Writing N°02

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My name is jimmy torres and my favorite movie is the “life of Pi”. It is

a movie that motivate me to follow my dreams. So Pi Patel is a
young man from India, where his father owns a zoo in that country
and his mother is a woman of Hindu faith

A Bengal tiger has aroused everyone's fascination at the zoo. Pi is

convinced that he can see in the tiger's eyes a gesture of humanity.
one day He gives food to the tiger as if it were a cat. His father
surprises him near to the tiger and his father forces him to see how
he devours a goat. then Pi will be afraid of him.

When Pi becomes an adult, he falls in love of Anandi. A political

event forces Pi's father that he sells the animals to another zoo in
the United States and the have to move to Canada. The trip must be
made by boat to transfer the animals. Pi resists but he has nothing
to left but he promises Anandi that they will be together again.

When they are on the boat they go to the dining room, where they
only serve beef and white rice. Pi's mother asks the chef to serve
her a vegetarian alternative. So the chef gets angry with her and
insults her, which generates an altercation with Pi's father.

During the long trip, Pi can not sleep and he goes out to see a heavy
rain in the sea. But the rain turns into a storm and it causes the ship
to break and no one can be saved , except himself.

Suddenly other occupants appear in the boat. They are the animals
from his father's zoo: a zebra with an injured leg, an oragutan and a
hyena. Pi sees the hyena attack the zebra to eat it. The orangutan
struggles with the hyena, but the fierce scavenger murders them
both. An unexpected member appears It is the tiger that kills the

Pi must share the boat with his only partner: the fearsome wild beast
Richard Parker. Pi lives six months of adventures in the company of
the tiger. Finally , Pi separates from Richard Parker. Pi is rescued
and he is taken to the hospital where he receives primary care.
Once there, two officials from the ship's insurance agency ask the
young man to relate the events to make a report of damages and
liabilities. Patel tells this story, but they do not believe him.
The film ends summarizing the event . This shows the final dialogue
between Pi and the writer when pi asks the writer "Which of the two
versions do you prefer?". The writer will make his choice.

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