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LGBT Advocacy Presented to Purposive Communication and Presented by College of

Accounting Education

Holy Cross of Davao College

Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City

A Requirement in Midterm Grade in Purposive Communication

Submitted to:

Professor Ritchi Sermon

Submitted by:

Alyssa Lhene Angcon

Nova Gella Borres
Sheena Martinez
Billy Jun Gabato
Micole Vistal

August 16, 2018


The contemporary group of LGBTQ+ Filipino humanitarians who aims to make a

difference in the world.

Nowadays, as we all know, LGBT community suffers from violence, inequality, and
bullying from their classmates, schoolmates, colleagues, neighbors or even from their friends
and relatives, just because of how they look, whom they love and who they are.

They often receive hate and discrimination and because of that, the contemporary
group of LGBTQA+ Filipino humanitarians aims to make a difference in the world.
ProudCampaign.PH believes and promotes human rights and equal judgement of the people
with their actions and opinions that regardless of the person’s gender and sexuality,
everyone needs to be valued and everyone has the potential to make the world a better


 Distinguish traits of various sexual identities, their differences, and their intersections.
 becomes familiar with various scholarly examinations of LGBTQ+ expression and
manifestation through a variety of disciplines and methodologies.
 develop an awareness of the history of queer theory as well as of the LGBTQ+
community, particularly in the US.
 Develop awareness for the junctures of gender and sexual
identity with various cultural and demographic components of society.
 Will be able to distinguish between the biology of sexual traits the social construction
of gender identity.


Spreading the advocacy through social media is one of the most effective and
fastest ways to promote equal human rights for the LGBT community.


It can be through music that we hear or even on radios that feature the LGBT
advocacy to raise people's interest towards the LGBT community who is fighting for equal
rights and respect from others.


Giving out some flyers is also helpful for the advocacy especially those people who
are busy and doesn't have time for social media.


Through conferences, the LGBT community can express their feelings and thoughts
about what they are fighting for. They can also inspire people about their bravery in facing
discrimination in order to be accepted in this community and the hardships that they've been
through for it.

We can relate it through the communication modes wherein they convey their
thoughts through face to face interaction which can be done at the conference, video, audio
and even text-based which is the flyers. Social media is also one of the major contributors to
the said advocacy as Filipinos are active on their social media accounts.

We were able to freely express one’s thoughts and opinions as a precondition for
living in dignity.

It is also a precondition for awareness and helps to create a more open and tolerant
society. Being afraid of what we don’t know may be part of human nature, but this fear leads
in turn to prejudice and hostility, which is unacceptable.

Increasing LGBT rights means decreasing intolerance, xenophobia, and other

discriminating behavior. The struggle for equality must, therefore, matter to us all.


We were able to give equal rights and dignity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT)


We were able to let LGBT people live without experiencing violence, torture, and
inequality just because of how they look and who they are.

We were able to let LGBT people prove that regardless of the person’s gender and
sexuality, everyone has the potential to make the world a better place.


In the Philippines, most of the recorded cases are about the teenagers (who are
members of the LGBT community) being discriminated, abused by their father and even
bullied in school. Through the LGBT advocacy (as they started to implement and raise the
awareness for it) more people appreciated and stopped physical abuse to the young LGBT
members although not all of the people are starting to accept them but most of them are
slowly accepting the fact that as our world changes, the people also changes over time.
Humanity shall prevail.


Every day, we are confronted with topics that show the interplay of religion and
society, topics that range from the mundane to the transformative. In fact, religion plays a
huge part in an individual's holistic being that it can affect the way he or she articulates with
and to the society he or she lives in. Here, in the Philippines the widely spread religion
throughout the country is Catholic.

According to Pope Francis,” who am I to judge them” LGBT is accepted because

they are part of the creation of God but if they go beyond the limitation and doing the wrong
action the Church will no longer accept those actions.

Catholic Filipino gay men still tend to practice their sexuality within the teachings of
the Church, teachings that subtly impose prohibitions on how to perform their gender.


As Filipinos, we are known to be hospitable and respectful in terms of the way people
that are because we also love to keep in touch and we love to make friends and by that we
are ranked 1 as the most gay-friendly country in Asia. Filipinos, as we are affective in nature
because we can readily show our emotion based in what we saw and feel. Our culture is
also synchronic culture because we understand the past and prepare for the future. Through
this advocacy, there should be equal and respectful view of perception in the LGBT people
and there are more open-minded people and accepted who they really are.

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