Ens 434 Reflection

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This class taught me the importance of motivational interviewing and building rapport with your clients.

It imparted the importance of building a strong foundation with your client to ensure a high success rate

of accomplishing the clients goals. Since I’m going to be a dietitian where we constantly work with

clients, this class imparted skills that I could utilize in my field. Knowing your patient, and understanding

why they do things/their core values, is important to understand because if you know the root of the

problem then you have somewhere to start. This class taught me how to give positive feedback even in

a negative situation. It instilled that although we have multiple goals and want to solve all of the clients

problems, we need to start small and not overwhelm the client or they’ll become resistant.

I enjoyed working on the ideation project because it gave me the creativity to develop a new product

that could potentially be placed in the market. The product we developed actually was one of Professor

Comanas top product from the class, and he encouraged our group to present it to the Zip launch

program where they could potentially help and cultivate this product. Our group was very motivating

and easy to work with and we did a great job developing a product that could be of potential use in the

near future.

Professor Comana is a very knowledge professor who does a great job relating the material to real life

situations. Constantly, he explains how important it is to experience different things in life and to not

shy always from challenges in life. His expert knowledge of this class made learning interesting and

exciting at the same time because he wasn’t focused on a pass/fail mentality, he honestly wanted us to

learn the material and apply it to our everyday life as well as apply it to future clients.

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