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Name: Ever Chiri Choque Date: 03/04/2020


Part 1.-

Write a short composition about:

A. The advantages and disadvantages of learning a language in a) a formal classroom situation b)

a full immersion situation where you are surrounded by the language every day. 200 words at
 Formal classroom: In a formal classroom, like the students who study English on
Saturdays, in my opinion is a little complicated because I note certain defects, for
example: when we learn new vocabulary we don’t have enough time to memorize and
respond optimally, another defect that I see is in books because it does not fit our needs
correctly because each one learns better in a different way, another disadvantage is that
the classes are very long and the students get very tired.
The advantage of pass formal classroom is the interaction between classmates
 Full immersion: The advantage for someone who already speaks the language is the
improvement in their language, mean while for someone who does not speak the
language of that place is completely difficult to understand and speak.

Part 2.-

Write simple sentences with the vocabulary in unit 1.

 Argue
My brothers and I argue when choosing a channel on television.
 Commiserate
The lovers commiserate their feelings when they are with their girlfriend
 Express yourself
You should express yourself more often when you don’t understand.
 Flirt
My friend flirts with my neighbor
 Pay a compliment
My sister pays to the compliment when my mom designed her cute.
 Reassure
My aunt reassures her baby when she cries
 Scold
I scold my brother when he does not cook
 Show affection
I show affection with my puppies
 Soothe
My mom soothes my sister when she cries
 Swear
I swore promises that I never kept

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