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Fabian Steven Aguirre Franco - 1010109261


In the video How to manage your time more effectively we observer in which way relates
tomanagement mainly in the time management part, so that we as human beings in our daily tasks must
analyze our functions and decide what is the best methodology to optimize our time,either prioritizing
our activities, or randomly as we could not see in the video, always with the aim of seeking a balance
in life, between my work and my life, if we manage to optimize our time, we could do other activities
that we could not do before, however to be able to achieve this goal we must first know ourselves,
know our capabilities, as the CPU of a computer would, so that we allow ourselves to know what
activities we can perform, speed, precision, or even if we can do several things at the same time, once
we know our limits, and as far as we can get,we could continue to create a kind of schedule of
activities, to know how much time I can spend on something, and to move on to the next activity,
always taking into account the environment around us, in case there is the case that some unforeseen
event happens, we can solve it in the most efficient way possible, in this way, we could achieve our
goals and we would have some free time, to do other activities not so important but that serve us to
relax, and spend more time for ourselves, and get to that that we all need to be rest, something that
is not seen much in recent years, since all people want everything for the same moment when they
ask for it, and by optimizing time they perform other activities that will not allow them to rest, instead
makes people get more tired, so we must look for ways to optimize our time , to rest.

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