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More about wildfires to inform the general public about what they are, what problems
they’re creating and how we can reduce the amount of wildfires.
More about Wildfires

What is a wildfire
A wildfire is a destructive fire that spreads over forested areas that cause a lot of damage to the lives in the forest.

Problems Wildfires are causing

Besides the obliteration of life in the forest, the smoke from the fires pollute our air which will cause global warming
and these gases are bad to inhale as too much Carbon Dioxide is bad for humans.

Solutions to stoping wildfires

While wildfires are mostly caused by nature with things like hot lightning or volcanic eruptions, humans help set off
wildfires sometimes and it’s important we know how to be safe in the nature. For example when you go camping, set
fires where fire will not spread easily, learn safety precautions for camping, and follow all laws regarding setting off fire.

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