (1.00.19 minutes). You can make the environment
of this plasma that you are inside of it and you see the totality. If you remember a few weeks ago
I spoke of transportation through plasma. (1.00.34 minutes). Now you understand what it means.
To get more confidence take a few of these coils and put them in front of you and make a few
and put around your head and you shall see with the eyes. What you see is not fake because you
have created the structure like the amino acid of the man of the planet and if your wish has been
to join because it looks like a good place to see, transportation and communication will be
instantaneous. But don’t forget; before you take the chance understand that the creatures of this
environment are not food. Learn first how to feed yourself on the plasma of the universe because
when you are hungry there is o food to where you have gone if you don’t know how to feed

K: The members of the universal council and the members of the human race have to learn one
thing. Creatures of the universe are not your food. This is not like on this planet where you eat
what you like going beyond the border of the soul of the man let alone the atmosphere of this
planet. To join the universal community even within this planet when you start looking and see
the other creatures of the universe that are mixed amongst you then it comes to the raw point.
There will be those who will fight and they will be seeing their own demise. There will be those
that will amalgamate and they will see the glory of God. The glory of God is the peacefulness of
man to be among the universal community. To be able to see the beauty of the creation across
the universe, none of you would spend another second on this planet once you see the beauty of
this universe. You don’t have time. Why did you stay for such a long time in a place that is such
a mess?

K: So much killing and destruction, abuse and now you are free. We will see how you will
change. This is your first test and it’s the first time due to the communication available to man
we have given you the first chance to the opening of the universal community. Look at us, see
us, we are peaceful, calm, generous and prepared to teach. If you make a mistake it is your
mistake and not ours. Understand the work and you will support it. Misunderstand the work and
you are in your own prison. In a way by showing you what to build I have given you your
doomsday and your day of judgment. All of you have been waiting for heaven or hell; it arrived
on June 21, 2016. The heaven is opening the man’s soul and physicality to the universal
community. The hell is taking you to this planet where you kill each other like rats. We will see
the pen I gave you works; you have seen the Magrav system deliver energy. You have seen that
we deliver. Understand that we deliver. We deliver the message of peace for mankind to take.
Not all of you will take it in one go. It’s too harsh to accept because now the rule of the game has

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changed. As I have said if you understand why I played this tape first from the universal council
it’s simple. When you stand in front of the man in the universe you see your shadows because he
is peaceful and you are not. He has everything he wants and you don’t

K: You cannot kill; you lie and he doesn’t. So you stand like a patchwork of the darkest parts on
the surface of the sun. And each dark spot has its own color: greed, murder and thieving. Now
you have to reflect back onto yourself and you become the prophet of your soul. You release
your own 10 and 20 commandments and live by it. Now you understand why the writings of
Mohammed (?) say that man at this age has reached the level of the prophets of the past. It is not
that you become prophets; now you understand why they were shunned. Understand the
translation of the word in the essence of the soul and the emotion of the man and not in the
physicality of the man. (106.56 minutes)

K: With these systems I show you more and more systems so you can see more of the universal
community and I show you how to open the atmosphere of this planet into the universal
community without even leaving this planet. I will open and crack the shell of the end of this
solar system. You have been inside the dark and I show you how we crack open the shell without
even leaving the shell. Look into the true universe and then see which one you want to choose; to
be here to suffer or to be part of the others who live in the space where you are content, peaceful,
and equal.

K: Start making these growing plasmas, the universal plasmas it brings. If you don’t see it means
that you have not created the condition for it to be seen. It is like night glasses. You can buy any
kind of glasses but if it is not the right thing you shall not see in the dark. Now we opened so that
man can see through the darkness of the universe and you will be amazed how closely you have
been sitting among the universal community. You will see how close you have been within and
how long you lived among us, but the blood of the man which is the amino acid of the man
which is the structure of this planet will stand out. So if you understood now you have become
the prophet of your own soul and the messiah of your own soul. I have said many times I am the
messiah. Every single one of you is messiahs and now you understand.

K: When you do everything correctly and are correct you will shine like the sun and become a
member of the universal council and the universal community. So please go back and give the
credibility to the technology, not by you but by us. We start opening the technology so you

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understand. In opening the technology we have to show those who are full of dark spots and we
see how they operate. They set up and we let them play because we were waiting for you to see
how they operate. What they did in reality works and I can show to you but not what their reality
wanted. Let us explain what has happened.

K: Now we go to the facts about the Keshe Foundation. If you remember last year we exposed
Mr. Alan Sterling as a pedophile. He claimed he is not and it was slander and he made a virus
and destroyed all our teachings over one year. We have all the documents that have not been
destroyed. We took our time. And because we knew we were correct we collaborated with
agencies because he was a pedophile and he was one of the top guys and we saw the Blue (Red?)
Circle going to his support immediately. He is another one. And we withstood three attacks
aimed at wiping out the Keshe Foundation. In their attacking the Keshe Foundation we became a
“scam” according to how they built up the claims the Keshe Foundation scam with the same
group and they made the Keshe Victims and everything else. It was very strange.

K: There are a number of these people because they are all pedophiles and they all work for the
same boss. We have followed the Red Circle going through different Facebook that recruited
people to come to the Keshe Foundation to claim something and then go to claim to be a victim
without our ever knowing them and for them to create a profile of victims. Strangely enough Mr.
Alan Sterling was arrested and confessed. We would like you to see the judgment and how
correct we were about him and about the rest of the lie. Play the judgment about Mr. Alan

Rick: It will be a pleasure after all that this person has put you, the Keshe Foundation and all of
us through. This is the article from The Daily Herald.

K: Understand that on the Facebook for Mr. Alan Sterling and people like we saw like the people
who came in and said have you seen the warrant for Mr. Keshe? These were all pedophiles
coming after teenagers and young people. . It is actually from Austria and we have all your
documents. They pretend. Here is Mr. Alan Sterling; read us the judgment.

Rick: Headline: Fountain Green man sentenced to possible life in prison for sexually abusing
two infants.

K: His two infants are his own daughters who he raped and they were ages 3 and 5. That is
exactly what the Red Circle has done with his daughters.

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Rick: They didn’t say rape here and this was the word Mr. Sterling was so worried about.

K: He has claimed sodomy of his own children.

R: It’s not rape; it’s actually sodomy. A Fountain Green man received the maximum sentence
Friday for sexually abusing 2 infant girls between 2003 and 2009 while living in Eagle
Mountain. Sterling was sentenced by Judge Gerald McCabe to 15 years to life from the Utah
State Prison for two first degree felony charges for attempted sodomy on a child. The sentence
for each charge will run consecutively to each other but because of the sentencing guild lines,
prosecuting attorney Greg Johnson said Alan Sterling will likely have his first parole hearing in
22 years. Certainly 22 years minimum fits the needs of our community, Johnson said. Alan
(Sterling) age 52 was also fined $20,000. He was found through a joint operation between the
FBI and the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. A court affidavit states the FBI became aware of Alan
Sterling in December, 2015 when they found his you tube channel. In several videos he admits to
being a pedophile who has committed several sex offenses against children the report states. The
victims were interviewed in January 2016 and told police that because of their age they don’t
remember the abuse, the reports state.

K: Now let us write how we worked with FBI. Last year when we found his process as you all
know we asked our connection within the CIA to support us, that we needed to bring this man
down. CIA immediately put us with FBI who took up the case and researchers of the Keshe
Foundation delivered all their research work to FBI in August of last year. We worked closely
with FBI regarding this case. You have to understand the research of Keshe Foundation and one
spending all his holiday gathering hundreds and thousands of pages of evidence that opened to
the others and how they are operating. In working with FBI in November we knew everything
was intact and it was a matter of crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s.

K: Then around February of this year in our communication with FBI they said if they get him he
will disclaim it; we need him to come to us. I told the FBI that was no problem. That was just
about the 14th of February. I asked Carrie Cassidy to interview me because she wanted to know
about the free energy. I said that I would bring Alan Sterling on but without damage to Carrie.
She said as long as you don’t go too far. We agreed and I gave a live presentation interview
knowing the Red Circle and Alan Sterling were listening carefully. Listen to the audio that is
available on Carrie Cassidy website. I said, we know the victims of Mr. Alan Sterling are his own
daughters. He and his company knew that we know. On the 20th they walked into the police
station and completed the file that he has been a pedophile. The story didn’t finish there; we
operate correctly.

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K: In doing so and by looking at the Facebook of Mr. Alan Sterling as has been reported in
Veteran’s Today, we saw one of the biggest judges in America committed suicide because he has
a full connection. Then we saw a number of people who are collaborators and Red Circle was
one of them. And then we saw another group of people sitting there and security people
followed. Then we released a number of people you see on the Red Circle list who come and
claim to be. It’s easy and these are supplied to us by the security people. You see the names and
these are all pedophiles. They are all paid to become victims because that is how Red Circle
works. We see huge numbers and you have to be careful. They came on the Livestream
presentations and made all names of accusations. You will understand one thing very simple.
One of them is S. Abdul Latif and you know who are; how come you are a victim on Mr. Red
Circle list. You are now a victim and you were paid and now we see how they are faking; there
are no victims of the Keshe Foundation.

K: Another one, go to the list, is Mr. Selmani who played the game by Red Circle to become a
‘victim’ of Keshe Foundation. Another one is Mr. Latif and you see him again as a victim.
Strangely enough they appear in 50 Facebooks with Red Circle in the same gathering of children.
We saw on the Tuesday teaching out of nowhere have you seen Keshe has an international
warrant for his arrest? Yes we were watching you. But on Tuesday we saw a pedophile from
Austria appearing and writing articles in a way to discredit us; have you seen it? It’s very
interesting—he is one of the guys at the top of Peswiki. He is acting and playing young people’s
music and is German speaking from Germany and Austria—this is Mr. Thomas. We know who
you are and Interpol will visit you very soon. Be careful because everything has been recorded.
That is why we can talk easily.

K: You have to understand that we could not disclose this until we saw the conviction of Mr.
Alan Sterling. Strangely enough Mr. Sterling, Red Circle, somebody called Suzanne and
somebody called False Hope all have connections to children’s charities, Hope and, False Hope
has escaped from the United States to Morocco and has been interviewed by the police in
Morocco parliamentary committee for trafficking. That is why you don’t see her around much
but she just puts things one…nobody knows. But she was missing on the 30th. On the other hand
Suzanne, who claims everything else, has a brother in Holland that runs the hidden house for
trafficking children from India and Tunisia. Strangely enough the gentleman who turned up in a
Keshe Foundation in a teaching said he has hundreds of black guys in America working and
teaching. And he has a child support group in Tunisia. This is very strange because they are all in

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child trafficking and they are all part of the Alan Sterling group. These are all open to us and we
had to keep an eye on them and on Europe.

K: Then strangely enough these people all work from third world countries trafficking children.
And then killing the children. The Keshe Foundation has supported to see the information comes
in and we have a very vigilant group. What we see now is that Tunisia appears again and again
by another group again connected to Red Circle. He is the head of one of the biggest pedophile
organizations. We followed back to Facebook where he and the victims appear together. Now
you understand that all the victims are fakes and built by him just to do the job for his king; he is
paid to do that. We have something strange to tell you. That is that we have evidence that the
Red Circle has been involved in poisoning scientists to kill them with liver cancer. We released
the names to Interpol. He is paid to write patents and once he gets the information the victims in
a way by the material supplied by his bosses, the same as they did with me, to make as the victim
died of liver cancer or had that kind of problem. Interestingly enough, I was one of the victims
and I know another who was very high profile and high energy and he poisoned him too. We
have taken his file and he doesn’t know.

K: There are no victims of Keshe Foundation. Just look for their names and follow them on
facebook. Red Circle and they appear together on some 50 facebook. They are going on
Facebook and asking to become victims of Keshe Foundation and they will pay them. He has an
open account at the Central Bank in Belgium and has no problem paying a man in Africa—
150,000 or 100,000 just like Paul did. Now you understand how they operate; we had to wait
until Mr. Sterling was done and now we can release it and we have physical evidence of people
trafficking children and murdering them. This is the job of Red Circle and now you see it and
understand exactly who we are. Yes, they have become part of the students and they pretend to
be students and they are not students.

K: We know and we keep the information away from our own team for security that we do not
blow anything out. Understand something very simple: child trafficking brings a lot of money to
sick people and a lot of money in their back pockets. Red Circle is the headquarters of it. Don’t
take me at my word; go and check and see how they appear everywhere. They try to be a student
and teach and then they go and become ‘victims’ on the other side. It will be very interesting to
see other names. The followers of the Keshe Foundation set up a website and we are looking for
the names of the children who have gone missing and it’s an open line. You can go on and look
at it. It’s set up not by us but by our supporters. Look for the victims; it is time to stop.

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K: It’s time to stop the silence of these people killing children and to stop murdering scientists.
Now you understand what it is and we are asking you to break the silence today and enter the
children and scientists who have gone missing and who there were in contact with. You will be
very amazed in one of the entries of Alan Sterling by a comment in the Utah newspaper that
reads by Shana: Oh my heck; that guy has been to my house and he wrote an article about my
husband’s business. He also featured one his videos on his you tube. What a creep! What a

K: Now you understand how they work. We have brought one of the biggest pedophile
organizations in the world and the bottom is falling out from under them. Red Circle you are
nailed more than you thought and all the people around will put your name in the website at the
top where you have your own category for attempted murder and raping your own children.
Alan Sterling denied it and so did you. You had to pay 500,000 to them to come back to you.
Papa made a mistake. Half a million was more than enough from the State. We have your own
confirmation about a 2.5 year old child which is a criminal offense. There is another victim of
yours and you are involved in the murders of two Moroccan children in the 1990s. We release
their names and they go on the list. You are the one that handled the trafficking of the two
daughters by the rape and you are the planner and the backbone and that is why you are
controlling the politicians and we have seen how you destroyed the politicians who came too
close to Red Circle.

K: It is on the internet how you destroyed politicians and the scientists. (1.29.55 minutes). You
are a murderer—two girls 8 and 10 and you have been trafficking. I wonder if your boss shared
the bodies of those two children. We don’t lie; Alan Sterling case shows that. We have been too
close to the information. So, now you know how they are making the ‘victims of the Keshe
Foundation. I suggest to you Mr. Red Circle to close them because we have taken copies of
everything. All your communications across the internet have been reported. Just wait—it took
us a few months and now we are coming for you. You have to realize one thing: children are
protected by the law of God and not by your abuse. You are a sick man; when I read this article
by this woman who said he was in her home and I fed you and you gave me poison to give me
liver cancer. The liver cancer came when I came back out of Iran and we thought it was
radiation, but you poisoned me at the table when we were meeting to write the first book. The
same thing with the other scientists—liver cancer. You are a murderer of the first degree and a
raper of your own children. We open the books and you are involved in attempted murder. I

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don’t know if the other scientist is still alive. We will find out very soon. Two attempts of
murder of the other scientist and me. And twice you attempted to murder to kill me.

K: You raped your own daughters; I don’t know if you raped your boy—we thought you were
straight. You were involved in the two children in the 1990s. If you are in Belgium go to the
London Tower; the man who killed your children is sitting there. This is the responsibility of the
Moroccan community because they fought hand and tooth to get their daughters back in the
1990s. Go back and look at that. Mr. Red Circle was most likely hiding the bodies of the children
in his house. Now you know who you are dealing with. Denial and then creating distraction to
discredit and you have seen the same thing with Mr. Alan Sterling. 1.32.39.

K: We have seen the same pattern of work with the bosses of Komer (?) in Singapore working
for child’s health and translating medical files and selling children’s organs. You pretended to be
a boy, a child, wanting to know the technology, the same trick as your friend, Mr. Thomas in
Austria. I check everything before we disclose for the past 6 months. We were told we had to
wait for a judgment and it has been done. Our Moroccan community in Belgium where the two
children were hiding was not with the two. They were with Red Circle and he can see the two
dead bodies any times he likes. He sat watching them to be killed, pretending to write a book.
Now you know all these things about the Keshe Foundation and all things against Keshe was to
cover a big organization of criminals. A man who broke into it, they tried to murder…I am that

K: I am the victim; all poisoning was documented in hospitals. Now we understand. Please carry
on with the work of the foundation; we are all perfectly okay and the technology is beautiful and
has brought a lot of peace and joy to a lot of people with pain. Doctors and scientists and
scientists are testing the technology. Doctors are reporting cancer from a dog as non-existent.
People with 10 cm diameter cancer were reduced 80% within weeks. We see people with pains
and people with different diseases working with the doctors are walking away from pain and
disease. Their salvation has been the technology. We have seen from the reports in Ghana from
the Atomic Energy Center how we have literally destroyed every bacteria everywhere. River
water in Africa is safe to drink (where the technology has been applied). We don’t need to pay
millions of dollars to clean up so a child doesn’t die. People don’t get diarrhea; a drop of water is
a disinfectant. This week I have signed an agreement with hospitals in Africa and we have signed
an agreement to treat the malaria on a scientific basis the way we have seen the other reports.

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K: In the coming weeks we will get the sediment report from Ghana Atomic Energy. It is very
interesting and this is a gift from us to the Chinese people when we go to China on how to clean
and decontaminate. We have developed technologies to clean air like the air in Beijing and
Shanghai very rapidly. We have developed the technology of what you call the new plasma
generators. This plasma generator is getting developed as we speak and we are offering it for sale
for 1800 Euros. We have advanced to shrink the size so it becomes a manageable size that we
can use. And that has increased the price to us and this is reflected in the change. You can buy
about 3 KW of plasma generator to be delivered in 90 days from the order placed with the Keshe
Foundation today. We have said that one by one we will tell you how the technology works. If
you remember last week an attorney and student of the foundation sent us a video showing us
that his refrigerator works without electricity. It was nice to show.

K: Rick, have you receives the video from Giovanni that we can play?

Rick (R): Yes

K: What happened is that last week I came to Rome from Baleta to see the system. It had to be
real and I had to check that it was the 3rd to 5th unit we have seen do this. What we did, we
switched off the main and there is no electricity in the house. And you will see and understand
what our power unit that is coming will deliver. (1.38.43 minutes).

G: What we are seeing is Mr. Keshe holding a hair dryer and there is a heater, another small
appliance and refrigerator. They didn’t have any more plugs to add, but the plug indicator light is
on. This is connected to the main portal. There is no electricity in the house. The fan light over
the oven is off. So these items are running off the Magrav and there is no other power running on
in the house. This is June 20, 2016.

K: Now you see the system we are offering is at 3 KW and whatever extra you can use is your
benefit. We are moving away from the Magrav system into generators. We build the system as
one family across the planet. We withstood the trials and the failures. If you look at the first
Magrav systems they are still working. But now what we have done is to go to the next step and
we are developing the complete unit and you will not have to rely on any supply. In a way that is
wrong; we have built the energy that relies on the plasma supply of the unit. In so many ways if
you speak of fields and not plasma we have fulfilled the dreams of one of our most beautiful
scientists who studied before, Tesla. This time we do it with the plasma. Tesla showed us the
field flow and I showed you plasma flow. He showed you one direction of the traffic and I show
you both. And the traffic on both when they come together is massive and there are no losses.

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K: There are absolutely no losses in your system. There is one thing for sure. We will make
mistakes in assembling one screw or one nut. But we are not and have not made any mistakes in
the science of understanding the plasma. Those who are feeble look for a screw; those who
understand appreciate the totality. I received something very interesting this morning from
Africa. This is a scientist from University of Africa and this is his explanation as a scientist and a
professor: On Monday I had one Magrav unit and was asked to explain it to another and I did.
We entered into the realm of electrical engineering and he said “current squared times
resistance equals the power is eliminated.” It does not make sense anymore. These are two of
men of science of the power that understand there is no resistance because the plasma flows
freely so the basic equation of the power that you work on does not exist. This is a man and
professor who will be a speaker at the Ghana conference. These are the true men of science in
Africa who don’t lose their patents because they have no patents to protect and they share the
knowledge freely.

K: For the scientists in Cerne there is something wrong because they lose their income. So a
professor in electronics has explained this to you in a very simple way. I squared x R equals
power does not exist in the world of plasma technology. Now they understand that in the world
of nano layers and plasma there is no friction and nothing but the flow; it is the river that runs
with the high speed. And it’s you who throws in the bucket with how much you want to take out
of it. The new systems we deliver will be in 3 parts: the main part will carry as it is the Magrav
unit that carries the certification; the other parts are not part of it, but in a way they are fuel tanks
and they are conversion systems. We are asking for 1800 Euro and we will deliver all the
Magrav systems.

K: There is a problem and I have to explain to you. In my talks I have said we have delivered
everything. My team came back to me and said there was a problem and we had not delivered
everything. There are twenty six left for Canada. Canadians want us to certify our system for
them. It is not our responsibility. We certified according to the EU certification. If you buy from
anywhere around the world and want to import our goods for yourself, you have two choices. We
change our shipping arrangement. We give you the company and we give you the bill and when
you pay for it, you become the shipper. This way we are not at fault and you are buying the
goods on your own terms. We don’t take money and not deliver. You wrote from Canada from
the Keshe Manufacturing and want certification. We manufacture in Europe for Europeans. If the
rest of the world wants our products then you ship it yourselves. Once you have paid us the
shipping goes back to you.

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K: Arizona Keshe Manufacturing has gone to work and they are assembling their systems. Soon
they get American certification. Then Americans can have that. Documents for Keshe
Foundation Canada have been signed so the Keshe Foundation Canada is going into production.
I thank Rick and the team of Canadians who are working so hard in different ways with different
companies. The Keshe Foundation in Austria has gone into operation. I have signed the
agreements this week. But, Austria will concentrate on the production of the medical systems
because we have Dr. Klaus there and our team who understand the health units. Today we have
11 applications from Mainland China; actually there are 12. In our future days we will release for
these 12 groups to start manufacturing in China. There are other manufacturing like Germany
that have been signed and they are waiting to see how they will solve problems before they start
manufacturing. On the other hand other countries are very well set and you will see production. I
apologize to Taiwan Keshe Foundation; you understand the situation and be patient with us. I
have signed your documents and they will be released.

K: We support other countries across the world and we work with Brazil and South Africa to
achieve this. Australia—we have to stay within the law of the nation and if you set up a company
it has to be within the laws of the country. We cannot agree with setting up outside the rules. If
you don’t other people who are part of the Keshe Foundation will set up according to the law.
All the nations in Africa by next week we will have the manufacturing set up and Keshe
Foundation signed. Kenya will be done next week; Nigeria is complete. Remember that in
October and cannot get reservations in Europe, the Africa nation conference is set up for Africa
and we are inviting a number of scientists from different universities round Africa to present
papers who work with the Keshe Foundation.

K: We are highly credible and energy associations would not have approved and none of you
would have stood still for one second to understand that. The abusers had their rampage to do. I
am proud to announce that in the coming days we will have Iranian scientists on board with the
Keshe Foundation with health and other areas. We told you and being born in Iran we will bring
Iran to work with the plasma technology with us inside. Their papers will be published across the
Keshe Foundation as they find out and define more about the technology. Don’t forget the
Iranians are the leading scientists in nano technology and the plasma in the world. I thank the
Chinese Foundation for their donation and in allowing all the technology and the work we have
done to be transferred into Chinese. The Chinese need to learn this. The Foundation is solid and
belongs to you and we are building it and structuring it and the structure is the foundation and we
build the rest on top. Teach as much as you can.

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K: Do as many experiments to show the angles and beauties of the science and share it with us.
We have come to agreement and we start testing with different organization and with different
government authorities. Go to your governments and tell them you want certification and Keshe
will deliver and Keshe will test. It is very easy because we carry certification documents from
Europe, Africa, China and every where else. We are launching an interesting point: we have seen
the end of the biggest fear of man with cancer. We can deliver technologies and you have the
technology so learn how to use it and go to the doctors to understand it to eradicate the cancer.
We have doctors in the background who listen. If the come and explain what they have done in
the medical section, raise your hand. If you see your knowledge can help to serve humanity with
what you have done, please come and raise your hand and come. You are another knowledge
seeker and you learn with us and share with us. But we respect your position and your expertise.
Are there any doctors who want to share their achievements with us? Stanley, do you see any of
the teachers or the students or doctors.

S: I am reviewing.

R: I remind the viewers if you are a doctor and want to speak put your hand up so we can make
you a panelist and you can speak.

Arman (A): May I speak?

K: We have at the Keshe Foundation the first professorship of the institute. As you know
Benjamin in Ghana works with other students and teaches at Keshe Foundation in Ghana. He has
become one of the first professors to teach Keshe technology at the University. So we have a
professor and a master; Arman is the master. Go ahead.

A: I am helping a lady with the cancer and for ten days she has been applying the patch, drinking
the water and taking the baths. They did the MRI and cancer shrunk in size in two. The doctors
could not understand how it was. It was 10 and now it is 8 and that was in 10 days. She has no
pain and she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

K: Are there cancers anywhere else in the body?

A: No, only in the lungs. She is eating normally now and couldn’t eat well before.

K: Do you have the documentation of the cancers?

A: Yes. I have a CD of it and I want to talk with Dr. Rodrigues tomorrow to discuss it.

K: You need time; don’t rush.

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A: I’m not.

K: Last week we spoke about the lady who benefited from the system and then we received
communication from the husband in the background. I do apologize. For me if I share my life
and knowledge freely then what you gain has to be free as well irrespective of condition and
position. I understand and respect what the condition was. In so many by our coming forward
with what we have and what we have learned, we give the credibility because the life is credible.
If we see what we have seen, if we have doctors, and most of them work with us from across the
world and many are already asleep in the middle of the night. They appear in our afternoon
sessions most probably or from different parts of the world. We have a large team of Chinese
doctors that will join us. When I get to China hopefully we can bring them in. These doctors will
show us more ways of doing things.

K: Are there any other doctors here?

S: Dr. Rodrigues is here.

K: Good morning and I thank you for being part of the teaching; would you like to discuss you
have seen change with the technology please?

Dr. Rodrigues—changes he has seen; 2:

Dr. R: 38-year-old woman with breast cancer, spread to femur, ribs, spine, right side of brain—
frontal, occipital and temporal-and she came here and I put her inside the health unit for one
month for one hour three times a day. She also wore the helmet. Eight days after we started she
had an MRI and the tumors in the frontal, occipital and temporal right brain had disappeared.
After one month we made a scan and all the tumors from the bones were gone. After one month
there are 2 tumors on the cerebellum part of the brain reduced 80%. We made a test of the metals
in her blood to determine what kinds of metals are in her tumors. She is doing great.

Dr. R.: The second patient is a dog that had cancer in his left leg and had 2 tumors the size of
golf balls and I put the dog inside the health unit. One tumor was in the muscles and the other
was between the skin and the muscle. Within 10 days the one between the skin and muscle
disappeared completely. The tumor in the muscle was reduced by 80% in 10 days. After one
month we took a blood test to see what metals were involved and it was iron. In two days the
tumor disappeared completely after I added CH3 (iron derivative). The dog is cancer free and
full of energy and running about.

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Keshe (K): I want you to make it clear. Did you see cancer markers in the blood tests?

Dr. R: All the blood tests are normal. The cancer markers were significantly reduced and the
woman was waiting for the test for the metals. But everything is doing great. The tumor markers
are low. The liver test where the cancer has metastasized is clean. Everything is working

K: You are doing a test on Alzheimer’s’?

Dr. R: Yes, I have a lady with Alzheimer’s and has had it for many years and for the last 9
months she has been completely ‘out’ just laying on the bed unable to communicate with
anybody or to walk. The lady who was taking care of this patient was using cold packs on her
face in order to wake her up to feed her. I started using the pads with Zinc, CH3 and CO2 patch
and gave the two patches and asked the caregiver to put the patches on the water container. The
lady said she would see her in 3 days. So I waited for 3 days. The lady’s son called me and was
excited and crying because an hour after she drank the water she recognized her son and was
talking and calling him by his names and asked why we was so weak. She said she wanted to
walk. She is doing her great. I gave her only the GANS water of Zinc, CH3 and CO2 on patches.
The patches were treated with the GANS water of the Zinc, CH3 and CO2. Those were then
placed on the outside of the pitcher of drinking water for the woman.

K: So you put the patches on the outside of the water container and she drinks the water from the

Dr. R: correct. She is doing great.

K: Anything else you can report with your patients?

Dr. R: Yes, patients with diabetes, and two of them were put on the health unit. 5 days after
being put on the health unit, for ½ hour twice daily and all the neuropathy disappeared. Blood
sugars are totally normally. They are still coming to complete the treatment for 3 to 4 weeks but
they are already doing great. The state of mind and awareness are improved. There are no dramas
in their minds and they feel energized.

K: How do you feel as a doctor that you can do this after practicing many years?

Dr. R: You never see this in medicine. Learning medicine is not this. This is like ‘playing with
the disease’ to make someone else you are treating richer (in health). Even all the doctors who
went to school to heal people. We were deceived. The medicine we learned was not the correct
one. I remember one day that you said you said the human body is a machine of the universe.
The more I understand this, the more I use this technology, it’s incredible. I do believe that we
can control the body and bring the body to balance. What I have learned is not just the health

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unit. Then I see this it’s a source that has given us the power to heal ourselves. That is what we
are learning to do. We control the plasma and the energy. It is not that the plasma is there to heal
us. It’s not that. We feel the energy but when we think about one part of the body, we sent that
energy to that part of the body and we control that energy. It is giving us the power we have
inside of us to heal ourselves. This is like having a beautiful car without gasoline. You are owner
of the car but you don’t have gasoline you can’t use it. But you are the one who controls the car.
So you are the one that controls your body. This energy gives you the power to use it and use
your own power and heal yourself. When people are aware of this they have better results. I have
seen people come in to the unit and not focusing on healing don’t receive the energy. When they
focus on the body, they control the energy …

K; they control the plasma.

Dr. R: Yes the plasma; this is just a source for you to raise the power of yourself and give the
power back to you. It’s beautiful; this is the way I see the plasma. I love the energy and

K: Would you like to tell us how you dealt with the cancer of the dog as it was a specific job. It’s
important as we have doctors listening and I gave you specific instructions and you followed
them. As a doctor explain how you saw the cancer and what you did with it. How did you
deplete the cancer? Teach us, please.

Dr. R: What I have seen when we have cancer I see the 80% reduction but most of the seeds of
the cancer are involved with some metals. So we have to do blood tests to see what kinds of
metals are involved with the cancer. Once we find the kind of metals we make the GANS out the
metal and use it. I use patches connected to the nano-coated copper on either side of the patient.
The rest of over; it only takes 2 or 3 days to make those tumors disappear. We see the cancers
reduce 80% and then we use the patch with the metal and the tumor disappears completely as
that was the energy of that tumor. It is energized by the metal that shows up in the test so when
we use the GANS of that metal the cancer disappears.

K: You have taken the most powerful way of using another part of the technology where it is like
a pearl; you take the seed away. I have to explain something. Dr. Rodrigues listens to everything
and does everything exactly. He gets the results from it and this is very strange for a doctor to do
this. He followed the pattern for making the coils; he makes everything himself. He followed
making the GANS patch with the iron as we explained that you transfer the energy of the
material the way it is in the body. By doing this he has conquered one of the biggest mysteries
with this technology. When Dr. R. told us that 80% of the tumor had disappeared I told him that

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there was a seed holding the 20% in the tumor. It is usually heavy metals. I suggested and I have
said in many teachings that cancer has a seed that pulls the gravitational energy. No one ever dies
of cancer; they die of lack of energy. I told him to make the GANS of the iron. And then he
made a caustic of it and transferred the GANS of it into the patch. What happened is the
transmutation of the energy. Because the iron in the center of the cancer is plasma in the GANS
state, now it is in a stronger position because it receives a lot of energy. With Dr. R. putting two
irons on the patches on either side, the habit of the plasma is opposite the habit of man. We look
at how we put it and it worked. With plasma you have to learn that you put two weaker patches
on either side and the cancer cell that carries the plasma of the iron tries to bring the other two
(the patches) in balance so they are equal and all the energy goes to the two patches or to the two
plates in the healing unit. In a way it empties itself and there is no more iron. When that center is
gone from the tumor there is no support for what is attached to it and that is how the cancer
disappears. I have done this for many years and now we see this proof for the first time (from a

K: We had a case yesterday in the doctor’s teaching and I was explaining how to transfer the
energy of the tumor from the brain. I asked if the doctor saw a flake on the skull. The doctor said

Dr. R: Yes, there was an indentation in the skull.

K: The seed of the brain tumor is usually calcium. In making the health pens that she makes the
doctor sees the flakes on the outside of the skull in the hair. The doctor said she had seen that.
That is the transportation of the actual calcium inside the brain to the outside where she put the
health pen. For the first time we understand and we have the science and the knowledge to do
this (treatment successfully). I explain in the teachings that the beans and carrots you eat don’t
pass the stomach or the intestine. The energy transmutes from the inside to the wall to the lymph.
Now with these two doctors we see this confirmation. Now that we have created the reverse we
are transmitting the elements from inside the body to the outside. We have seen the
disappearance of the cancer when we did the blood test and knew the seed held iron. And in the
other case we have seen the calcium physically on the outside. We need to do more and more
and we invite more doctors to extend this knowledge. Thank you, Dr. Rodrigues; you have been
a great asset for us and we have learned a lot from you.

Dr. R: Thank you Mr. Keshe; I have learned a lot from you.

K: We usually do the doctors’ teaching in the afternoon so the doctors in the Americas, Europe
and China can find time to join us. If they like they can allow their cases to be measured without
using the names of the patients. We just heard the biggest learning for man on the planet for

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thousands of years. We have managed to overcome cancer by just the fields of the universe. We
are not injecting; we are not pulling anything out. There is no operation. We have understood the
essence of the creation and doctors tell us one by one about the changes when they practice this
technology. They see the changes and now they have the tools to save the lives of their patients.
People like Dr. R. make the tools themselves. Keshe Foundation Austria is making the tools. We
are actively building systems for American support.

K: We see the Philippines moving the technology into universities and hospitals. The technology
is solid and it proven by governments, scientists and doctors by ordering man into the ‘kitchen.’
It is beautiful to see and now others can report what I have reported for years and in an easier
manner. Now we have seen how they have to deceive us with false victims to stop man from
being freed from their shackles. There is no chemotherapy and no radiographs. There is no
cutting open and putting families without fathers and mothers and mothers and fathers without
their children. From this week on we are proving more and more that we have found the solution
for cancer. The Keshe Foundation as one race, one family has found the solution for our families
at least for the cancer and the others. (2.19.41 minutes) We might change or we might have
different names but we are all one family.

K: Now we have seen it; the biggest mystery and fear for the man is buried for the man and we
have no fear from cancer. As we saw from Keshe Foundation in Ghana, bacteria is killed. As I
said I have signed an agreement in Ghana to start testing the technology for HIV and malaria.
But as we share the knowledge we share knowledge with your further. If you have CO2 and just
the water of the CO2 I have asked the scientists from the nuclear center in Iran to do this for me
and we will see the Iranian scientists shine. Not only do I have respect for them because I was
born there but I have respect for them as some of the best scientists in the world. We will see
what they share with us. I have asked the same thing from Ghana.

K: I have news for you; one of the biggest and I have seen many people over time who have seen
problems in hospitals after operations because of infections and cross-infections. The doctor
touches something and the wound is then touched internally leading to infections. This leads to a
lot of pain and death. I have asked the Iranian and Ghana scientists to look into this and the
answer should be very easy. I have asked them to get the authorization to do tests; as you know
the Ghana scientists are very precise. We would like to make a GANS of CO2 plus copper oxide
plasma water. We sterilize our knives, scalpels, our tools and everything in the operating room
100%. But once the incision is opened the breath of the doctor, the touch of something that is

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common to operating rooms, the touch of the nurses unintentionally brings cross contamination
and infection. In so many ways we see when the skin opened up in certain places it leads to
cancer in those places.

K: We are asking the doctors especially surgeons; if you work in any kind of industry it is good
to have knowledge from you. Make a GANS of CO2 and just put all the tools in the operating
room in this water. It can be put into sacks that you open with gloves on. We make the GANS of
these waters in surgical room. Everything you use in the operating room, knives and all, can be
put in this liquid. It doesn’t matter because it is all sterilized. We have seen from the Ghana
Atomic Energy report that nothing was in the bacteria studied and every bacteria was dead when
they used CO2 solution. When a doctor wants a knife and he takes the water out of the liquid and
it is sterilized. And then because the doctor puts his hand in the water to take the knife he cannot
cross contaminate. It is already sterilized. When you want to close a wound just use the same
water to wipe the wound from that container or another container. You will sterilize the wound
and kill all the germs. The beauty of this system as we heard from Dr. Rodrigues if there are any
cancer cells, because you have the CO2 environment cancer will never grow. The infection will
not be there; complication from operation does not start.

K: I come from a medical background of working in and seeing hospitals from a very young age.
I went around the hospitals and I have seen a lot of things like the parents crying in the hallway
over the child they lost, or a child who has lost his father. There are so many people dying in
England along with post-operation infections, so maybe we have found the solution. We will get
the results from the Iranian scientists very soon. I thank the offices of the Iranian president for
supporting the Foundation. I thank the Iranian nuclear physicists who have started collaborating.
You can understand one thing: it’s the process that we have to understand and not the science.
We see now that we are testing, if you spray the CO2 in the water, just make the GANS of the
CO2 and when you go to a public toilet or a house with a smell, just spray with your CO2 spray
and you disinfect it immediately. If you have odors in the house, they are fields and the odor is
the crystal dimension of the gas. You will find the odor disappears instantly within milliseconds.
There was a smell, there is no smell.

K: Caroline tells this much better; you can use the CO2 as deodorant. She is testing this and she
walks around spraying CO2 on everything possible and we see the results. If you have a skin
infection, spray the CO2 GANS on it; do the same with a skin cancer. Spray the water of the
GANS of the CO2 and with a very little copper oxide. If you have a burn spray CO2 on it. I have

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tried the CO2 in my eyes. IF you have foot infection, a corn that creates pain, spray on it and
patch it; we have seen changes. Use the knowledge to bring comfort. If you are bald, use the
CO2 water and just brush your hand on your head—she will love you. I don’t know for how
long, but now you look very handsome. Understand the process and in the kitchen use the CO2
GANS water for cleaning around the house especially if you have young children. Try it. There
is not any longer the last man standing. If you understand you can save your life.

K: We still don’t know much of this technology and it needs to be opened up. We opened up the
medical technology application and the agriculture and land application and we opened up with
the Fukushima contamination. As we have seen in the recent publication by Tepco, the Japanese
government lied to the public for two months about the reactors. It is in the public now in Japan
and people are very angry about it. The head of Tepco announced they lied for two months and
were told not to tell. They continue to lie that they have not used the Keshe Foundation
technology, but they did use it. Habitual liars cannot stop.

K: We have pictures of our team in Fukushima on the ground. And as you know, I release
everything and I will release this by next Thursday. As the Japanese government lied for two
months that there was no meltdown, they lied about Keshe Foundation also. The same as we
have seen with other people who make criminals by paying them to become ‘victims’ of Keshe
Foundation. It is very easy for people with a lot of money to create mayhem as it brings them a
lot of pleasure. I will personally file a case against the Red Circle for attempted murder as I
already have in the Italian courts. I have the evidence that I was the victim. He is a murderer and
he does everything he can to divert attention. Create a diversion so he can escape.

K: Understand that all of you are correct; the technology is solid. Bring more in of what you are
achieving and we are telling you what we know and we are releasing the blue prints. We have
seen a report from the innovation center in respect to what the doctors tell you about the acidity
of the stomach or the saliva and the alkaline. Let a simple application be shown to you. Renon
are you there with what you showed in the medical training to the doctors yesterday?

Renen (R): Give me time.

K: What you will see this is knowledge belonging to the foundation which is you and was shared
with the doctors in the medical training. Understand in a simple way how you can change the
acidity of the mouth if you have mouth cancer with simply touching the water in your mouth. If
you have stomach cancer you can swallow the water. We need data so we ask you if you are in a

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village far from Dr. Rodrigues and you and you have stomach cancer are in the villages of Togo
or another place. This is how a family looks after each other. What you will see with Renen is
they have taken a smoker with a high acidity level and used the CO2 and then measured it for the
alkalinity. They have tested this outside the body with the CO2 liquid plasma. It is a very
impressive data if you understand it and if you are a doctor and can use it.

K: Understand it and apply it; this is what we are looking for. If you have the mouth cancer, try
to use the water GANS of CO2; do not use copper oxide; please don’t use it for the time being
until we can tell you more about it. You can use copper oxide but it has to have a ratio so that
you don’t change tissue or muscles. Are you there Renen? 2.34.01

R: I need to be silent for awhile.

K: Dr. Klaus is coordinator for the health workshops and he is present for all of them and
organizes all the teachings.

Dr.K.: I have the document and I can help with Renen’s presentation.

Pdf file:

Project Name Saliva PH Study Date Started June 17, 2016

Description Using Health Cup (CO2) Accomplished Confirm breathing

To help improve condition in health cup

Of chain smoker improves saliva pH

from acidic to


Test 1-maintained
alkalinity after 2 hrs.

Test 2-maintained

Alkalinity after 4 hrs.


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Goal Validate Effect of HEALTH Updated

Cup use to a Chain smoker Documented by Randy Cabunical

Performed by Danny Mayol

Identify Configuration that will

Best help improve condition of

The patient

Profile: 30 years old male 160 lbs. Married 14 years and chain smoker with at least
14 sticks of cigarettes per day. Take note that the subject did not quit smoking for the
duration of the study.

Next page: Renen and his team used the health cup, PH paper, and plastic

III. Experiment set up:

Mr. Jomar Oscares, 30 yr. old male chain smoker is our test volunteer to check on
the effect of AIR PLASMA on a person’s body. Subject is made to breathe AIR PLASMA
via PLASMA health CUP as we know how to build it. They used the pH paper for measuring
the pH of the subject’s saliva. The saliva was measured on X hour intervals to check on
PLASMA longevity/effect.

IV. Test Parameters

Day 1: Breathe on Health Cup (1x only)

Day 2: Breathe on Health Cup (every 4 hours)

V. Data

Test 3: 1 time instance of breathing in CUP

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Observation: There was a significant increase in the pH from 5 to 9 after breathing on
the health cup. The increase of pH was sustained for 2 hours. A significant drop was observed

Test Results shown at 2.38.51 minutes.

In the 2nd diagram you can see a significant rise in the pH where this man was made to
breathe on the Health Cup every 6 hours and the saliva pH dropped back to original levels.
More photos at 2.39.28 minutes.

Partial Conclusion:

Results have shown that AIR PLASMA (CO2) application has promising effects on the
human body based on this experiment. Added now to the knowledge is the immediate influence of
AIR PLASMA (CO2) to an acidic environment by changing its state to ALKALINE. It is already
given that CANCER and many diseases can’t thrive in an Alkaline Environment. With this
application of AIR PLASMA it will create many opportunities for health application. More
studies are needed to explore further the usage of AIR PLASMA. Thank YOU Mr. Keshe for this
precious gift.

Dr. K: The test was that they were using a health cup to improve the condition of a chain smoker
and the goal was to validate the effect of this health cup which the smoker used. This is the
profile. This patient was the test volunteer and the man made to breathe AIR PLASMA with the
plasma cup. The saliva was measured once per hour to check on PLASMA effect. What they did
on day one he breathed on the health cup once only and day two he breathed on the health cup
every 4 hours. So what we can we see of the test? (Graph at 2.38.15 minutes) We can see that pH
readings reduced after some hours and there was a significant increase of pH from 5 to 9 on the
breathing from the health cup. See the information above.

Dr. K: This is additional information outside this experiment.

R: Thank you; I had a bad connection.

K: Let us explain that Renen heads the Keshe Foundation research team around the world with
Bernie in the Philippines and they do a lot of work with the universities and this is the Keshe
Foundation Project Innovation and Development Group. We need this across the world and it

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doesn’t matter where we are; you can join us to test to become part of it. Let us see how we can
help each other. Thank you Renen for all your work.

R: I had another patient using the CO2 drops. I can share my screen?

K: please, go ahead.


Project Name Testing of Human Saliva pH Level with Date Started 06-15-16

CO2 GANS water

Goal CO2 GANS Water changes pH Level of Accomplished 6-15-16

Saliva to Alkaline


Prepared by

Team: Danny Mayol

I. Materials Used

a. pH Paper

b. Water of CO2 GANS

c. Saliva—a male person age 30 who smokes15 cigarettes a day

d. Plastic container

II. Experiment set up

a. Allow the Subject to build up some saliva on the mouth and swallow it. After that re-
build some more saliva and spit on the containers labeled as Container A and B.

2.42.19 minutes. Subject did a 10 minute reading every 4 hours. Container A had 3 drops of
CO2 GANS water added to it. Container B was the control.

III. Results

a. Sample B—Saliva with pH level = 5

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b. Sample A—Saliva with 3 drops of CO2 GANS water = pH level 7 to 8.

R: This is why we feel great when we drink CO2 water. Most people have been drinking CO2
energized water and feel refreshed and sometimes it is ‘sweet.’ We can tell the pH level
increases. Right now we are testing how many layers of drops of water with the pH level
transferred to the containers. With the simple testing of the pH we can conclude that the CO2 can
increase the pH level. It helps change our physical bodies in our stomachs. This is the simple test
we have done. We are doing ongoing tests; this is only one case and we will do other tests. We
are going to do a test with a smoker and a non-smoker so we can compare the difference of the
pH levels.

K: What is the next step of development?

R: The next step is the one you presented yesterday and we will test water with one drop of CO2
GANS and see the effect of the pH. We have seen the application in these tests but we need to
prove the pH level would be over even when it is dropped to a different water. In container A we
drop the CO2 and we will drop into container B which is distilled water. It will still affect the
pH. We will test what the limit is on transferring the information. We will see if it can transfer
the same information from one water to the next water.

K: So you take a drop of water from a cup and take it to another cup and drop it in that cup and
do this 5 or 6 cups and test again and see what the pH is to the end of the testing?

R: Yes.

K: It is very much like homeopathic. You make the tincture and our bodies make the plasma
tincture. Everybody can do this.

R: It has been proven with the patches we are using. We don’t put any more CO2 water GANS
from the source. We don’t let it dry out. 25% of the bottle is left and we add more water to it and
add that to the spray bottle we use on the patches and the patches have the same effect for
relieving pain.

K: We used that with Arman. That is perfect. Thank you very much. May at this point we can
announce something very strange. As you know Ghana Keshe Foundation is part of the
university structure and the Ghana government. As you have seen a simple man with the
knowledge of science like the Keshe Foundation in Philippines and around the world are
developing things that are beyond the imagination of the present man and it doesn’t take long to
do. As part of the Keshe Foundation we don’t see why men have to spend 3 years in universities

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to write thesis on the papers. Hopefully in the next few months there will be 10 PhDs in Ghana
University and for one year. We don’t see why people have to spend 3 years hanging around
when in this 1 year you get this PhD from the university on the space ship program technology.
Especially in Africa we will offer 10 PhDs in the university in plasma in one year. So this is what
is coming up and what is on the discussion table with our team in Ghana and we are finishing
negotiations. The results are fast and you don’t have to wait for months with laboratory
equipment when you have cups and CO2. 2.49.33

K: We will set up factories and we are offering 10 PhDs in the coming months. If you are in
Ghana we will give you the contacts. If you have an idea that you want to research we will give
you the facilities within the university. This is the beauty of the technology and the Ghana Keshe
Research is now moving to the university with certification from the university. Renen you have
done a comic for children to understand plasma. Do you want to disclose it at this time?

R: I will show the initial pictures as we are looking into having a comic and this is a draft to view
how we go about this with children. There are a group of artists and book writers working with
the foundation and they have decided to have a project of making a comic book.

K: Maybe others who are good with these things can join and assist the Keshe Foundation for
Children so that children from the age get the right idea and don’t have to change their minds
halfway through their education that what they have been taught is something slightly different
or had omissions that need to be filled in.

R: This is a book using patches showing the super hero of Plasma Man. 2.52.33 Minutes) and
how people share the technology. It s a comic with instruction and a short story so that we can
set different story books like this. Contact us at the Innovation Center if you can help build this
type of educational material. We can also do actual printouts for this for schools or in your
communities to be purchased from the Foundation. This will help increase the series of books
like this regarding telling children about the technology. This is one of the things in the
background already that we have set up for the comic sections and the children’s section. Once
we have approval from Mr. Keshe on how to proceed we will share the information and put it on
the website of the Keshe Foundation.

K: We have a presentation by our people from the east who have a channel on Facebook and
have up to 8000 viewers in a week. We would like to share the knowledge this couple has
brought us.

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R: Is that with Arvis and Liepe?

K: Yes, with the food.

R: There is the food one and we have the carbon stick technology.

K: Show both of them. Is that Arvis? He is on the panel that he is there so he can explain.

Arvis (A): I’m here.

R: I have the pdf of liquid plasma kitchen and the pdf for easy carbon stick technology and there
is a video of GANS production of the carbon stick. (2.56.37 minutes).

K: please understand while Rick is setting up that from now on because we showed information
from Paul from Togo whose paymaster we found out is in Antwerp how we allowed them to
come in and show how they are working. From now on anyone making a presentation will have
to do this a couple of weeks before so that you can be vetted and then we explain with disclosure.
People listen and believe you and this is how you lie on the internet. There are many scams put
forth by those who call themselves the ‘victims of Keshe Foundation.” We will from now on do
a thorough examination of any video for every aspect and it has to pass security checking before
we accept it. Make sure when you make these presentations that you don’t use anyone’s names
or records so that they can be claimed on.

R: I’ll play the video. 2.58.39 minutes.

Clean water is like distilled water

Check your water with pH stick.

For better performance start with 7-8 pH water

Tip: You can use less salt. With salt content you can control your current!

K: The speed of going through this is very fast.

R: We can go through the pdf part by part where he explains it.

Carbon Stick Method:

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Today after the 118th teaching we saw that the nano coating of copper is still a huge
problem in the GANS production. It comes off the plate and people cannot produce good GANS.
If you put the electrode plates outside the GANS jar and that takes a very long time to produce
the GANS. We need something faster and more effective.

We are happy to share our new technology for GANS production in GANS of very high
quality. It doesn’t matter what kind of GANS you produce—An, CO2, Cu, Fe, or even food
GANS. We have done a huge amount of experimenting with GANS and now we are ready to
share our results with everyone earlier as preview. We wanted to share more, but we did not
finish yet and we will upgrade this technology very soon. All was started some time ago, last
October (2015), when we tried to understand what is the nano coating we use for any GANS
production so far.

Our question was, “Where do we get Carbon for electrolysis with Fe and nano coated
CU plate in slat water electrolysis?” Then we realized that black layer on Copper could be CuO
or it could be a Carbon layer that makes all process open. Mr. Keshe has told us that Nano
coated copper has hexagonal structure, if we look from above. Check out information about hot
alkaline (caustic soda) black oxide (CuO) process. The Cu surface coated in this way has to be
treated with oil, wax or lacquer. After the finishing treatment, it gives not only more aesthetic
appearance (matte, glossy, lustrous), but also improves corrosion resistance and anti-fiction
properties of the nano coated material, but there is a problem if you put this nano coating in

Nano coated Copper according to Keshe Technologies is Copper Oxide (CuO black)
layer on copper plate and carbon. But there still is a problem to control the GANS production
process. It gave such different results, depending on temperature, type of salt, purity of
materials, power used in electrolysis, etc. It is the reason that we see such different GANS
produced by different people, because each of us uses slightly different materials in slightly
different conditions. For example, iron oxide can change its color in different pH conditions and
up to seven different colors could be obtained. They can change its metal oxide crystalline
structure from simple structure in solid medium to very complex crystalline structure in alkaline.

Copper oxide or black oxide has similar structure in Graphite. When you nano-coated
your copper spirals with the torch, you clearly see rainbow colors showing up and becoming
black very quickly. This property is also common for both Copper and Graphite crystals. It is
one of the different forms of Carbon. Graphite crystals also have hexagonal structures or bee
comb layers of hexagonal structures network. If you could achieve separating these graphite
layers to one single layer, you can get superconductive, super resistant and at the same time
super elastic material, Graphene Oxide (GO). We started to experimenting with replacing Nano
coated Copper with a simple Carbon stick, so our surprise was great when we realized this
works very nicely and gives more convenient results.

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I asked Arvis,”How did you find out about this solution?” He smiled and said it was in
front of my eyes all the time on my work table, but I as too blind to see it. I thought Carbon was
the base of all known life on planet Earth and the fourth most abundant element in the Universe.
It could be soft in pencil and hard in diamonds; carbon comes in several forms or isotopes (C14,
carbon dioxide (CO2) and in the air is an ordinary Carbon (C12). Carbon forms almost ten
million different chemical compounds which means it makes up the majority of all chemical

It is exactly as Keshe told us. You don’t need the copper wire, take it out. Now I can
understand better what he meant by this. Suddenly I see huge how the applications are of the
Keshe technologies in any aspect of human life. I understand that it is so wonderfully simple,
easy to use for everybody around the world even if you are on the move. But are people ready to
appreciate it? I could use this technology to feed my selfish EGO, but I felt it is more important
to come together and show all the experiences. We have to build together our foundation with
equal opportunity for everyone. This is the beauty of it as Mr. Keshe says.

All of us are living in the duality of this world and it is our choice to decide which force
we feed. We decided to publish this simple method for human use and send it as quickly and
widely as possible. So please share, download, translate and make it available for everyone in
the planet. Thank you Mr. Keshe for your knowledge you have given to all of us. (3.06.06

How to make GANS using carbon sticks

Carbon sticks (pressed Graphite as Materials: Carbon sticks

Replacement of Nano coated Copper other plates (Cu Zn or Fe),

plate salt water, power supply,

alligator clips, jar

Set your electrolysis wherever you are

In this planet; for power supply you GANS production starts

Can us simple battery or solar panel immediately, it is the liquid

With carbon stick to the negative and vapor coming out of metal

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Any materials to the positive. Plate and nice bubble (CO2)

coming out of the carbon stick.

GANS production starts immediately

And it is the liquid vapor coming out With this method you can

Of the metal plate and nice bubbles obtain different fractions of

(CO2) coming out of carbon stick. GANS. It is very easy to

Separate them from one You

can get very pure another. (3.08.47 minutes)


For CO2 GANS reading it is very

We tested power supply settings alkaline pH 10-12.

And these are the best- 0.50 01.1-

For most of the GANS. You need

very low amperage to make the For the best CH3 (Fe) GANS set

GANS in a jar. For CO2 production power up to 0.12 A. If you

bring it up to 0.6A and do not look want to catch red-orange iron

at the voltages. More amperage is oxide (FeO3), or more power

needed for the heavier Zinc Oxide will catch the FeO4 black iron

or other metal GANS that will be oxide. You can use each of

produced. Them for different applications.

The orange part carries more

Oxygen. (3.10.07 minutes) and

use it for feeding. It also
contains CH3 metal group

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Essential for living organisms

And contains more than 100

Amino acids and is lighter in

Mass; black is more dense and

And is good for use for


Results from Copper, like from Iron, electrolysis could also be very variable depending on
conditions, material and the medium used.

Food GANS made with this method is very light, very energetic. You can feel the energy just by
holding a jar in your hands. You can feel taste in your mouth and can to try to even smell it.
(3.11.13 minutes)

GANS water is strong enough for different uses.

You can use the GANS in liquid state and make paste or make powder by drying it on a flat
plate. We are still working on these techniques and will publish upgrades in the next few days
and weeks. It could help a lot of people to get very fast and good results. We tried to keep it as
simple as possible. Follow us on Liquid Plasma Feeding Facebook page and You Tube channel.

I hope other people also will share their experiences as soon as possible. All advanced GANS
masters can find their own ways to upgrade this technology. For beginners in GANS production,
we offer simple starter kit for symbolic contribution. It could help us a lot to move on in our

They have a kit that is available for 20 Euros. You can make a lot of GANS with this simple tools
including carbon sticks, + 1 Cu strip + Cu GANS; carbon stick + Zn + ZNO + CO2 GANS;
carbon stick + Fe + CH3 GANS.

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(3.12.52 minutes).

A: This is the base. Start with this and you will get good quality GANS. Then we can learn how
to use the liquid plasma. We will explain the different metals and nano coats. The nano coating
will continue to oxidize. I think I will show more.

K: can you tell us in reading your procedure, all you do is get pencil?

A: No, in the pencil there is clay.

K: explain. Can you just buy a pencil and do this? I want you to explain to the public. So you put
it in the container and do the rest of the procedure.

Renen, can you pick this up? If he is in the public domain you can use, and make it easy to put it
in the GANS production with the others. Thank you for the knowledge: it is so simple and you
are getting a lot of traffic and people are understanding the easier way. Try to do it simpler, and
don’t add the music to it. If you will edit this, we can show it on the website.

A: We have done this already.

K: I hear you don’t have a bedroom any more.

A: No, now it is the couch. (The bedroom is the research lab). See 3.16.39 minutes for pictures
of the graphite plates. This is used in metallurgy.

R: Some people are using the rods.

Arman. 3.17.22 minutes for picture of his graphite.

A: polish the graphite.

K: If you give permission to the foundation we will put your information up as part of the
blueprint so people can follow it. It is a beautiful way that you have shown this to us. You have a
lot of people looking at the Facebook and are learning it.

A: Some people ask if I will show them how to build an emerald.

K: No problem, you can build anything you like. If you have the material you can build anything.
In that bucket you can build the biggest diamond for the lady next to you. You just have to put
the right patch around the bottle in which you are creating the CO2. The way you separate the
carbon from the plate and you will see diamonds of any size. You will be a bigger producer of

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diamonds than the Russian government. This is serious. Let us understand what happens with the
carbon when it becomes a diamond. It is a carbon and if you give it the right environment it
grows like popcorn. So think of a way to blow it the minute it comes off the plate before it

Every single atom on that plate can be whatever size of diamond that you would like. 20 carat,
10 carat. Whatever. The carbon comes from the center of the earth as atomic from high pressure
and the position of it. Literally when it goes through the volcanic eruption it created nano atomic
carbon. And then at a given structure it just pops open and becomes a diamond and it depends on
what level the conversion of the popping comes. That determines the size of the diamond. You
can produce as many diamonds there with out any temperature but with creating the right
condition for it to pop. This is very easy. When the first person does it you will be laughing at
how you can all do it.

A: I think it will be like ‘we don’t see what is front of me.’

K: Thank you for the knowledge; this solves the problems for Arman and the manufacturing

Arman: Yes, Mr. Keshe let me show you. I have some graphite here.

A: Be very careful it is very strong. (03.21.59 minutes). I can feel the energy just holding this
plate above my hand (03.22.08 minutes).

Arman: I am sending this to Arizona.

A: They are not allowed on the plane from the mainland of China.

K: So they export it from China. Arvis can you explain what these carbons are?

A: It is graphite.

K: It is still a carbon. So explain since we can see you, how you do it and show us physically so
people can follow you. Please keep the bedroom out of the action. Move on with your fantastic

R: They also have a presentation called liquid plasma kitchen with his HcL and NaOH method
for food GANS extraction. This is a pdf presentation.

A: This one is an old one.

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Liquid Plasma Kitchen (Food GANS)

Arvis - Liepa food GANS extraction with Hcl/NaOH method inspired from M.T. Keshe and
teaching of Keshe Foundation but modified for future experimentation. (03.25:26 minutes)

K: This is dated in May, 2016 and already it is outdated. He is moving too fast in the kitchen. Let
us learn the basics.

R: reading from pdf:

What is it?

Arvis Liepe is follower of Keshe Foundation Teaching from year 2015 and he says that this
technology resonates perfectly with his own life experience. One day I will tell you his story also.
He feels like he is in perfect connection with Keshe Foundation people and is trying to apply the
technologies in his own life. He was one of the first persons who decided to make Keshe pain
pens with crystals in France at the end of October 2015.

He started with pain pen in rosewood and made several Magrav for his home experimenting
with plasma reactor. You know, our home is so plasmatic already now that people can’t lie in
our home. It brings peace and calm, when you feel this energy for the first time; it is like getting
a 6th sense in life. He is the only Keshe Foundation council for Latvian language and he gives his
contribution also for English and French speaking groups.

Today we decided to share our own Liquid Plasma Food Kitchen method, based on Keshe
Technologies but with some modifications.

Arvis said, “I usually go my own way; I am not a good student. I am always asking too many
questions” Let’s look at digestion process in our body and try to get essence out from it.

Liquid Plasma Food GANS

I love food, its smell and taste and colors and all my friends know how important quality of food
is to me. I still very strongly believe that our bodies need salt and sugar, all depends on how
much. We also need fats, especially as we are living and having to be prepared to live in Cold

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Climate. Water is important and your intention for life is more important than ever before. But
sometimes he thinks: it would be very good to replace cooking and eating with pure energy;
imagine how much time, money and space Food takes in our lives. How much time and energy
do we spend to move food through our body? Is it possible?

Let’s try together. Materials: You can find them in every home: Hydrochloric Acid HCl 23%;
Caustic soda (NaOH 100%); Quite huge amount of CO2 GANS water (several liters); Heat
resistant pyrex bowl; heat resistant jar or bottle; Fine kitchen strainer; Electric heater or other
pulsating devices. I used Lab Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer (baby bottle heater also could be
used); Lot of distillate water for your CO2 GANS solution, and a little bit of salt and sugar.
Other conditions: well-ventilated room or open area, mask, gloves, safety glasses, free day to do
it, a little bit of your favorite food. Take account that you are dealing with strong chemicals so
take all precautions.

I don’t suggest that you mix different foods; I prefer to make a set of them and then choose what
to use depending from our needs and desires. If you mix all together you get grey colored liquid
plasma food, not very attractive looking. I feel like an artist and liquid plasma kitchen is an art.
To create an artwork you can’t mix all the colors together. You have to play with tones, shadows
and light. We have four main tastes: sweet, bitter, salt and acid. To get a right combination to
feed your brain with these tastes you have to apply the same principle like in the kitchen. You
combine sweet with acid, bitter with acid, bitter with salt, salt with sweet etc. and use different
flavors spices. Do not forget your emotional part is very important, love what you do. It is the
same in the traditional kitchen, if you don’t like cooking how could you make good food?

Liquid Plasma HCl/NaOH method by Arvis Liepa

You know, I am a molecular biologist and I was really skeptical about the Liquid Plasma
Kitchen. I am a very grounded person. Arvis say: You are my EARTH like mostly women do. He
is my AIR and an inspiration and we both love FIRE in action. I am looking always logical
explanation, essence of Truth. I made my first Food GANS when Arvis was at Dubai conference.
I wasn’t satisfied at all with my result. After Dubai Arvis was so enthusiastic and said we are
missing something. So we started to ask many questions around, but no clear answers were
found. So we put Feminine and Male energy, Knowledge and Creativity together to get the
essence out from Food GANS.

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I was thinking “We have a constant electrolyte balance between the plasma compartment,
between extra cellular and intracellular medium during—passages of solines we always have
ALMOST the same schemic: plasma →interstital medium →cell liquid and vice versa. There are
exceptions—see the red blood cells, direct contact with the plasma environment (hence their
specific membrane characteristics).

Yes, Arivs pointed at me and said, “Let’s go back to school and study digestion system step by
step.” With this method we tried to replicate the natural human digestive system. We just our
digestion with the teeth (blender); in this stage the pH is neutral to facilitate the movement of the
food into the stomach. In the mouth some types of sugars start to decompose.

In the stomach is a very high level acid medium (mainly HCl with pH1) is added to decompose
the food mash in temperature of 37C; proteins are decomposed to amino acids. Digestion
process in your stomach could take up to 2h all depending on you meal (vegetables decompose
fast, meats slower).

Then acidic substance from the stomach goes into intestines where it is a completely different
medium with very strong alkaline (intestinal juice, pancreatic juice, bile) all nutrition particles
are taken into the intestines. There a huge amount of water involved (your body is 72% water).
You take only what you need; all other will be evacuated.

Maybe sometimes it is better not to learn so much, but just keep it simple.

Let’s start with chewing: Blend your favorite food in a bowl using a blender.

Add the same amount of HCl (in this case 23% HCl is used), like your stomach does. Usually
digestive problems start when your stomach does not have enough HCl for food decomposition. I
also added a little bit of sugar for more energetic value of the final product. Put your jar with
food + HCl in heat resistant bowl with CO2 GANS water (plasmatic medium) and keep heating
at around 37C for some hours. Heat is the presence of the Fire energy and is well known as a
main source of organic decomposition, to get atomic level substances. You can do this in the hot
summer sun. (03.34.54 minutes).

When liquid has become dark brown, approximately after 2 to 3 hours, you have to neutralize
the acid. Add a touch of salt (NaCCL) and then add little by little caustic (NaOH), do it very
slowly because reaction could be instantaneous. Keep stirring (do not use any spoon; GANS can
attract any other information from the field, until caustic doesn’t react any more with acid. Then

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add distilled water. So you have made very strong salt (NaCl) solution. Let it settle for 2-3 hours
on electric heater. For you personal safety, just do it in very well ventilated room, open window
or outside in your garden, etc. Remember you are dealing with very strong chemicals. You have
to add CO2 GANS water and filter it with fine kitchen strainer. For further process, use any
filtered liquid. Now it is time to wash it with CO2 GANS water, liquid becomes a little bit foggy
and very light in substance. Let it settle down, wash it again, let it settle down and do this
several times until you get transparent water and very nice layer of liquid plasma food. With this
process you wash out the salt from the liquid. You get very homogeneous solution.

Now put it in a larger jar and add CO2 water and you will the solution becoming more cloudy.
Slowly fine particles also become visible. Let it settle down for some time and you will see the
first GANS on the bottom of the jar. Wash it again with CO2 water for several times. I let them
settle down in sunlight for some time.

Repeat the process until you get transparent water on the top and nice airy GANS substance on
the bottom. You have to wash out mostly all salt. It has really blown my mind; it is so nice,
delicate and looks like it responds to your thoughts. Some more pictures. We will keep you
updated on specific liquid plasma kitchen GANS in Youtube and Facebook, etc. It looks so slight,
delicate…(3.37.47 minutes).

K: This is fantastic what we have seen. When you come to the point of understanding we add to
the knowledge. Life on this planet was created as you see. Vegetation is a part of the structure of
making the horizontal people. In a way the vegetation created and digested and produced the first
GANS. We came in the next step of life with the horizontal ones, the red blood cells and we are
human beings. We have seen that this is not coincidental. Jacky works with a lot of things in the
background. We have reached the point to understand the beginning of creation. You show how
the GANS was made. I let Jacky show what he has and then I will explain how life was created
on this planet. Somehow all of this is coming together. This is the right time for man to
understand how he was created on this planet—the origin of life. Jacky could you share with us?
And thank you Arvis for sharing. When you have more, don’t put any music on it. Thank you for
you contribution to the knowledge.

A: This is crucial to understand.

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K: What is the white one? This is the cheese GANS. We have made of ginger that is eggshell
white in color. Thank you for sharing knowledge with us. We respect your knowledge and it will
be interesting what comes next and it may shock you. I asked Jacky to show you what he has
been working on. You brought the knowledge and you used what Jacky is going to show us. And
I will show you how we were created. It’s a very natural process and following your teaching we
extend the knowledge. I had not seen your program. So you will understand how simply life is
created. Jacky, join us and show us. Thank you again and I hope your ‘cooking’ tastes as good as
it looks. You have a gorgeous smile. Thank you again.

Jacky (J): I want to start from the beginning…it’s a long way. This is the beginning of the story.
This goes back to when you spoke of the diamonds and the crystals. At that time I realized we
could create new kinds of matters. And soon I understand that I don’t want to take diamonds and
gold into space. I am most interested with life and I researched on how to make things
differently. I started with the eggs and showed you the eggs. (3.44.32 minutes). When you speak
on the kid’s workshop the difference was the egg was with the shell. When it is without the shell
it is the matter state. I started playing with the plasma and looking at it in different ways to
understand it. I made some incredible experiments with the egg. This is the yolk of the egg
(3.45.04 minutes). I realized the combination of the full egg that was in a soft matter. Then I
experimented with the egg white. Then I started to play with different GANS (3.45.25 minutes).
I made a lot of different GANS of food.

K: This looks like a jam shop, but it’s a GANS jam shop.

J: The feeding system was working for me and I have been on it for 4 months. I eat a few solid
foods. But with all the experimentation I made some GANS with 2 small copper wire and nano-
coated copper wire. (3.46.32 minutes). I made some GANS and at that stage I said I keep the
energy. I take the energy of the GANS and now I will try to release it. I want to show the release
of the energy of the GANS. (3.46.59 minutes). I put the acid solution on the GANS and suddenly
all the GANS took on a shape.

K: Go back again with exactly what you did.

J: You see the beginning and the wires.

K: That is the copper wire and the nano coated wire.

J: There is the current that gave me this.

K: How long did you keep the current going? (3.47.47 minutes).

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J: One or two minutes and I did this 5 or 6 times at 12 volt. This is when I put the acid into the
GANS. When all the acid was in the GANS there is a final liquid (3.48.23 minutes). It is a green
liquid. I understand at this point what you say about the fields. I remember different things you
have spoken about in creating life with iron, magnesium, and more. So added some magnesium
and some zinc and after a few times it started producing shapes in the liquid. (3.49.10 minutes).

K: Is the electricity still connected.

J: No it was not.

K: But you see a heartbeat on your plate.

J: It’s incredibly odd; this is where I discovered how much energy we keep in our bucket. The
brown matter is a free matter and continued growing and growing. You can see what it is
becoming. There is no electricity and this done in 24 hours. (3.49.57 minutes). This is what you
get in your bucket. I am using a zinc plate. The zinc releases so much energy.

Arman: Do you have a caustic in your solution?

J: No. It is the acid.

Arman: What is your solution?

K: Did you tell him you put other things in there?

J: I put magnesium, sugar GANS, special salt that I get with the evaporation of my old GANS,
and it is like GANS salt.

Arman: And you connect that on the top of the container?

J: Yes. I put some iron on the liquid plasma of iron and a little bit of GANS of bone marrow and
a little bit of GANS of protein.

K: everything is just a ‘little bit’ but how far is a little bit? Do you want to show us more?

J: This is another view of it. (3.51.49 minutes).

Arvis: Mr. Keshe, do you remember when I did this two years ago and it blew up?

K: This is not creating oxygen. You see this is a pattern and you see the jars underneath and
around it? What we created is like the womb of the mother. We are surrounding the box with
different GANS. We are surrounding the box with the environment because this is how life is
started. If you allow this to carry on you will most probably end up with 2 things. I have asked

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Jacky to do another using iron instead of magnesium which creates growth. This and fat will
create the green. We start seeing the structure of life and this is how life on this planet started. It
started when the acidity of the planet balanced with the salt that was released with it, with the
strike of the lightening that happens on most of the planet….people have to realize that when you
are in space there are environments with heavy lightening. This is the planet upon which life
shall start.

K: It is the release of energy. That is why I asked Jacky how long he used the volts…it was a
minute with one volt or 2 volts. But that is all it is. Half of the condition of the creation of life is
the release of energy that it can start. It is like taking a match to a fire. You have magnesium and
every other element to create a vertical entity. And then with the one with iron in it you start the
horizontal. But we seek the creation of wide things. The ground in the condition it was created
becomes the trunk of the tree. In the man the brown became the skin of the man in Africa. Look
at the color in Jacky’s experiment. This is not the first time, because Jacky showed me this and
now you understand the process of life. This is how life is started—gases coming in touch with
metals in an acidic environment of the planet and then being there for a while and then the
change of the condition when you bring in the salt, the acid and a strike of lightening and with
that right condition, life begins. Then you have the conversion of the energy from acidic to
alkaline creates the first process of the current flow. Then the carbon and the plasma of the
GANS creates the connection and that is how everything started life on this planet.

K: If we didn’t have the acidic environment from the beginning and the salt environment or there
was a reverse of the two, there would have been a different combination. At a point when there
was a balance with acidic and alkaline and it doesn’t matter which one came first, the second
with the delay of the energy that could start the process and in most cases it is the lightening. It
has started and it will not stop. It has everything that it needs which includes the salinity in the
water that is there. (3.56.14 minutes). It will grow its own brain, the legs, and the arms in the
water which is there. Now you can see if any of you understood this process and the process of
our friends in Latvia who created the food GANS with the right condition you. You shall create a
living, inter-dimensional being. There is no other way; the only thing is that now because you
have a bucket and you have a control, you speed it up. But when it finishes if you have the time
in your time to finish it, it will have legs, fins, the lungs, the stomach, a heart, a brain and
everything else because it is a natural process. Don’t forget that once the process starts, you are
in the room and you give the information to make a copy of a being.

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K: For a long time I have been trying to replicate this and haven’t managed because I never
understood the principle behind it. The acidic and the alkaline and the transfer of energy across,
if you put the right elements in it now you understand the possibilities and the creation of GANS.
You have created life. In deep space you decide to have a steak, if you still have a mouth, you
can make your own steak. And now you understand how to mix it. Do you see the reason I asked
Jacky to put the bottles underneath? (3.58 minutes). I did this because like the womb of the
mother you still need to receive some of the energy of the planet plus what you add to it. Any of
you, if you understood the last section and this section, can create any animal that you like
depending on the salinity and depending on the process you can create a fish, red meat, white
meat or even chicken. It is the process. The calcium gives the beginning structure. The radiation
from the fields of the plasma is to support life. If you change the combination of the GANS
beneath the bucket you will get a different animal because now you are introducing different
energy into the system. Test this and come to us in a few weeks time and you will say there are
things moving in my water. You have become the creator of new life.

K: That is how simply life started on this planet. There is all the mayhem behind it and the truth
is, is there a God or has man become one of the freak accidents of science of the mixture of the
chemistry of this planet? I am of the school of thought of the second. There is no God, but it is
the god that means the evolution of the release of original fields that have led to the creation of
being different conditions anywhere across the universe. (3.59.50 minutes). When you see part of
the field of the originality if we call the original field the creator, then yes there is a God because
he created the original fields. The release of the origin of the fields of the plasma you call the
origin. Choose another name for it, the Creator, God or whatever. (4.00.14 minutes.)

K: Was there an intention to make man or was man a by-product of the interaction of the fields?
All of you now understand the interaction between the ratio of the salt, acidity and the salinity
gives you the kind of life that you like. If you understand this you understand why man can
breathe out of the water and if you change slightly by a factor in the salinity of the body of the
man, then man can swim any time, anywhere on this planet. It is the ratio that has made the

K: Thank you Jacky. Do you have the second one, the white one with the iron?

J: Yes I am working on it. I have a different set up and it’s a totally different reaction and I try to
master the process.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
info with video)
K: Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.

K: We meet on Tuesday with the public teaching. After the 15th of July the teaching will carry on
to the end of July and I won’t be teaching any more. Tuesday afternoon sessions will be closed
when we are not there. The doctor’s and agricultural teachings will carry on. The doctors have
learned how to walk. Let’s see how they do. I will be in the background for help but there is a lot
of development that needs to be carried out. Don’t forget we announced the beginning of the
Keshe Power Magrav unit as a generator and will be delivered in 90 days. There is a limit to the
numbers and there will be 12K to 13K and then we have to adjust. You will receive the Magrav
unit with the C-certification. We have a number of people who would like to pay for the
Mozhans and they want to pay cash. You have to send the finances to the account of the
foundation and then you go through the security clearance and we will decide when to close this.
Then we enter the next phase of teaching. We start the Mozhan much earlier than announced
early. We will not allow people to come in half way into the teaching. We start teaching on the
internet to set you put. You want to be ready for the flight systems, take off and landing, before

K: We had many people up last week and we are the passengers of earth. If you are joining us on
the Mozhan please complete as soon as you can. It has to come by bank transfer. We have seen a
number of fake accounts that call themselves Mozhans. These are all imposters. The whole thing
sits with the Keshe Foundation. There are people selling products that are not produced by the
Keshe Foundation. Any distributor who joins us and is selling any product that is not carrying
the certification of the Keshe Foundation, please do not buy from these people there are fakes
and they use our boxes with the Italian numbers on them.

K: You can go to the website and purchase the generator. If you joined for the eye drops and the
rest, please respond to your email so we can start shipping. We will see what the next steps are.
We will announce further developments from the doctors as you see with the cancers. We are
now looking for those who want to be tested for cancer and work with the doctors. Build the
systems for the doctors so you can teach them. we put a value on this for development costs and
we are looking into that when the doctors agree to the value of the process then we will announce
it and people can come in. we will start building centers for cancer in the next two months and
you can fly where there are not restrictions on the health applications for the man.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
info with video)
K: You wait until I am in China; if you can come to China or Africa we will open the health
centers where you can come in and go through the process and go back. This brings a huge
amount of wealth to those nations and at the same time brings a huge amount of knowledge to us
as the foundation that we can process it. I have committed this foundation to correctness. We try
to have you become part of the technology and development and not just sit here. We teach you
when you come as a patient so you can go back and teach others. We will announce a program
for the cancer and there will be a fee and we will consult with the doctors. We have managed to
defeat cancer for the first time. We will announce this in the next week for people who can plan
centers and be part of the foundation. We are looking also regarding the 20,000 square meters of
land near Baleta to run tests for development of the food. If you are an agriculturist or you want
to test contact to us. The land was donated to the foundation.

K: If you want to try different types of GANS and see the effect, the foundation pays for the
production of food. My first thing will be to produce non-gmo seeds. I want to see how much we
can modify using the GANS. The information will be free.

K: I thank and congratulate all the Keshe Foundation groups. We have broken one of the biggest
pedophile rings and put on the leaders in prison and our children are safer. Now we have to work
to the put the rest of them away. We know the control of the system comes from Red Circle in
Belgium. Now we know he is involved in two murders, attempted murder of 2 scientists and
exposure to a child. He is responsible for the murder of 2 Moroccan girls and this is where Hope
operates from. They were killed under contract.

K: please look after your children. These are wolves in the clothing of man. There is one on the
Tuesday teaching pretending to be a teenager and he is a 47 year old man in Austria. Go to Alan
Sterling Facebook and you will see him very easily. We have to do one thing; we have to show
these people their place is with Alan Sterling (in prison). This is where they belong. We have
filed and we carry on to bring Red Circle to a court of Justice now that we have shown correctly
(with Alan Sterling). A murderer should not be running his shop in Europe because he is
protected by the murderers. It is important; this is our children. Keshe Foundation supporters
have set up a website where you can enter the names of children who are missing. Share the
knowledge with us of any scientists you know have been murdered—where were they. We will
build a structure and the international security is asking us to help them.

Transcript from 119th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 23, 2016

(v1 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check
info with video)
K: You have seen Suzanne brother living in Holland and having a ‘safe house’ and they have a
‘charity’ for children called “Hope.” There is another group running a ‘charity’ out of Tunisia.
You can see the similarity. We will see the release of their system in the newspaper and all the
data which has been collected. You will understand how they all operate under “Hope” which is
supposed to help orphans and sick children. You have seen it. At the beginning they speak to
each other as though they don’t know each other, but they have been operating underneath.
Check into the brother of Suzanne in Holland and the hiding house for the children they are
trafficking. These have been found and the information will be released in the newspapers. The
same with False Hope in Morocco. She is soon to be arrested as happened with Mr. Sterling. The
one at the top of the nest in Antwerp overseeing everything, your card is up. You were involved
with the murder of 2 Moroccan children.

K: please join us to protect and release the names of children and scientists who have gone
missing. This will all be publicized through appropriates channels about the rapists and
murderers of children and scientists. They have one place to go and that is with a life sentence
like Mr. Alan Sterling. Please don’t punish or prevent your children from speaking out.

K: Thank you for today. We have shown we deliver correctly and it is our job to protect society
and join the universal community as peaceful people.

Thank you very much for today.

K: The Magrav generator is valued at 1800 plus tax and shipping. Now that we have seen it,
there are other uses.

R: This concludes the 119th Knowledge Seekers, June 23, 2016.


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