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Colonial Mentality

Philippines is a country where diversity and beauty is celebrated. We Filipinos

are hospitable, kind and warm people, we love to communicate and we love to keep in

touch in any person around the world, we want to go abroad for the sake of a better

future but is that even a right thing that a Filipino people should think?

In my own opinion, colonial mentality is a kind of disposition that tells us that

loving yourself is never worth it. This toxic mentality derives us Filipinos to become

“dayuhan sa sariling bayan”. We tend to appreciate the products or anything that comes

from other country that to love and appreciate our own products or anything. Because of

this mentality we have this inferiority complex which headed back from our ancestors.

We are colonized by different races from the Eastern and Western countries and we

forget who we really are. This inferiority complex leads us to think that being good at

English, Korean and other languages will make you much smarter, how toxic is that?

Colonial mentality is a very severe disease that need to be treated before it is too late.

Base on my observation, we always appreciate the beauty of foreigner that our

own natural beauty. We tend to do something to look like and act like them. We always

purchase good that is made from different countries because we believe that buying

those products will make you “sosyal” in the society but if you use locally made products

you are always laughed at because you look like a poor. There are many events in our

lives that we are toxic but we should be the one who will act and make a difference, we

should start in ourselves in eliminating this toxic disease that our colonizer put in to our

minds that we are inferior to them. We should make our national heroes proud by

saving our identity as Filipinos and we should stop being ignorant in ourselves.

This is the most rampant case in Davao but not only in davao but also in the

whole world. Depression is the reason why people is dying in a very young age because

they are suffering emotionally and they feel that no one got there back. Depression is

so popular disease and anyone could be its victim. It is so alarming that many teens are

suffering from this disease and give up because their sadness and problem is much

stronger than them. People suffering from depression is jolly and happy outside but

dying inside they need help and for me they deserve help. Depressed people should be

given help that would inspire him/her to live again and start a new and bright life.

There is also people in social media, saying that they are depressed but the real

thing is they are not. They just say that to gain sympathy and popularity and just for the

sake of fame. Sometimes this people are confused if this person needs help or he/she

just need your attention. That is why we are not able to help people that really needs

help because of this toxic attention seeker people is grabbing the opportunity. My

opinion to this people who are really and genuinely depressed, they should not lose

hope and always pray to God to be guided every day. And to those people who are just

attention seeker, please stop being so dumb and find another way to get the attention

you people long for just be a good individual and do something marvelous.

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