Recruiting Speech

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To all afpiring heroes bold

Who have fpirits above flavery and trade

And inclinations to become gentlemen
By bearing arms in 
His Majefty's 22d Regiment of Foot
Ably commanded by the magnanimous Thomas

Let them repair to the drum head (tow-row-dow)

Where each gentleman volunteer fhall be kindly
and honourably entertained
And enter into prefent pay & good quarters.
Befides which, gentlemen,
For your further and better encouragement
You fhall receive one guinea advance
And a crown to drink His Majefty King George's

And when you come to join your refpective

Shall have new hats, capps, arms, cloaths, and
And every thing that is necefsary and fitting
To compleat a gentleman foldier.

God save their majesties

And fuccefs to their arms!
Huzza! Huzza! Huzza!

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