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…Just Deserts V1.

Desert Terrain
Item Hazard Rule
1 Soft Sand • An area of soft sand. Treat as Stone Bridge (p.29).

2 Rock Scree • A patch of scattered rocks. Treat as Iron Bridge (p.29)

• If the tank uses two or more drive dice to move, a dust cloud is created
behind the tank. Place a 6”x2” dust cloud for each Drive dice of movement
in the path the tank took, after its movement is complete.
• Dust clouds are treated as woods for blocking LOS and visibility, but do not
3 Dust Cloud affect movement (p.33)
• Both Buttoned and Unbuttoned tanks can Acquire visible tanks which left a
dust cloud without using an Acquire dice. Apply other Acquire modifiers as
• Remove the dust cloud immediately after the tank’s next activation phase.

Random Events
If the Command Dice Roll includes 3 or more sixes, roll 2d6 for a random event. Apply effects immediately.
Roll Event Effect
2 Hard Crust • The activating tank encounters a hidden patch of Soft Sand
• Immediately place an 8” diameter Dust Cloud 4d6” from the tank’s turret,
3 Dust Devil in a random direction determined by the activating tank commander.
• A hidden infantry AT rifle takes a pot shot at the activating tank: Attack
4 Infantry Anti-Tank with 1 Strike Dice against the front armour.
• The activating tank strikes a mine. Roll 3d6 strike dice against side
5 Achtung Minen! armour. Any critical hits resulting will strike the Hull.
• A firm surface is encountered. The activating tank gains 1 free Drive dice
6 Firm Footing to use in the current phase.
• A hidden anti-tank gun off table fires a single shot at the activating tank.
7 Anti-tank gun Roll 9+ to hit. Successful hits attack the front armour with 5 Strike Dice.
• A burning wreck is encountered. Place 2d6+3” directly in front of the
8 Burning Wreck activating tank. Treat as a major obstacle for obstruction.
9 Rough Patch • The activating tank encounters a hidden patch of Rock Scree.
• A lost convoy of unidentified soft-skin vehicles wanders across the
battlefield: place a line of d6 soft-skins or camels across the middle of the
table, perpendicular to the scenario axis. Vehicles should be 6” apart, in a
straight line, facing the same direction, with the front vehicle 12” from
either of the side table edges, driving toward that table edge.
• The entire convoy moves 2d6” per turn, after all tanks have activated, in a
straight line. All vehicles move the same distance. They can drive off the
10 Lost Convoy table edge.
• When any tank approaches within 18”. Roll 1d6: 1-3 Friendly 4-6 Enemy.
• Convoy vehicles will be destroyed (no kill rings awarded) on any hit.
Destroying vehicles from your own side loses the shooting tank one kill
ring per vehicle destroyed.
• Convoy vehicles permanently cease all movement (all vehicles are
abandoned in situ) if any vehicle is destroyed.
Shimmering • Optical illusion: the activating player moves any tank on the table 2d6 in
Mirage any straight-line direction. Do not change its facing.
• A distant 88mm gun off table fires a single shot at the activating tank! Roll
12 Acht-acht! 9+ to hit. Successful hits attack the front armour with 9 Strike Dice.

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