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Discussing the effect of advertising in our life choices / Talking about types of advertising / ICC/PE: Ads for
a better world

Select a piece of advertising (an image) and do the following:

1. Describe it:
• What can we see in the ad? Describe characters, elements and actions.
Remember to locate them in the space of the image and in relation to each

2. Understand it
• What does the ad intend? What do you think the intention of its creators is?
• What context does the ad observe, take advantage of and address?

3. Analyze it
• How does the disposition of the elements in the video or the image affect our
reception of it?
• What tips from the reading “8 Ideas for Photographers from 8 Creative Ads”
can you see applied in the ad you selected?
• What other kind of strategies are used in the image to attract your attention,
impact on your intellect or affect your emotions? Why did you choose it?

For each part (1, 2, 3), write a short text (1-2 paragraphs) that accounts for the answers to the
questions. Present this individually or in couples. Include in your document the

Evaluation criteria:
• Content (accurate and sufficient development of the questions proposed): 60%
• Language (clarity and grammar): 40% (use of simple present 20%)

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