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Task 2 – Writing task forum

Stage 1: Going on a trip

Go to unit 1.4. Going on a trip in the Knowledge environment and develop all the
activities. You just have to upload the following activities in the forum

1. Charles bed last night go late to - Charles went late to bed last night

2 Mike see on Tina movie and Wednesday a – Mike and Tina saw a movie on

3. buy pair I a mall jeans week at of the last – I bought a pair of jeans at the mall
last week

4. lie tan in out sun we and get the a – We lied out in the sun and got a tan

5. beach Mott along walk the family the – The Family Mott walked along the beach

6. dinner you a wonderful cook – You cooked a wonderful dinner

7. hotel stay an they expensive in – They stayed in an expensive hotel

8. field soccer in children the play the – The children play in the soccer field

9. very it last be night cold – It was very cold last night

10. train miss the Tito – Tito missed the train

Hi Mum,
John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got up early
and go for a long walk in the country. When we returned we usually had a very big
Irish breakfast which normally consisted of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast
and jam. We usually ordered a cup of coffee after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of

After breakfast we sometimes go swimming in the river. We often met children who

like to swim there. They were very nice. At night we nearly always drank a few
pints of Guinness in the pub �s bar before we went to bed. We always slept well
after that, I can assure you.
Stage 2: What's the weather like?

1.3 a) Go to unit 1.3. What’s the weather like? in the Knowledge environment and
develop all the activities. You just have to upload the following activity in the forum.

What should children do when there is a thunderstorm?

Solution: When there is a thunderstorm, it is important that children not go outside.

Problem 2: What should people do when it is sunny?

RTA: it is necessary that people use umbrella

Problem 3: What should you do when it is windy?

RTA: It is important that you stay at home

Problem 4: What should city officials do when a hurricane is coming?

RTA: it is recommended that city officials notify people

Problem 5: What should we do when there is a blizzard?

RTA: it is important that we shelter

Problem 6: What should schools do when it is extremely warm?

RTA: It is recommended that schools have good hydration

Problem 7: What should they do when it is cold?

RTA: it is important that they shelter.

b) Describe the weather in the place you visited and use the following

ANSWER: The weather in Bogota is windy, its temperature is cold, it has a

constant change in climate, as in one day it can be sunny and another cloudy.

In my opinion the climate of Bogota and its temperature is very pleasant.

c) What do you recommend to do in your city? (See the Subjunctive in unit 1.3)
Example: Recommendation: It is recommended that people wear an umbrella in
- It is recommended that people on sunny days wear sunscreen in Bogotá.

- It is recommended to use sunscreen to remove burns

- It is important that people carry an umbrella for those cloudy days in Bogota

- It is important to bring an umbrella to avoid colds

- It is recommended that the transmilenio be used as a means of transport

- It is recommended that people take precaution

- It is recommended that people do not go out late at night

- it is recommended that the blinds have the police number always.

Stage 3: You should keep your passport!

Go to unit 1.2. You should keep your passport! in the Knowledge
environment and develop all the activities. You just have to upload the
following activities in the forum.

3 things you should.

- I should investigate which are the tourist sites of the place that I am going
to visit
- I could investigate what are the prices of the hotels
- I should investigate the crimes of the country where I'm going to visit
3 things you should not do
- I should not violate the country's rules to visit
- I should must respect religions
- I should have taken care of violating the traffic regulations

a. What should people do in the place you visited last vacation?

Answer: people should go dancing on the avenue May 30.
b. What shouldn’t people do in the place you visited last vacation?
Answer: people should not consume prohibited substances

Stage 4: Consolidate an infographic, brochure or poster

Complete the checklist

Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.4? X
Stage 1
Did I post the Speaking and Writing activities from the unit 1.4 in X
the forum?
Did I write a short note in the forum telling what I did last X
Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.3? X
Did I post the Speaking activity from the unit 1.3 in the forum? X
Stage 2

Did I describe the weather in my city using the vocabulary given in X

the unit 1.3?
Did I give recommendations related to the place I visited using the X
given structure in the unit 1.3?
Did I post my description and recommendations in the forum? X
Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.2? X
Did I post the Practice 5 and writing activity from the unit 1.2 in X
Stage 3

the forum?
Did I give recommendations related to what people should and X
shouldn’t do in the place I visited?
Did I post my recommendations in the forum? X
Did I design an infographic, brochure or poster? X
Did I tell an experience of a trip in a maximum length of 100 X
words and taking into account what I did in stage 1?
Stage 4

Did I give 10 tips or recommendations related to what to do in the X

place I visited, and taking into account what I did in stage 2?
Did I give advice related to what to should and shouldn’t do in the X
place I visited, and taking into account what I did in stage 3?
Did I use real pictures? X
Don’t forget to add this chart at the end of the Word document.


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