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Standard 2: Instructional Leadership

Principals set high standards for the professional practice of 21 st century instruction and
assessment that result in a no-nonsense accountable environment. The school executive must
be knowledgeable of best instructional and school practices and must use this knowledge to
cause the creation of collaborative structures within the school for the design of highly
engaging schoolwork for students, the on-going peer review of this work, and the sharing of
this work throughout the professional community.

Substandard Artifact Description of Artifact

2A. Focus on Learning My Problem of Practice focuses on
and Teaching, Problem of Practice sixth-grade ELA growth and
Curriculum, Instruction Logic Model proficiency. My logic model and
and Assessment: The school Ignite Presentation of Plan presentation of my plan explains
executive leads the discussion Final Poster how I implemented digital progress
about standards for curriculum, Final PowerPoint folders for students and created a
instruction and assessment Final Video Presentation grade level data wall. Mrs. Smalls
based on research and best (sixth grade AP) and I wanted to
practices in order to establish provide teachers with baseline data
and achieve high expectations and track student progress
for students. throughout the year. We required
teachers to also have their own
classroom data walls to help inform
their instruction, as well as move
their own students on our grade level
data wall. We implemented new
initiatives throughout the year and
tracked our progress through my
Problem of Practice.
I created Google Drive progress
Student Progress Folders folder templates for students to
iReady Progress Reflection create to keep track of their grades
Template and iReady data. Teachers helped
Weekly Grade Reflection students set up their digital folders
Template during Tiger Den. By having
Student Directions students take more ownership of
Tweet their grades and progress, more
Classroom Data Wall students demonstrated growth on
Example midyear diagnostics. This initiative
provided a medium for teachers to
have conversations with students
and to hold their students to high
I conducted approximately two
Instructional Walk- classroom walkthroughs per week
Throughs during my principal residency. I
Walk-Through Template used this walkthrough tool to
Walk-Through Log capture what was happening in sixth
Classroom Walkthrough through eighth grade classrooms.
Examples Using a standard document, allowed
Picture me to compare and analyze the
learning happening from class to
class. Currently, RBMS does not
conduct schoolwide walkthroughs
with a document, so ideally, I would
have liked to compare what I noticed
with someone else also conducting
walkthroughs. However, I was able
to observe common strengths and
weaknesses throughout the building,
such as students working
collaboratively (positive) and
teachers facilitating from their desk
During Phase I, I spent a whole
A Day in the Life school day shadowing a seventh
Phase I grader to gain insight into her day
Phase IV and to remind myself what it is like
Picture to be a middle school student.
During Phase IV, I shadowed two
students on different days and
during different cores to experience
their school day. Both were Black
males; one was in sixth grade and
one was in eighth grade. This
experience allowed for me to gain
the perspective of a middle school
student as authentically as possible. I
was able to share this knowledge
with the administration team and
make suggestions of how we can
better support all learners in our
I conducted a data audit for Garner
GMHS Data Audit Magnet High School that included
data sources for academics,
behavior, and school climate. This
assignment provided me with insight
on what types of data a school
collects on a normal basis and how
much of it is purposeful and used. I
was able to use this data audit as a
starting point for when I completed
the school data project listed below.
I gathered and analyzed data to
School Data Project create a data story about Garner
The Freshmen Story - Magnet High School. First, I
Narrative conducted a data analysis and
gathered as much data as I could
The Freshmen Story - Graphic access starting with sources from the
The Freshmen Story - data audit. As I sifted through the
PowerPoint data, I looked for trends,
commonalities, and outlier
information. Throughout this
process, I realized there was an
interesting story to tell within the
freshmen data. I created a narrative,
graphic, and presentation to explain
my findings, as well as a possible
solution. This project enhanced my
disaggregating datamining skills and
showed me how important it is to
gather all types of data in order to
tell a story. This skill is important in
order to support new initiatives, as
well as to better inform teaching and
learning strategies, and to monitor
on going results from our efforts.
2B. Focus on Instructional I assisted in the development of the
Time: The school executive PLT 2019-2020 RBMS PLT agenda
creates processes and RBMS PLT Agenda Template template that PLTs complete every
schedules which protect week. By having all PLTs
teachers from disruptions of throughout the building complete a
instructional or preparation common document, PLTs were able
time. to focus on student data and provide
a needed structure to align their
practices across grade level. This
document also allowed PLTs to
learn commonalities cross curricular
and vertically between grade levels.
RBMS PLT time is also a protected
time when no other meetings or
interruptions can occur. On
Tuesdays, during teachers’ planning
periods for one hour is when PLTs
occur. Additionally, PLTs have a set
time during their planning period to
meet so administrators, intervention,
special education, and others can
attend their meetings; for example,
sixth grade planning is from 1:20-
3:00, so ELA and Social Studies
meet from 1:30-2:30 and Science
and Math meet from 2:00-3:00.
Currently for remote learning due to
COVID-19, PLTs are still required
to meet virtually for one hour each
week. Sixth grade’s schedule is
Tuesdays ELA at 11:00 and Math at
1:00 and Wednesdays Science at
11:00 and Social Studies at 1:00.
This way, intervention, special
education, administrators, etc. can
fully attend each meeting to provide
additional support and guidance.
I created an instructional rounds
Instructional Rounds Agenda agenda when Johnston Principal
Leadership Academy visited RBMS.
We focused on seventh grade ELA. I
created an agenda that best serves
and protects RBMS’s teachers’ time,
as well as the principal residents of
JPLA. We focused our efforts
towards seventh grade ELA because
our administrative team felt this was
an area we would benefit from
outside observations and support.

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