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Mixtures and Solutions Lesson Plan

Primary SOL:
5.7 The student will investigate and understand that matter has
properties and interactions. Key ideas include
b) substances can be mixed together without changes in their
physical properties

Related SOL:
5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific and
engineering practices by
a) asking questions and defining problems
b) planning and carrying out investigations
c) interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data

Smoothie Bike + smoothie ingredients
Carbonated water + Mio’s (flavoring drops)
Mixtures and solutions are all around us. Sometimes we tend to think of
mixtures and solutions as only existing in science labs but, most of our
world is made up of mixtures. The oceans we swim are a saltwater
solution. The foods we eat are often a combination or mixture of different
Mixture- is a mixture of 2 or more substances that do not mix evenly and
each substance keeps its own physical properties.
“Two or more substances are combined, they do not lose their identifying
characteristics. These substances are called mixtures. Examples of
mixtures include soil, concrete, and a mud puddle.” (From 2018 Virginia
Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework)

Solution- is a mixture of 2 or more substances that mix evenly and make a

new substance with new physical properties.
“Solutions are a special type of mixture in which one substance is
uniformly dissolved in a liquid. Examples include sugar water, salt water,
and soda.” (From 2018 Virginia Science Standards of Learning Curriculum
Solvent- is the substance in a mixture that solute dissolves into
Solute- is the substance in a mixture that dissolves into the solvent

Mixture Solution
2 or more substances 2 or more substances
Do not mix evenly Mix evenly
Can separate easily Cannot separate easily
Do not make a new substance Make a new substance
Keep their own physical properties New physical properties

Identifying Mixtures VS Substances

Using the flash cards have the students identify if the item pictured is a
mixture or a solution (Flash cards at end of lesson plan)
Mixture Solution
Salad Chocolate milk
Oil and water/ vinegar (salad 2 juices (cran/apple)
Pizza Carbonated beverage
Chicken noodle soup Chicken bouillon
Cereal and milk Lemonade/ Sweet tea/ Mio drops
Trail mix Air (Nitrogen, oxygen, CO2 and
other gas)
*For extra practice you can have students identify solutes and solvents of

Smoothie Bike Demo:

*Show students the unmixed smoothie
Is this a solution or a mixture?
It’s a Mixture!
Why is it a mixture?
-It can be separated (we could pull out and separate the fruits
and pour off liquids)
-All the ingredients retain their own properties
*Show the students the mixed smoothie and allow them to taste smoothie
(Prompt students to focus on taste, texture, and appearance)
Is this a solution or mixture?
It’s still a mixture!
Can you feel tiny pieces of ice or fruits seeds?
Is there more liquid at the bottom of your cup than the top?
What would happen if you let the smoothie sit for 30 minutes?
Would it begin separating on its own?
Carbonated water:
*​Show students carbonated
Is this a solution or a mixture?
It’s a solution
Why is it a solution?
The gas (C02) is dissolved in water
The two cannot be easily separated
*What happens when we add Flavoring drops to the water?
Is this a solution or a mixture?
It’s still a solution, just with more solutes!
*Can we identify the solvent and solutes in this solution?
Solvent Solutes
Water C0​2
Flavoring Drops



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