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His Majesfty’s Regiment of

Whereof is Colonel

THESE are to certify, That the Bearer hereof


Company of the aforefaid Regiment, Born in the parish of

In the County of and by Trade a

Hath ferved honeftly and faithfully in the said Regiment Years

Is hereby Difcharged, and humbly recommended as a proper object of His Majefty’s

Royal Bounty of CHELSEA HOSPITAL. He having firft received all juft Demands of
Pay, Clothing &c. From his Entry into the faid Regiment, to the Date of this
Difcharge as appears by his Receipt on the Back hereof.

G I V E N under my Hand, and the Seal of the Regiment, at

this Day of 17

N.B When a solider is difcharged, his Wounds and Diforders muft be particularly mentioned, when, where and
how they were received, and the Surgeon muft fign the Certificates as well as the Field Officer.

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